Henry v British Broadcasting Corporation

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[2005] EWHC 2503 (QB)

27, 28 OCTOBER, 11 NOVEMBER 2005
Costs – Order for costs – Conditional fee agreement – Costs capping order – Claimant with conditional fee agreement and after-the-event (ATE) insurance policy – Claimant not disclosing details of policy until shortly before trial date – Details of policy revealing substantial potential costs exposure for defendant – Defendant applying for costs capping order – Whether costs capping order appropriate.
The claimant brought proceedings against the BBC claiming damages for libel.  The claimant’s solicitors informed the BBC that they were acting under a conditional fee agreement.  The percentage uplift payable by the BBC in the event that the claim succeeded (the success fee) was not disclosed but it was thought that it was likely to be 100%.  After-the-event (ATE) insurance was in place; the limit of indemnity was £100,000 and the policy contained exclusion clauses.  The claimant’s solicitors did not disclose the details of the policy to the BBC.  The allocation questionnaire filed by the claimant contained an estimate of £360,000 excluding value added tax (VAT), the success fee, and any claim in respect of the premium payable for the ATE insurance.  The BBC requested information as to the level of cover and for copy of extracts of the policy, but the claimant’s solicitors refused on the ground of privilege.  Some six weeks before the trial was due to start, the BBC issued an application for disclosure of the policy and a costs capping order.  The claimant’s solicitors then disclosed the policy.  It served a revised cost estimate of £694,000 (excluding VAT, success fee, and premium).  The BBC acknowledged that its application for a costs capping order had been made at a very late stage, but submitted that the delay in applying arose through no fault of the BBC.
Held – As the purpose of a capping order was to enable the capped party to plan the appropriate level of expenditure to bring the case to trial at a cost which was in line with the amount of the cap, the imposition of a costs cap very close to trial, as in the circumstances of the instant case, would in effect penalise the claimant.  It would be wrong to use the costs capping jurisdiction in a way which would deny her the benefit of a conditional fee agreement to which she was statutorily entitled.  In general, where costs were running at high levels and a conditional fee agreement with a substantial success fee was in place, the court was likely to be ready to intervene.  But the court could not intervene of its own motion.  It was up to the parties to keep themselves informed of their opponent’s estimated costs, if necessary by making an application to the court for an order that an estimate be provided.  In the instant case the application for a cost capping order had been made too late.  Accordingly, the application would be refused (see [36]–[40], below).
King v Telegraph Group [2005] 1 WLR 2282 applied.
Per curiam.  The amount of cover and the existence of material exclusions in an ATE policy are of obvious relevance to the opposite party, who must be in a
position to make informed choices as to the conduct of the litigation (see [23], below).
For the meaning and nature of conditional fee agreements, see 44(1) Halsbury’s Laws (4th edn reissue) paras 188, 189.
Cases referred to in judgment
AB v Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, In the matter of the Nationwide Organ Group Litigation [2003] EWHC 1034 (QB), [2003] 3 Costs LR 405.
Al-Koronky v Time Life Entertainments Group Ltd [2005] EWHC 1688 (QB).
Campbell v MGN Ltd (No 2) [2005] UKHL 61, [2005] 4 All ER 793, [2005] 1 WLR 3394.
King v Telegraph Group Ltd [2004] EWCA Civ 613, [2005] 1 WLR 2282.
Leigh v Michelin Tyre plc [2003] EWCA Civ 1766, [2004] 2 All ER 175, [2004] 1 WLR 846.
Lownds v Home Office [2002] EWCA Civ 365, [2002] 4 All ER 775, [2002] 1 WLR 2450.
Matadeen v Associated Newspapers (17 March 2005, unreported).
Reynolds v Times Newspapers Ltd [1999] 4 All ER 609, [2001] 2 AC 127, [1999] 3 WLR 1010, HL.
Various Ledward Claimants v Kent and Medway Health Authority [2003] EWHC 2551 (QB), [2003] All ER (D) 12 (Nov).
Weir v Secretary of State for Transport [2005] EWHC 812 (Ch), [2005] All ER (D) 274 (Apr).
Cases referred to in skeleton arguments
Armstrong v Times Newspapers Ltd [2004] EWHC 2928 (QB), [2004] All ER (D) 283 (Dec); rvsd in part [2005] EWCA Civ 1007, [2005] All ER (D) 504 (Jul).
Berg v IML London Ltd [2002] 4 All ER 87, [2002] 1 WLR 3271.
Cumpana v Romania App no 33348/96 (10 June 2003, unreported), ECt HR.
Garratt v Saxby (Practice Note) [2004] EWCA Civ 341, [2004] 1 WLR 2152.
Griffiths v Solutia UK Ltd (formerly Monsanto Chemicals Ltd) [2001] EWCA Civ 736, [2001] All ER (D) 196 (Apr).
John v MGN Ltd [1996] 2 All ER 35, [1997] QB 586, [1996] 3 WLR 593, CA.
MacIntyre v Phillips [2002] EWCA Civ 1087, [2003] EMLR 194.
McPhilemy v Times Newspapers Ltd (No 2) [2001] EWCA Civ 933, [2001] 4 All ER 861, [2002] 1 WLR 934.
MMR and MR Vaccine Litigation (No 11), Re, Sayers v Smithkline Beecham plc [2004] EWHC 1899 (QB), [2004] All ER (D) 607 (Jul).
Petrotrade Inc v Texaco Ltd [2001] 4 All ER 853, [2002] 1 WLR 947, CA.
Petursson v Hutchison [2004] EWHC 2609 (TCC).
Smart v East Cheshire NHS Trust [2003] EWHC 2806 (QB), (2003) 80 BMLR 175.
Turcu v News Group Newspapers Ltd [2005] EWHC 799 (QB), [2005] All ER (D) 34 (May).
Various Claimants v TUI Ltd (11 August 2005, unreported).
The British Broadcasting Corporation applied at pre-trial review for a costs capping order in proceedings brought by the claimant, Marion Henry, against the BBC claiming damages for libel.  The facts are set out in the judgment.
Andrew Caldecott QC and Catrin Evans (instructed by Stephen Harris, BBC Litigation Dept) for the BBC.
Richard Rampton QC and Jacob Dean (instructed by Carter-Ruck) for the claimant.
Cur adv vult
11 November 2005.  The following judgment was delivered.
[1] This judgment is solely concerned with the incidence of costs in this action between Ms Marion Henry who claims damages for libel against the BBC in respect of a short news item broadcast as part of a local news programme, ‘Points West’, on 12 May 2004.  The trial of the action is due to start next week.
[2] The particular question which I am asked to decide is whether the BBC is entitled to a costs capping order.  I heard argument on that and other ancillary questions at the hearing of the pre-trial review which took place on 27 and 28 October 2005.  At the conclusion of that hearing I was invited by the parties to defer giving judgment.  On 7 November, however, I was asked to deliver judgment after all.
[3] The question of the BBC’s entitlement to a cost-capping order arises in circumstances which may be summarised as follows: the claimant’s lawyers act under a conditional fee agreement (CFA) and after the event insurance (ATE) is in place.  The amount of the percentage uplift payable by the BBC in the event that the claim succeeds (the success fee) has not been disclosed but it is thought that it is likely to be 100%.  It will be necessary at a later stage in this judgment to examine the detailed wording of the exclusion clauses in that policy.  In-house solicitors are conducting the litigation for the BBC.  Both sides have instructed leaders and juniors to conduct the trial.
[4] The allocation questionnaire filed by the BBC on 10 October 2004 estimated its costs through to the end of trial at about £290,000.  The allocation questionnaire of the claimant contained an estimate in the sum of £360,000 (assuming a nine-day trial with leading and junior counsel).  That figure excluded VAT, the success fee provided for in the CFA and any claim in respect of the premium payable for the ATE.
[5] Following a prolonged exchange of correspondence to which I shall have to return, the BBC on 4 October 2005 issued an application for a costs cap.  It was subsequently revealed (on 21 October 2005 shortly before the application for a costs cap was due to be heard) that the estimate of the claimant’s costs had increased from £360,000 to £694,000, again exclusive of VAT, success fee and any claim in respect of the ATE premium.  It follows that, assuming the success fee to be 100% of the base costs, the potential exposure of the BBC in respect of the costs of the action, inclusive of VAT, is £1·6m.
[6] The BBC’s estimate of costs has also risen substantially from the figure specified in the allocation questionnaire: the estimate as at 24 October 2005 was £515,000.  I shall have to consider at a later stage in this judgment the factors which brought about that increase.
[7] On or shortly before 12 May 2004 the confidential report of an investigation carried out by Mr Michael Taylor (the Taylor report) was issued.  The subject matter of the report was alleged waiting list mismanagement at Weston Area Health NHS Trust (the trust).  The investigation followed allegations made by the trust’s former admissions co-ordinator, Ms Michele Masson, that waiting lists had been mismanaged and manipulated on the instruction of senior management in order to meet government targets.  Failure to meet those targets might adversely affect the trust’s funding and its published rating as a hospital.  The publicly stated position of the trust prior to Mr Taylor’s report had been that any mismanagement that had occurred had been minor and was attributable to the unauthorised activities of Ms Masson.
[8] The whole of the Taylor report was not disclosed.  A summary of it was issued to the media.  The summary stated that Ms Masson’s principal allegations had been substantiated and that she and another member of staff had received direct instructions from her ‘superiors’ and ‘senior managers’.  According to the summary ‘direct proof’ had not been found to identify who the relevant managers were.  The full report had in fact named one person as having authorised manipulation.
[9] The broadcast of which the claimant complains included as part of the coverage of the Taylor report an interview with Ms Masson and an excerpt from a press conference held by her outside the hospital.  In the course of that press conference Ms Masson said:

‘The first inquiry, which was set up by the former Chief Executive in 2003, was undoubtedly a cover up and clearly laid the blame for any irregularities at my foot despite evidence to the contrary.  As a result, the senior management team including the Finance Director, Meredith Collins, Linda Marvin and Marion Henry Justice of the Peace, were permitted to continue in post …’

[10] The claimant, who was at the time the facilities and administration manager at the trust, complains that those words and other parts of the BBC broadcast (which I do not need to set out) are defamatory of her in that they bear the following meanings:

‘4.1 The claimant was guilty of systematically falsifying waiting list figures at Weston General Hospital and had been found to be so by an independent inquiry report;
4.2 The claimant was guilty of bullying and placing heavy-handed pressure on staff at Weston Hospital under her management in order to perpetrate the waiting list fraud;
4.3 The claimant had been complicit in a cover up of the waiting list fraud which allowed her to continue in her post when she should have been dismissed; and
4.4 Patients are likely to have suffered as a result of the claimant’s role in perpetrating the waiting list fraud.’

The claimant seeks damages, including aggravated damages, and an injunction.
[11] The substantive defences relied on by the BBC are justification and qualified privilege.  As to the former, the meaning sought to be justified is:

‘(1) the claimant was part of the senior management team [at the trust] which was involved in, and pressured staff into, manipulating patient waiting lists in order to meet targets; and
(2) the claimant was a party to the cover-up of waiting list mismanagement and manipulation at [the trust].’

The particulars of justification implicate Mr Meredith Collins, the claimant and Ms Linda Marvin (all of whom had been named by Ms Masson in the course of the press conference) in the mismanagement and manipulation.
[12] The qualified privilege defence is an amalgam of traditional common law privilege (duty/interest and reply to attack), statutory privilege (fair and accurate report) and (I think) Reynolds privilege (see Reynolds v Times Newspapers Ltd [1999] 4 All ER 609, [2001] 2 AC 127.  A detailed reply has been served.  A positive case is advanced by the claimant that neither she nor Ms Marvin had any knowing involvement in the manipulation.  The reply does not include any allegation of malice.
[13] As Dyson LJ observed in Leigh v Michelin Tyre plc [2003] EWCA Civ 1766 at [1], [2004] 2 All ER 175 at [1], [2004] 1 WLR 846: ‘One of the principal objects of the Woolf reforms was the control of costs.’  Part of the control mechanism for which the CPR provide is the exchange at the allocation stage of costs estimates.  The practice direction supplementing CPR 26 provides that the allocation questionnaire should be in Form N150, which requires estimates to be given of costs incurred by legal representatives to date and of the overall costs.  Paragraph 2.1(2)(a) of CPR 26 PD provides: ‘Attention is drawn to Section 6 of the Costs Practice Direction supplementing Parts 43 to 48, which requires an estimate of costs to be filed and served when an allocation questionnaire is filed …’
[14] Section 6 of the costs practice direction current at the time when the present action was commenced defined an ‘estimate of costs’ as an estimate of ‘base costs (including disbursements)’.  It provides at para 6.1:

‘This section sets out certain steps which parties and their legal representatives must take in order to keep the parties informed about their potential liability in respect of costs and in order to assist the court to decide what, if any, order to make about costs and about case management.’

Paragraph 6.3 provides:

‘The court may at any stage in a case order any party to file an estimate of base costs and to serve copies of the estimate on all other parties.  The court may direct that the estimate be prepared in such a way as to demonstrate the likely effects of giving or not giving a particular case
management direction which the court is considering , for example a direction for a split trial or for the trial of a preliminary issue.  The court may specify a time limit for filing and serving the estimate.  However, if no time limit is specified the estimate should be filed and served within 28 days of the date of the order.’

Also worthy of note is para 6.6 which is in these terms:

‘On an assessment of the costs of a party the court may have regard to any estimate previously filed by that party, or by any other party in the same proceedings.  Such an estimate may be taken into account as a factor among others, when assessing the reasonableness of any costs claimed.’

[15] Although understandably neither party was aware of it at the time when argument took place on the present application, I should for completeness mention amendments to the CPR which are to be found in the latest update to the CPR published on 30 September 2005.  The first amendment adds to the court’s general powers of management in CPR 3.1 the additional power to ‘order any party to file and serve an estimate of costs’.  This power appears to be exercisable at any stage of the proceedings.  The other amendment is an addition to s 6 of the costs practice direction, a new para 6.5A:

‘(1) If there is a difference of 20% or more between the base costs claimed by a receiving party on detailed assessment and the costs shown in an estimate of costs filed by that party, the receiving party must provide a statement of the reasons for the difference in the bill of costs.
(2) If a paying party—(a) claims that he reasonably relied on an estimate of costs filed by a receiving party; or (b) wishes to rely upon the costs shown in the estimate in order to dispute the reasonableness or proportionality of the costs claimed, the paying party must serve a statement setting out his case in this regard in his points of dispute.’

[16] In King v Telegraph Group Ltd [2004] EWCA Civ 613, [2005] 1 WLR 2282 Brooke LJ reviewed the cost-capping legislation.  He said:

‘[83] It is, after all, an important feature of the overriding objective that the court must be enabled to save expense and deal with a case in ways which are proportionate to the amount of money involved, the importance of the case, the complexity of the issues and the financial position of each party (CPR r 1.1), and the parties are required to help the court to further the overriding objective: CPR r 1.3’.

[17] Having pointed out that King v Telegraph Group Ltd was the first occasion when the Court of Appeal had had to consider matters relating to the use of CFAs in defamation actions, Brooke LJ continued:

‘[99] What is in issue in this case, however, is the appropriateness of arrangements whereby a defendant publisher will be required to pay up to twice the reasonable and proportionate costs of the claimant it he loses or concedes liability, and will almost certainly have to bear his own costs … if he wins.  The obvious unfairness of such a system is bound to have the chilling effect on a newspaper exercising its right to freedom of expression of which [the defendant’s solicitor] spoke in his witness
statement, and to lead to the danger of self-imposed restraints on publication which he so much feared …
[101] In my judgment the only way to square the circle is to say that when making any costs-capping order the court should prescribe a total amount of recoverable costs which will be inclusive, so far as a CFA-funded party is concerned, of any additional liability.  It cannot be just to submit defendants in these cases, where their right to freedom of expression is at stake, to a costs regime where the costs they have will have to pay if they lose are neither reasonable nor proportionate and they have no reasonable prospect of recovering their reasonable and proportionate costs if they win.
[102] If this means, now that the amount at stake in defamation cases has been so greatly reduced, that it will not be open to a CFA-assisted claimant to receive the benefit of an advocate instructed at anything more than a modest fee or to receive the help of a litigation partner in a very expensive firm who is not willing to curtail his fees, then his/her fate will be no different from that of a conventional legally aided litigant in modern times.  It is rare these days for such a litigant to be able to secure the services of leading counsel unless the size of the likely award of compensation justifies such an outlay, and defamation litigation does not open the door to awards on that scale today.  Similarly, if the introduction of this novel costs-capping regime means that a claimant’s lawyers may be reluctant to accept instructions on a CFA basis unless they assess the chances of success as significantly greater than evens (so that the size of the success fee will be to that extent reduced), this in my judgment will be a small price to pay in contrast to the price that is potentially to be paid if the present state of affairs is allowed to continue …
[104] In this judgment I am not concerned to give more than general guidance as to the procedure that should be followed in future cases to mitigate the evils of which [counsel for the defendant] and his clients were right to complain.  The details of what may be appropriate to order in individual cases will have to be worked out on a case by case basis.  Nor am I willing to accept [counsel for the defendant’s] invitation that we should make a specific order disallowing costs in relation to any of the acts of extravagance of which he made complaint.  This is not the subject matter of this appeal.  It will be sufficient only to say that the claimant’s lawyers appear to have advanced their client’s claim from time to time in a manner that is wholly incompatible with the philosophy if the Civil Procedure Rules, and that I would expect a costs judge to take an axe to certain elements of their charges if the matter ever proceeds to an assessment.  If the action goes to trial, the trial judge should express his views on matters of this kind and direct that they be transcribed for the benefit of the costs judge, since the trial judge will be much better able than the costs judge to identify those parts of a case in which costs have been wastefully or extravagantly incurred.
[105] There are three main weapons available to a party who is concerned about extravagant conduct by the other side, or the risk of such extravagance.  The first is a prospective costs capping order of the type I have discussed in this judgment.  The second is a retrospective assessment of costs conducted toughly in accordance with CPR principles.  The third
is a wasted costs order against the other party’s lawyers, but this is not the time or place to discuss the occasions when that would be the appropriate weapon.’

[18] Lord Hoffman in Campbell v MGN Ltd (No 2) [2005] UKHL 61, [2005] 4 All ER 793, [2005] 1 WLR 3394 indorsed what Brooke LJ had said in King’s case.  He commented that neither capping costs at an early stage nor assessing them later deals with the threat of having to pay the claimant’s costs at a level which is by definition up to twice the amount which would be proportionate and reasonable.  He said of the problems which defamation litigation with CFAs is causing:

‘[31] The blackmailing effect of such litigation appears to arise from two factors.  First, the use of CFAs by impecunious claimants who do not take out ATE insurance.  That, of course, is not a feature of the present case.  If MGN are right about Ms Campbell’s means, she would have been able to pay their costs if she had lost.  The second factor is the conduct of the case by the claimant’s solicitors in a way which not only runs up substantial costs but requires the defendants to do so as well.  Faced with a free-spending claimant’s solicitor and being at risk not only as to liability but also as to twice the claimant’s costs, the defendant is faced with an arms race which makes it particularly unfair for the claimant afterwards to justify his conduct of the litigation on the ground that the defendant’s own costs were equally high.’
[19] The history of this case provides a vivid illustration of the problems to which CFA-financed litigation can give rise.  In the hope that it may give some guidance for future cases, I will attempt to summarise that history, although not, I hope, at excessive length.
[20] As I have said, Carter-Ruck (CR), the claimant’s solicitors, promptly and properly informed the BBC on 18 June 2004 that they were acting on a CFA.  That same day CR obtained ATE insurance.  On 18 June 2004 the claimant entered into an insurance agreement with Temple Legal Protection Ltd.  The limit of indemnity was £100,000.  Mr Andrew Caldecott QC for the BBC draws attention to what he submits are the highly significant exclusion cll 2, 10 and 11 in the policy. Clause 2 provides that the insurer shall not be liable for disbursements or opponent’s (ie defendant’s) costs if the legal action is lost, discontinued or abandoned ‘as a result of the dishonesty of the insured’. Clause 10 exempts the insurer from liability for such disbursements and costs if the insured or the appointed legal adviser has given ‘any fraudulent, false or misleading information in connection with the legal action’.  Clause 11 provides a similar exemption if the insured or the appointed legal adviser has ‘failed to provide any material information in connection with the legal action’.
[21] The significance of provisions such as these is obvious in a case where one of the defences relied on is justification: if the defence of justification, involving as it does allegations of deception and cover-up on the part of the claimant, were to succeed, it is, to put it no higher, very likely that the insurer would be able to disclaim liability for the costs incurred by the ‘opponent’, ie the BBC.
[22] In answer to a request from the BBC’s litigation department for information as to the level of cover and for a copy of extracts of the policy, CR replied that their client was under no obligation to provide copies of the insurance documentation which ‘is clearly privileged’.  CR’s letter did not specify the amount of cover.  Mr Caldecott was highly critical of that response and, in my judgment, rightly so.
[23] Both the amount of cover and the existence of material exclusions in the policy are of obvious relevance to the opposite party, who must be in a position to make informed choices as to the conduct of the litigation.  If the discrepancy between the amount of cover and the updated estimate of costs up to and including trial had been made known promptly to the BBC (as they could and should have been), the present application could have been mounted far sooner.  It is said on behalf of the claimant that exclusions such as those contained in the Temple policy are commonplace in this field.  If so, that is a further reason for candour on the part of the insured’s solicitors about the possible limits on the ability of the opposite party to recover under the policy.  It is also said on behalf of the claimant that insurers such as Temple would be unlikely to seek to avoid liability by reference to the exclusion clauses summarised above.  I see no reason why this or any other defendant should proceed on any such assumption particularly in a high cost case.
[24] As for the claim to privilege made in CR’s letter of 14 July 2005, it was utterly misconceived.  As the litigation department pointed out in its letter of 19 September 2005, the BBC must be entitled to see the provision of the policy in order to assess its financial exposure in the action and to consider whether to apply for a costs capping order.  The letter stressed the urgency of the request.  Despite that and despite a reminder letter having been written to CR on 23 September it was not until after the BBC on 4 October issued an application seeking disclosure of the policy and a cost cap that CR finally disclosed the policy.  By this time the trial was only six weeks away.
[25] It is difficult to understand how CR can have thought that the claim to privilege was well founded.  This is particularly so in the light of what had happened in another case, Al-Koronky v Time Life Entertainments Group Ltd [2005] EWHC 1688 (QB).  CR also acted for the claimant in that case with ATE cover on a CFA.  In that case CR refused, at least initially, to disclose the policy although not on grounds of privilege.  An application for security for costs having been made in that case against the claimant, CR acknowledged that the ATE insurance policy in that case was likely to be of no value to the defendant as the plea of justification (the only defence relied on) required proof of dishonesty in order to succeed.
[26] The significance of Al-Koronky’s case for present purposes, as it appears to me, is twofold: firstly that no claim for privilege was made in that case.  It is difficult to understand how such a claim came to be made in the present case.  One would expect that the question of privilege of ATE policies would have been carefully considered within a specialist firm like CR which regularly acts for clients on CFAs.  Secondly, it must have been apparent to anyone reading the report of that case that, in many cases where a defence of justification is relied on, the policy may be worthless to the defendant because the insurer will be entitled to rely on the exclusions.  Mr Richard Rampton QC for the claimant dismissed that proposition as simplistic but, at least in the circumstances of the present case, it seems real enough to me.  In any event it
is to be hoped that in future the ATE policy will as a matter of course be disclosed to the opposite party.
[27] By letter dated 12 July 2005 the BBC had asked CR for a current estimate of the claimant’s projected costs.  That request was refused by CR on the ground that such information was not needed in order to enable the BBC to provide an accurate estimate of its costs.
[28] It is clear from the witness statement of Mrs Jones of the BBC litigation department that in early October she was assuming that CR’s costs would broadly reflect the estimate of £360,000 in the allocation questionnaire.  However, shortly before the cost capping application by the BBC was due to be heard the claimant served a revised costs estimate in the sum of £694,000 exclusive of VAT, success fee and the premium for the ATE cover.  This was the first indication from CR that there had been any increase in the estimate provided as long ago as 21 October 2004.  That revised estimate revealed to the BBC for the first time the true extent of its financial exposure in the action (see [5], above).  It also revealed how woefully inadequate was the cover provided by the Temple policy, namely £100,000.  The BBC had understood that the amount of cover originally designated would be ‘stepped up’ as the trial approached.
[29] It is fair to say that there had been delay on the part of the BBC in providing an estimate of its projected costs, despite a request from CR on 17 June 2005 and a chaser on 14 July 2005.  The BBC had indicated earlier by letter dated 9 March 2005 that its costs to trial would be significantly more than previously estimated.  Even so, the delay on the part of the BBC in providing an estimate is regrettable.  It is implicit in the power of the court by virtue of the provisions summarised at [14], above to order costs estimates to be provided that both sides should keep each other informed of their respective up-to-date costs positions.  I was told in the course of the hearing that it is technically possible to produce an accurate estimate within a fairly short time. Where a party prevaricates the remedy lies in making a prompt application to court for an order.  The present case shows what may happen if that is not done.
[30] On 25 October 2005 the BBC provided a revised estimate of its costs up to and including trial in the sum of £515,000 (which figure includes £37,000 in respect of costs payable to a third party solicitors in connection with the obtaining of evidence from their clients).  Mr Rampton on behalf of the claimant was quick to point out that this figure is not far short of the claimant’s revised estimate of £690,000.  Moreover he points out that the BBC is using in-house solicitors.  I think comparisons of this kind between the respective estimates can be misleading.  As a general rule the costs incurred by a defendant advancing a substantial plea of justification are likely to be significantly greater than the costs of the claimant.  I accept that the BBC’s costs would have been significantly reduced if CR on behalf of the claimant had felt able to make the admissions sought in a notice to admit dated 7 March 2005 and which, I accept, was served by the BBC with the laudable intention of reducing costs.  I agree that costs are saved by using in-house solicitors.  On the other hand, in-house solicitors tend to consult counsel more than specialist firms like CR.
[31] As will already be apparent, the predicament of the BBC at the time when this application was argued was an unenviable one.  If the case goes to trial, the BBC’s own costs will be £515,000.  If the BBC wins at trial, there is reason to doubt if it will recover under the Temple policy.  In any case the BBC will not be entitled to recover more than 20% of its costs.  The combined assets of the claimant and her husband come to about £235,000, most of which consists in the equity in the matrimonial home.  The claimant’s share is therefore only £117,000.  Conversely if the claimant wins at trial the BBC will be faced with a bill of the claimant’s costs which, inclusive of uplift, will total in the region of £1·6m.  That figure is of course subject to assessment.  On the other hand the BBC will also have to pay its own costs.
[32] It is in those circumstances that the BBC now applies for an order that the claimant’s costs be capped.  Mr Caldecott says that the playing field is not level as between the parties.  He points out that the case raises an issue of considerable public interest.  He argues that wherever a media (or indeed any other) defendant in a libel action is compelled on financial grounds to abandon any attempt to defend it, there is a serious inhibition on freedom of expression.  This was expressly recognised by the House of Lords in Campbell’s case (see the speech of Lord Hoffman at [19]).
[33] Mr Caldecott acknowledges that the application for a costs cap is made at a very late stage: the trial is now only days away.  He submits that the delay in applying has arisen through no fault of the BBC; if this litigation had been conducted on behalf of the claimant with the candour and open-handedness required under the CPR, the application could and would have been made much sooner.  Mr Caldecott accepts with regret that it is not open to him now to seek a retrospective costs cap.  He urges the court to adopt the approach recommended in King’s case to prescribe ‘a total amount of recoverable costs which will be inclusive, so far as [the] CFA-funded party is concerned, of any additional liability’ from now until the conclusion of the trial.  He contends that the cap should extend to brief fees and to the hourly rates charge by CR.  Alternatively he suggests that the claimant’s costs should be capped at the amount of the present estimate inclusive of the uplift.  In return Mr Caldecott accepts that the costs of the BBC should be capped.
[34] In response Mr Rampton on behalf of the claimant rejects the criticisms made of the conduct of the case by CR.  In particular he rejects the charge that any deception has taken place either in relation to the amount of ATE insurance cover or as to the terms of the policy.  The witness statement of Mr Tudor, the partner in CR who has conduct of this case, contains a detailed refutation of the claim that CR misrepresented the position to the BBC.  Mr Tudor argues that the correspondence cannot sensibly be read as indicating that the claimant had in place insurance cover up to the amount of the BBC’s estimate, still less up to the ‘significantly higher’ revised figure which the BBC perversely refused to disclose (see [29], above).  Mr Tudor’s evidence is that there is nothing out of the ordinary about the exclusions in the Temple policy (see [20], above).
[35] The principal grounds on which Mr Rampton opposes the application for a costs cap are, firstly, that the application comes far too late.  It would, he submits, be unfair to cap costs now, given that a major part of the rationale for
the costs capping regime is that the capped party can plan ahead and allocate resources appropriately in the light of the cap (see Lownds v Home Office [2002] EWCA Civ 365 at [23], [2002] 4 All ER 775 at [23], [2002] 1 WLR 2450).  Secondly, Mr Rampton says that the evidence does not justify the conclusion that there has been extravagance on the part of the claimant’s legal advisers resulting in the ‘arms race’ which Lord Hoffman deplored in Campbell’s case (see [18], above).  Thirdly, Mr Rampton argues that it would be impracticable for me, sitting alone without the benefit of assistance and advice from a costs judge, to embark on the task of determining the right figure for the cap.
[36] I should say at the outset that this case strikes me as a prime candidate for a costs capping order.  Where costs are running at the levels which I have indicated earlier in this judgment and a CFA with a substantial success fee is in place, the court is likely to be ready to intervene.  The court cannot, however, intervene of its own motion.  As is clear from the costs practice direction quoted at [14] and [15], above it is up to the parties to keep themselves informed of their opponents’ estimated costs, if necessary by making an application to the court for an order that an estimate be provided.
[37] Unfortunately no such application was made in the present case.  I have set out the chronology at some length at [20]–[30], above.  It will be apparent from that chronology how it came about that it was not until October 2005 that the BBC was informed that the estimate of the claimant’s costs had risen from £360,000 to £690,000.  The BBC could and should have been informed by CR far sooner about the escalating costs, especially in view of the existence of a CFA which might well double the costs exposure of the BBC.  It is to be hoped that in future, where a litigant encounters difficulty in obtaining information about his opponent’s costs position, application will be made pursuant to para 6 of the costs practice direction for an order for an estimate.
[38] But in the present case that was only part of the problem: the BBC was kept in the dark about the terms of the ATE insurance cover.  That should not have happened: the BBC had a legitimate interest in knowing the extent of the protection provided under the policy.  Whether or not the exclusion clauses in the Temple policy are commonplace, the BBC had a right to know what they were.
[39] I have every sympathy for the predicament, described at [31], above, in which the BBC, through no fault of its own, now finds itself.  It does not, however, follow that it would be right for me at this stage in the proceedings to impose a costs cap.  Mr Caldecott has, as I have said, accepted that any cap would have to be prospective.  He is in my view right to adopt that stance.  There is ample authority that cost capping orders should invariably operate prospectively and not retrospectively (see King v Telegraph Group Ltd [2004] EWCA Civ 613 at [80], [2005] 1 WLR 2282 at [80] per Brooke LJ; Weir v Secretary of State for Transport [2005] EWHC 812 (Ch) at [29], [2005] All ER (D) 274 (Apr) at [29] per Lindsay J).  I see considerable force in the point made by Mr Rampton that the imposition of a costs cap so close to trial would in effect penalise the claimant, or perhaps more accurately her legal advisers, when, as has often been said, the purpose of a capping order is to enable the capped party to plan ahead the appropriate level of expenditure to bring the case to
trial at a cost which is in line with the amount of the cap.  It would in my opinion be wrong to use the cost-capping jurisdiction in a way which would deny the claimant the benefit of the CFA to which she is statutorily entitled.
[40] I would therefore with some reluctance decline to make a cost-capping order on the ground that the application is made too late.  But there is a further reason why I would not do so.  I do not feel that I am qualified to determine without assistance from a costs judge the amount of the brief fees, the charging rates and how much work is reasonable and proportionate between now and the end of the trial.  Such an exercise is more suitable for a costs judge or at least by a judge like myself sitting with a costs judge (see Matadeen v Associated Newspapers (17 March 2005, unreported) (Master Eyre); Various Ledward Claimants v Kent and Medway Health Authority [2003] EWHC 2551 (QB), [2003] All ER (D) 12 (Nov) and AB v Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, In the matter of the Nationwide Organ Group Litigation [2003] EWHC 1034 (QB), [2003] 3 Costs LR 405).  Such discussion as took place during the course of the hearing about figures satisfied me of the impracticability of the exercise which I was being asked to perform.
[41] If I say no more about figures, it is because I bear in mind there may come a time when the costs of one party or the other will be subject to detailed assessment.
Application refused.
Dilys Tausz   Barrister.

[2006] 1 All ER 167

Sisu Capital Fund Ltd and others v Tucker and others
[2005] EWHC 2321 (Ch)

12, 28 OCTOBER 2005
Costs – Assessment – Detailed assessment – Costs of officeholder – Costs of time spent on matters not ordinary recoverable by ordinary litigant – Whether costs of such time recoverable by officeholder.
Following judgment in proceedings brought, unsuccessfully, by the applicant companies against the respondent liquidators and administrators (the officeholders), who were members of a firm of accountants, a point of principle arose in relation to the detailed assessment of costs.  The costs of the officeholders themselves, and of their colleagues at the accountancy firm, in dealing with the proceedings (the firm’s costs) related to a variety of tasks, some of which might have called for special expertise.  They also related to time spent on matters which, if undertaken by a litigant who instructed lawyers, would not ordinarily have given rise to a liability to a paying party under a costs order, such as time spent in reviewing documents for disclosure, assisting in the preparation of witness statements and in attending court hearings.  The officeholders submitted that the entirety of the firm’s costs should be recoverable (subject to detailed assessment).  They considered that the indemnity intended to be provided by an order for costs was broad enough to encompass a litigant’s expenditure of time, subject to the qualification that the court had to be able to quantify the amount of money which the expenditure of time gave rise to, which would give rise to no difficulty where professionals were involved.  They contended that the reasoning by which a solicitor, acting as a litigant in person, could recover costs, was equally applicable to other professionals who acted in person.
Held – The principle that a litigant in person who was a solicitor could recover costs as if he had employed a solicitor, except in respect of items which the fact of his acting directly rendered unnecessary, was restricted in its operation to solicitors and did not extend to other professionals.  A non-solicitor litigant in person, even if a professional, could not recover in respect of his time spent, other than in respect of time spent on matters within his own professional expertise and requiring the attention of an expert.  The position of an officeholder was no different.  Even if in the fulfilment of his duties as an officeholder he had to bring or defend litigation that did not mean that it was part of his profession to conduct litigation in the way that it was part of the profession of a solicitor to do so.  In the instant case it was therefore only that part of the firm’s costs which related to in-house expert services carried out by experts doing work which was such as to require the exercise of that particular expertise which could be brought into account on the detailed assessment.  Since there was no difference between time spent by an employee of the firm and time spent by the officeholders personally, time spent by the officeholders personally on truly expert matters would attract
the same costs treatment as time spent by employees (see [34], [35], [38]–[40], [42], [43], [48], below).
London Scottish Benefit Society v Chorley (1884) 12 QBD 452, DC, [1881–5] All ER Rep 1111, CA, considered.
Re Nossen’s Patent [1969] 1 All ER 775 applied.
Admiral Management Services Ltd v Para-Protect Europe Ltd [2003] 2 All ER 1017 followed.
Amec Process and Energy Ltd v Stork Engineers & Contractors BV (No 3) [2002] All ER (D) 48 (Apr) not followed.
For costs of solicitor litigant in general, see 44(1) Halsbury’s Laws (4th edn reissue) para 176.
Cases referred to in judgment
Admiral Management Services Ltd v Para-Protect Europe Ltd [2002] EWHC 233 (Ch), [2003] 2 All ER 1017, [2002] 1 WLR 2722.
Alexander (Jonathan) Ltd v Proctor [1996] 2 All ER 334, [1996] 1 WLR 518, CA.
Amec Process and Energy Ltd v Stork Engineers & Contractors BV (No 3) [2002] All ER (D) 48 (Apr).
Andrews, Re [1999] 2 All ER 751, [1999] 1 WLR 1236, CA.
Buckland v Watts [1969] 2 All ER 985, [1970] 1 QB 27, [1969] 3 WLR 92, CA.
Elgindata Ltd (No 2), Re [1993] 1 All ER 232, [1992] 1 WLR 1207, CA.
London Scottish Benefit Society v Chorley (1884) 12 QBD 452, DC; affd (1884) 13 QBD 872, [1881–5] All ER Rep 1111, CA.
Malkinson v Trim [2002] EWCA Civ 1273, [2003] 2 All ER 356, [2003] 1 WLR 463.
Nossen’s Patent, Re [1969] 1 All ER 775, [1969] 1 WLR 683, ChD.
Phonographic Performance Ltd v AEI Rediffusion Music Ltd [1999] 2 All ER 299, [1999] 1 WLR 1507, CA.
R (on the application of Factortame) Ltd v Secretary of State for Transport, Environment and the Regions (No 2) [2002] EWCA Civ 932, [2002] 4 All ER 97, [2003] QB 381, [2002] 3 WLR 1104.
Richards & Wallington (Plant Hire) Ltd v Monk & Co Ltd (1984) Costs LR (Core Vol) 79.
Sisu Capital Fund Ltd, Sisu Capital Fund Ltd II Ltd, Sisu Capital Fund Limited Partnership, Avro Master Fund Limited Partnership, Provident Life and Accident Insurance Company, The Paul Revere Life Insurance Company, and Unum Life Insurance Company of America (the applicants) and James Tucker and Jeremy Spratt (the joint liquidators of Energy Holdings (No 3) Ltd (in liquidation) and Philip Wallace and Finbarr O’Connell (the joint administrators of Energy Group Overseas BV (in administration)) (the officeholders) applied to the court to decide a point of principle arising in the detailed assessment of costs following the judgment of Warren J on 9 September ([2005] EWHC 2170 (Ch), [2005] All ER (D) 200 (Oct)) in proceedings between the applicants and the officeholders.  The facts are set out in the judgment.
Stephen Davies QC, Philip Gillyon, David Wolfson and Edward Davies (instructed by Bingham McCutchen) for the applicants. 
Michael Crystal QC and Mark Arnold (instructed by Allen & Overy) for Mr Tucker and Mr Wallace.
Michael Briggs QC, John Machell, David Drake and Ruth Jordan (instructed by Fladgate Fielder) for Mr Spratt and Mr O’Connell.
Cur adv vult
28 October 2005.  The following judgment was delivered.
[1] Following my judgment handed down (subject to corrections) on 9 September 2005 (see [2005] EWHC 2170 (Ch), [2005] All ER (D) 200 (Oct)), the parties now ask me to decide a point of principle which will arise in the detailed assessment of costs.
[2] A great deal of time was spent by the officeholders and their colleagues at KPMG in dealing with the proceedings.  As between the officeholders and the estates, the officeholders are entitled to receive payment in respect of the time spent by KPMG subject to the usual constraints on charging and the payment of fees and disbursements which apply generally under the insolvency rules.  The officeholders themselves are entitled to recover payment from the estates for their time as remuneration.  Although KPMG is an LLP, and thus has a legal personality separate from those of the partners individually, it is accepted by the officeholders that payment in respect of the work done by their colleagues at KPMG also falls to be recovered as remuneration and not as a disbursement.  I am asked to proceed on that basis and to ignore the possibility that KPMG might have been able to bill the officeholders for the work undertaken by KPMG’s employees, the payment of such bills being recoverable from the estates as proper disbursements.  I shall, like counsel, refer to the totality of all these costs, both of the officeholders themselves and of their colleagues at KPMG as ‘the KPMG costs’.
[3] The KPMG costs relate to a variety of tasks some of which may have called for special expertise, for instance, the financial modelling, or at least some aspects of it, undertaken during the course of the proceedings.  But the KPMG costs relate also to time spent on some matters which, if undertaken by a litigant (or his employees) who instructs solicitors and counsel, would not ordinarily give rise to a liability to a paying party under a costs order, for instance, time spent in reviewing documents for disclosure, in assisting in the preparation of witness statements and in attending court hearings.
[4] Mr Briggs QC, for Mr Spratt and Mr O’Connell (whose submissions are adopted by Mr Crystal QC, for Mr Tucker and Mr Wallace) submits that the entirety of the KPMG costs should, subject to detailed assessment, be recoverable.  In summary, he says that the term ‘costs’, and the indemnity intended to be provided by an order for costs, is broad enough to encompass a litigant’s expenditure of time just as much as his expenditure of money subject to the qualification that the court must be able to quantify the amount of money which the expenditure of time gives rise to.  In a case such as the present where the litigants (the officeholders) are professionals and where the insolvency code itself provides controls on remuneration, quantification gives rise to no problems
so that the costs should be allowed.  Essentially, it is submitted that time is money (whether the time is that of the officeholders themselves or of KPMG personnel) and that the cost of that time can be quantified: the officeholders can and should therefore be indemnified for that cost.
[5] Mr Davies QC, for the applicants, says, in summary, that there is no authority for such a novel approach and that it would have far-reaching consequences pushing up yet further the cost of litigation, although he does accept that there is an exception in relation to in-house expert advice the cost of which may be recovered.
[6] Before addressing the arguments, I propose to consider the authorities which have been cited.  In doing so, I bear in mind that many of them pre-date the introduction of the CPR and note at this point that I will need to deal with rival submissions about the difference, if any, in the meaning of ‘costs’ in the RSC on the one hand and the CPR on the other.
[7] The London Scottish Benefit Society v Chorley was a case against a litigant in person who was himself a solicitor.  He succeeded in his defence.  It was held, both in the Divisional Court ((1884) 12 QBD 452) and the Court of Appeal ((1884) 13 QBD 872, [1881–5] All ER Rep 1111), that he was entitled on taxation to the same costs as if he had employed a solicitor, except in respect of items which the fact of his acting rendered unnecessary.  Since the litigant was a solicitor, it is not surprising that the question of recovery of costs was addressed in the context of the costs which would have had to be incurred if the solicitor had not acted for himself but had instructed another solicitor; and in that context, it is clear that, subject to proper assessment, such costs would have been recoverable.
[8] Since Mr Briggs relies heavily on this case, I should deal with it in some detail.  Three passages from the judgments of Denman, Manisty and Watkin Williams JJ, in the Divisional Court are of relevance:

‘[Denman J] … treating the costs as being in a reasonable sense of the word equivalent to an indemnity, I am not aware of any principle which ought to prevent a successful party who is a solicitor, and who does solicitor’s work, from being indemnified not merely for the time he must necessarily expend as a witness in his own case, but also for the pains, trouble, and skill which he has to incur and to exercise in order to bring it to a successful conclusion … The solicitor’s time is valuable: he applies his skill to a suit or action in which he is obliged to spend his time and exercise his skill in consequence of the wrongful act of his opponent; and therefore it is not an unreasonable view that the word “costs,” in the sense of an “indemnity,” should be held fairly to include a reasonable professional remuneration for that work which, if he did not do it himself, would have had to be done by another solicitor and paid for by his unsuccessful opponent.’ (See (1884) 12 QBD 452 at 455.)

‘[Manisty J] It is said that because he [the solicitor] is a party to the action, no costs, except costs properly so called, that is, money out of pocket, ought to be allowed him; and that there is no difference between a party who is a solicitor and one who is not a solicitor.  It seems to me that the observation may be answered at once, and conclusively answered.  The reason why costs are allowed to a solicitor being a party, and not to another person who is not a solicitor, is simply this, that the one is a solicitor and the other is not.  For instance, what a strange thing it would be that a person who is not a solicitor should be allowed solicitors’ charges … Time is money to a solicitor; and why should he not be as much entitled to his proper costs, if he affords the
time and skill which he brings to bear upon the business where he is a party to the action as he is where he is not a party?’ (See (1884) 12 QBD 452 at 456–457.)

‘[Watkin Williams J] It seems to me that the word “costs,” though a technical term now, may very well have been used to include, not merely money expended, but any real expenditure, whether of time or money, incurred by the party in defending himself against an unjust claim.  If that expenditure takes the form of employing skilled persons to do the work necessary to insure success, this would fall within the expression “costs” in its primary sense: but, if the defendant be himself a person of skill, and devotes that skill and valuable time and legal knowledge to the doing of that for which he would otherwise have been obliged to employ and pay some one else, it seems to me both upon principle and on the ground of expediency that time so spent, and skill so devoted, and professional knowledge so applied, should be compensated for under the name of “costs.”’  (See (1884) 12 QBD 452 at 459–460.)

[9] Then, in the Court of Appeal, Brett MR and Bowen LJ said:

‘[Brett MR] … It was contended for the plaintiffs that there is no difference as regards the right to costs between a solicitor and an ordinary person; and for the defendants it was contended that the costs of a solicitor, who is party to a suit, ought substantially to be taxed as if he had been acting for a different person.  I think neither contention correct.  I cannot think that any privilege of a solicitor exists.  I am wholly unable to agree to any argument standing upon that footing.  I should have thought that a person wrongfully brought into litigation ought to be indemnified against the expenses to which he is unjustly put; but there cannot be a perfect indemnity, because it is impossible to determine how much of the costs is incurred through his own over-anxiety.  When an ordinary party to a suit appears for himself, he is not indemnified for loss of time; but when he appears by solicitor, he is entitled to recover for the time expended by the solicitor in the conduct of the suit.  When an ordinary litigant appears in person, he is paid only for costs out of pocket.  He cannot himself take every step, and very often employs a solicitor to assist him: the remuneration to the solicitor is money paid out of pocket.  He has to pay the fees of the court, that is money paid out of pocket; but for loss of time the law will not indemnify him.  When, however, we come to the case of a solicitor, the question must be viewed from a different aspect.  There are things which a solicitor can do for himself, but also he can employ another solicitor to do them for him; and it would be unadvisable to lay down that he shall not be entitled to ordinary costs if he appears in person, because in that case he would always employ another solicitor.  If a solicitor does by his clerk that which might be done by another solicitor, it is a loss of money, and not simply a loss of time, because it is work done by a person who is paid for doing it.  It is true, however, to say that the costs of a solicitor appearing in person must be taxed differently from those of an ordinary litigant appearing by a solicitor.  The unsuccessful adversary of a solicitor appearing in person cannot be charged for what does not exist, he cannot be charged for the solicitor consulting himself, or instructing himself, or attending upon himself.  The true rule seems to be that when a solicitor brings or defends an action in person, he is entitled to the same costs as an
ordinary litigant appearing by a solicitor, subject to this restriction, that no costs which are really unnecessary can be recovered.’  (See (1884) 13 QBD 872 at 875–876, [1881–5] All ER Rep 1111 at 1112–1113.)

‘[Bowen LJ] … [Lord Coke’s] meaning seems to be that only legal costs which the Court can measure are to be allowed, and that such legal costs are to be treated as expenses necessarily arising from the litigation and necessarily caused by the course which it takes.  Professional skill and labour are recognised and can be measured by the law; private expenditure of labour and trouble by a layman cannot be measured.  It depends on the zeal, the assiduity, or the nervousness of the individual.  Professional skill, when it is bestowed, is accordingly allowed for in taxing a bill of costs; and it would be absurd to permit a solicitor to charge for the same work when it is done by another solicitor, and not to permit him to charge for it when it is done by his own clerk.  The question before us does not depend on the privileges of a solicitor.  My judgment is the same as that of the Master of the Rolls; the costs claimed, subject to the exceptions which have been mentioned, ought to be allowed, because there is an expenditure of professional skill and labour.’  (See (1884) 13 QBD 872 at 877, [1881–5] All ER Rep 1111 at 1113.)

[10] The principle which this case is taken as establishing is that set out in the headnote viz that a litigant in person who is a solicitor can recover costs as if he had employed a solicitor, except in respect of items which the fact of his acting directly renders unnecessary: see most recently the decision of the Court of Appeal in Malkinson v Trim [2002] EWCA Civ 1273 at [9], [2003] 2 All ER 356 at [9], [2003] 1 WLR 463.  It also lends support to the proposition that a litigant in person who has some other professional skill can recover in respect of the time spent exercising that skill (a result consistent with the next case I consider, Re Nossen’s Patent [1969] 1 All ER 775, [1969] 1 WLR 683).
[11] The next case in time is Re Nossen’s Patent (Lloyd-Jacob J sitting with assessors).  This concerned costs incurred in-house rather than the costs of a litigant in   person.  In defending an application for patent infringement (an application which was dismissed on the applicant failing to provide security for costs), the respondent, the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, incurred expenditure on research and experimentation.  Part of that work was carried out by experts in the Authority’s employ using the Authority’s materials on its own premises. In considering that expenditure, Lloyd-Jacob J stated that the established practice of the courts was to disallow any sums claimed in respect of the time spent by the litigant personally in the course of instructing his solicitors but that, in the case of litigation by a corporation, that practice had not been strictly applied, it being recognised that, if expert assistance is properly required, it may well occur that the corporation’s own specialist employees may be the most suitable or convenient experts to employ and that the direct costs incurred, but not a contribution to overheads, should, in principle, be recoverable.  He expressed his conclusion this way:

‘when it is appropriate that a corporate litigant should recover, on a party and party basis, a sum in respect of expert services of this character performed by its own staff, the amount must be restricted to a reasonable sum for the actual and direct costs of the work undertaken.’  (See [1969] 1 All ER 775 at 779, [1969] 1 WLR 683 at 644.)

[12] Like Stanley Burnton J in Admiral Management Services Ltd v Para-Protect Europe Ltd [2002] EWHC 233 (Ch) at [28], [2003] 2 All ER 1017 at [28], [2002] 1 WLR 2722 (see [18]–[22], below), I find it curious that a more liberal principle should, apparently, be applied to a corporation than to a partnership or an individual.  In the present case, KPMG is an LLP and I would be inclined to treat it as a corporation for the purposes of the Re Nossen’s Patent exception.  In any event, Mr Davies accepts, as I understand his position, that the KPMG costs are, in principle, recoverable to the extent that the costs relate to what can properly be described as the exercise of expert skills.
[13] In Buckland v Watts [1969] 2 All ER 985, [1970] 1 QB 27, it was held that a litigant in person (who had claimed for his time in looking up the law) but who was not a solicitor was not entitled to claim costs in respect of the time spent preparing his case, but only his out-of-pocket expenses.  Danckwerts LJ (and John Stephenson J who agreed with him) adopted a conventional approach according to which it is only a solicitor who, as a litigant in person, is able to recover any costs in respect of the work which would ordinarily be done by a solicitor.  Since the work in relation to which the litigant claimed costs was legal research he could not, as a non-lawyer, recover in respect of it.
[14] However, Sir Gordon Willmer went further.  In an interchange with counsel (see [1970] 1 QB 27 at 34) he observed that Bowen LJ in London Scottish Benefit Society v Chorley (1884) 13 QBD 872, [1881–5] All ER Rep 1111 had said that professional skill can be measured and recognised by law.  In his judgment he said that costs are ‘intended to cover remuneration for the exercise of professional legal skill’ (see [1969] 2 All ER 985 at 987, [1970] 1 QB 27 at 37–38: my emphasis).  That remark is understandable in the context of a case concerning work which would ordinarily be done by a lawyer; indeed, as he shortly thereafter observed, the court was not concerned with the exercise of other professional skills.  In relation to other skills, he says this:

‘Other professional people, who become involved in litigation and conduct their own cases, may recover something in respect of their own professional skill, insofar as they qualify as witnesses and are called as such.  But nobody else, except a solicitor, has even been held entitled to make any charge, as I understand it, in respect of the exercise of professional legal skill …’

[15] I do not read Sir Gordon Willmer as saying that a professional person, other than a solicitor, can only recover in respect of his own professional skill only to the extent that they qualify as witnesses and are called as such.  Rather, he gives that as an example.  What he relies on (as can be seen from the interchange mentioned) is the judgment of Bowen LJ and the reasoning of that, as I have said, applies to the exercise by any professional of the skill which he has.  I leave aside the difficulty which Mr Davies referred to of deciding who is and who is not a ‘professional’ for this purpose in the early years of the twenty-first century.  Unfortunately, Sir Gordon Willmer can be read in a different sense ie as saying that a non-legal expert can claim only if he is a witness in the case.  I think that Stanley Burnton J must have read him in that sense in the Admiral Management case.  However, if that is the correct reading, then I agree with Stanley Burnton J’s reasoning and would prefer, if it is necessary to chose between them, to follow the decision in Re Nossen’s Patent rather than the statement of Sir Gordon Willmer.
[16] The next case in time is Re Andrews [1999] 2 All ER 751, [1999] 1 WLR 1236, a decision which is relied on by Mr Davies.  In that case, the defendant was
charged with certain offences under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 and a receiver was appointed over certain assets.  The defendant was acquitted and awarded costs out of central funds.  The taxing officer held that the costs of the receivership proceedings were not included in that order.  The receiver eventually released the property which had been seized but retained a little over £10,000 to cover the expenses of the receivership, including her remuneration.  The defendant’s application in the receivership proceedings to recover the costs of the receivership from the prosecutor (which had initiated those proceedings), including that remuneration, was dismissed by the judge and by the Court of Appeal.  It was held that such remuneration was not a cost ‘of and incidental to [the] proceedings’ as would have been required under s 51 of the Supreme Court Act 1981 if they were to be recoverable.
[17] The case is not, however, authority for the proposition that the expenses of the receivership (including the remuneration of the receiver) did not fall within the meaning of ‘costs’: it only establishes that such expenses were not expenses ‘of and incidental to’ the receivership proceedings.  Nor is it authority in the present case for the proposition that the KPMG costs are not ‘costs’ in relation to the applications to discharge the EGO BV and EH3 CVAs; nor, if they are costs, is it authority for the proposition that they are not costs of and incidental to those applications.
[18] Decisions in the next two cases were given within a short space of time but, unfortunately, neither was cited in the other.  I start with Admiral Management Services Ltd v Para-Protect Europe Ltd [2003] 2 All ER 1017, a decision to which I have already referred.  This case concerned the question whether the costs of and incidental to a search and seize order included the cost of investigations carried out by the claimant’s in-house computer experts.  It was held that, in principle, such costs were recoverable but actual entitlement depended on whether the employees were truly experts and on the nature of the work they carried out.
[19] It is to be noted that the judge, Stanley Burnton J (at [13]), proceeded on the basis of a concession that in the ordinary way a company cannot recover by way of costs any payment for the time of its employees in investigating or prosecuting its claim.  Accordingly, the claimant relied on the exception to the general rule described in Re Nossen’s Patent.  It claimed that some of its employees were experts in the field of computers and that it was entitled to recover sums for their work in connection with the claims against the defendants.  It also contended that its employees provided expert service in determining whether documents found on the defendants’ computers were the claimants’ documents or copied or derived from its documents or contained the claimants’ confidential information.
[20] Stanley Burnton J plainly thought that the concession I have referred was correct: he says this (at [34]):

‘Costs do not provide a complete indemnity to a claimant in a case such as the present.  There is conflict between on the one hand the principle of requiring an unsuccessful defendant to pay comprehensive remuneration for the time reasonably spent by a claimant’s employees on its well-founded claim and on the other hand the consequence of so increasing recoverable costs as to render litigation even more prohibitively expensive than it is now.  To permit recovery of a reasonable sum for the work of employee experts which, if done by someone who was not an employee, would be recoverable
as an item of costs, is a relatively minor inroad into the general principle that payment for work done by employees of a litigant is not recoverable as costs; it does not strike me as unjust or as imposing an unfair burden on the paying party.’

[21] Stanley Burnton J emphasises the narrowness of the decision in Re Nossen’s Patent (ie that for the costs referable to an in-house expert to be recoverable, the individual must truly be an expert and that the work must be such as to require the exercise of his particular expertise) by referring to the decision of Bingham J in Richards & Wallington (Plant Hire) Ltd v Monk & Co Ltd (1984) Costs LR (Core Vol) 79.  As explained by Stanley Burnton J, the case concerned a claim made by a contractor against a county council for building costs.  The claim had been formulated and the necessary information obtained by a non-executive director who was paid a daily fee for his work and was an employee of the claimant.  The claimant also retained an outside expert in the presentation of claims of the kind in question.  Bingham J rejected the claimant’s claim to have the cost of the work included in the costs recoverable from the county council.  A substantial quote from Bingham J’s judgment ((1984) Costs LR (Core Vol) 79 at 83) can be found in Stanley Burnton J’s judgment.  I set out only a short part of it:

‘The dividing line between expert and factual evidence is never an easy one … But essentially, I think, these two gentlemen were engaged on a factual exercise; they were certainly not independent experts; they were not, in truth, acting as experts at all and, in my judgment, these costs fall within the ordinary costs that a litigant must bear of digging out his own factual material, through his own employees, to prove his own case.  Had outside experts been introduced to carry out this work then it by no means seems to me to follow that it would in any event have been recoverable as a cost of the litigation …’ (See [2003] 2 All ER 1017 at [40].)

[22] There is one further passage in the judgment of Stanley Burnton J which is helpful and instructive in the present case. He says this (at [43]):

‘It was submitted on behalf of the claimant that the familiarity of the claimant’s employees with the documents, clients and information of the claimant qualified them as experts for the purposes of analysing information obtained from the defendants’ computers, including information obtained by the execution of the search order.  I do not agree.  There is no distinction between the examination of documents on or derived from a computer and the examination of hard copies of documents.  Familiarity with a party’s business does not make a witness into an expert either for the purpose of testimony or for the purpose of the recovery of costs.  Work in this category is indistinguishable from that considered by Bingham J in the Richards & Wallington case.  In this connection it seems to me to be irrelevant that the work might have been done at greater expense by employees of the firm of solicitors instructed by the claimant.  It is the nature of the work in question that qualifies for inclusion of a costs order, not the amount of cost incurred or saved.  Doubtless a considerable amount of analysis of information obtained from computers and on execution of the order was carried out by the claimant.  That work does not seem to me to qualify for an order for costs under the principle in Nossen’s case.’  (My emphasis.)

[23] Next comes the decision of Judge Thornton QC sitting in the Technology and Construction Court (see Amec Process and Energy Ltd v Stork Engineers & Contractors BV (No 3) [2002] All ER (D) 48 (Apr)).  He took a very different approach from Stanley Burnton J who had applied the principles established over the years prior to the introduction of the CPR. Judge Thornton had this to say:

‘[8] A further factor concerns the weight to be placed on costs cases decided under the Rules of the Supreme Court such as Re Elgindata Ltd (No 2) [1993] 1 All ER 232, [1992] 1 WLR 1207 and Re Nossen’s Patent [1969] 1 All ER 775, [1969] 1 WLR 683 …  Such cases have little or no bearing on the interpretation and application of the CPR costs code.  These cases were decided under the RSC and, in Phonographic Performance Ltd v AEI Rediffusion Music Ltd [1999] 2 All ER 299, [1999] 1 WLR 1507 a case decided under the RSC, Lord Woolf MR pointed out that the CPR are much more specific as to the matters to which the courts should have regard in deciding what costs order should be made than the predecessor RSC, even thought the overall discretion provided to the court under both costs regimes is equally broad.
[9] It follows that I do not accede to Amec’s submission that Re Elgindata afford some guidance as to how I should deal with costs in this case nor to Stork’s submission that Re Nossen’s Patent has any significant relevance to the question of how the costs of personnel employed by Amec who assisted in the claims, documents and evidence preparation exercised should be dealt with under the CPR.’

Then later in his judgment (at [112]–[114]) the judge deals with these costs.

‘[112] Amec engaged its own personnel and agency staff to undertake much of the work involved in collecting, analysing and presenting the primary evidence and the supporting evidence of Mr Prudhoe.  These personnel also undertook much of the preparation of visual evidential aids such as isographs, histograms, graphs, bar charts, photographs, tables, as built programmes and overlays.  Had this work been undertaken, at greater expense and with the use of many more hours of time, by legally qualified personnel employed by Masons, as Amec’s solicitors, this work would in principle be recoverable.  However, Stork maintains that it is irrecoverable in principle because of the impact of the Richards & Wallington (Plant Hire) Ltd v Monk & Co Ltd (1984) Costs LR (Core Vol) 79 decided in 1984 and the even older case of Re Nossen’s Patent.  Both cases, having been decided under the RSC, are of no assistance in determining this question under the CPR, even if the wording of the relevant rules is similar.
[113] CPR 43.2(1)(a) defines costs as including: “fees, charges, disbursements, expenses, remuneration …” In principle, the time charges involved in employing these personnel fall within each of these categories of costs.  It is a matter for detailed assessment whether the tasks performed, on an hour by hour basis, the numbers of hours claimed, the personnel involved and the hours rate or other disbursement were incurred at all and, if so, were properly and reasonably incurred.  However, it would be contrary to the overriding objective if necessary expenditure which was incurred at less expense than would have been involved had Amec’s solicitors’ employees undertaken work, was not recoverable in principle.’

[24] This is in stark contrast to the approach of Stanley Burnton J.  Although the decision in Admiral Management Services Ltd v Para-Protect Europe Ltd [2003] 2
All ER 1017 may have reflected the concession made to which I have referred, I am left in no doubt that the judge thought it was properly made.  Indeed, his comments in [43] of his judgment show that he considered the approach in the Richards & Wallington case and Re Nossen’s Patent to be correct.  It would, of course, be idle to suggest that he had simply overlooked the possibility that the CPR had effected a fundamental change in the approach which the court should adopt to costs of this type.  I shall return to this point after completing my review of the cases.
[25] Mr Briggs relies on the decision in R (on the application of Factortame) Ltd v Secretary of State for Transport, Environment and the Regions (No 2) [2002] EWCA Civ 932, [2002] 4 All ER 97, [2003] QB 381 to show that the expense incurred by a litigant on forensic accountancy and other advice can fall within the ambit of ‘costs’ and suggests this recognises a continuing advance in the attitude of the courts to what can fall within that ambit.  Grant Thornton agreed to prepare and submit the claimants’ loss claims in return for 8% of any settlement figure arrived at.  Pursuant to that agreement, Grant Thornton appointed and funded an independent fisheries expert and an independent accountant with whom they worked to create a computer model for calculating the losses claimed.  They also provided other services, ancillary to the conduct of the litigation by the claimants’ solicitors, including the collection of documentary evidence, liaising with the claimants in Spain and advising offers to settle.  Following settlement, Grant Thornton were paid 8% of the settlement proceeds.  The master held that Grant Thornton’s contingent fee arrangements were not champertous.  The Court of Appeal agreed with the master that the agreements were not champertous.  Although the headnote states that the master also decided that the claimants could recover the 8% from the Secretary of State, that does not appear to be correct: what he had ordered on the trial of the preliminary issue he had ordered (ie whether the fee agreement was champertous) was a payment on account of costs.
[26] The Court of Appeal was concerned only with the question whether the fee agreement was champertous. It did not have before it any question concerning the principles on which any detailed assessment should be conducted.  It is certainly true that the court regarded the fee agreement as having been a very sensible way for the claimants to have proceeded, indicating in [28] of the judgment the nature of the services provided by Grant Thornton as described in the solicitors’ bill of costs.  But, in [86], the court says:

‘Our view of the 8% agreement was that it would have appeared attractive not merely to the Claimants but to the government, who would ultimately be liable to pay the costs if the claims succeeded.  The government would, in any event, only be liable to pay reasonable costs, which would be likely to be assessed on an hourly rate basis.  Thus, for the government, the 8% would be likely to operate as a cap.’

[27] The court says nothing about how those reasonable costs are to be assessed, and cannot, in my judgment, be treated as indicating any new approach to the assessment of costs.  In particular, it does not follow from the decision that all of the activities carried out by Grant Thornton were ones in respect of which the claimants could recover a proper hourly rate.  Indeed, if the principles applied in the Richards & Wallington case and Re Nossen’s Patent remain applicable, the reasonable costs would not include an hourly charge in relation to a number of
the tasks which Grant Thornton carried out.  Accordingly, I do not find this decision of assistance in resolving the issue before me.
[28] The last case to which I refer (and which I have already mentioned) is Malkinson v Trim [2003] 2 All ER 356, a case decided under the CPR.  In that case, the principle established in the London and Scottish Benefit Society case, that a solicitor acting in person could charge for his own time and for the time of his employees, was held to apply equally where he carried on business in partnership and some or all of the work was carried out by one or more of his partners or by employees of the partnership.
[29] At [11] of his judgment (with the entirety of which the other members of the court agreed), Chadwick LJ considered the reasoning in the London and Scottish Benefit Society case.  He derived six elements in the reasoning underlying the decision.  These are: (a) First, that a person wrongfully brought into litigation ought to be indemnified against the expense to which he is unjustly put.  (b) Second, the need is for indemnity, not punishment or reward; costs are allowed only by way of indemnity, in the sense that a party cannot be allowed to recover by way of costs expenditure which he has not incurred.  (c) Third, application of those two principles leads to the conclusion that a person can recover the cost of employing a solicitor to assist him in the litigation.  (d) Fourth, an ordinary litigant—that is to say, a litigant who is not a solicitor—cannot recover, as costs, compensation for the expenditure of his own time and trouble because, ‘it is impossible to determine how much of the costs is incurred through his own over-anxiety’ and because ‘private expenditure of labour and trouble by a layman cannot be measured.  It depends on the zeal, the assiduity, or the nervousness of the individual’.  (e) Fifth, those considerations are of no weight where the litigant is himself a solicitor.  ‘Professional skill and labour are recognised and can be measured by the law’.  (f) And, sixth, a rule of practice which enables a litigant who is a solicitor to recover, as costs, compensation for his own time and trouble is beneficial, because it is likely to lead to a reduction in the amount which the unsuccessful opponent will pay under an order for costs.
[30] In identifying the fourth element of the reasoning, it is to be noted that Chadwick LJ takes the reference to ‘an ordinary litigant’ as being to ‘a litigant who is not a solicitor’.  I think that he includes the words to indicate what the judges in the London Scottish Benefit Society case meant by ‘an ordinary litigant’.  It was not necessary for him to address whether, in the twenty-first century, a litigant who is a professional person other than a solicitor, is in all respects to be treated in the same way as an ‘ordinary litigant’ in that sense; nor did he do so.
[31] Chadwick LJ said this ([2003] 2 All ER 356 at [22]):

‘As I have sought to point out earlier in this judgment the basis of the principle that a solicitor who acts for himself in litigation is entitled to compensation, by way of costs, for his time and trouble is a recognition that he (in common with any other litigant) ought to be indemnified against the expense to which (on the hypothesis that he has been successful in the litigation) he has been unjustly put.  The special position of a solicitor is that he does not need to employ others to provide professional skill and knowledge in the conduct of litigation.  He can provide that skill and knowledge himself.  Further, there is no difficulty in measuring what it costs him to do so; and there is a potential saving in costs if he is not discouraged from doing so.’

[32] Although the London Scottish Benefit Society case and Malkinson v Trim were both cases concerning solicitors, Mr Briggs submits that the reasoning is equally applicable to other professionals who act in person.  It is, he says, because, and only because, the court could not measure the expenditure of time and trouble by a layman that allowance could not be made for such expenditure.  But the court recognised that for a solicitor time was money, something which is true, as Mr Briggs says, for any other professional.  The courts, in the context of costs assessment, can control the amounts recoverable in respect of experts’ fees where an expert has been properly and reasonably instructed to prepare a report or attend court to give evidence; there is no reason in principle, he says, why it could not similarly assess an amount which is properly chargeable in relation to the time spent by a litigant who is a professional other than a solicitor.  Even if that goes too far, the position of an office-holder, whether an administrator or a liquidator, is different since the office-holder’s remuneration is controlled by the court under the insolvency regime.
[33] Further, so far as concerns the time spent by a professional’s own employees, it is said that it should follow that, if the professional himself can charge for his own time, so too he should be able to charge for the time of his staff.  Alternatively, the decision in Amec Process and Energy Ltd v Stork Engineers & Contractors BV (No 3) [2002] All ER (D) 48 (Apr) shows that the CPR mark a shift in the approach of the courts and that, in the present case, it would be fair to allow all of the KPMG costs (as remuneration of the officeholders which has to be borne by the estates) incurred in relation to the litigation as costs recoverable (subject to detailed assessment) against the applicants.
[34] Ignoring for the moment the decision in the Amec case (which I will consider later), I see no reason to apply a different approach in the application of the CPR from that which applied to the RSC in determining what expenditure, whether or time of money, could in principle be brought into account on a detailed assessment.  The principles derived from the authorities, and the reasoning of those authorities, applies equally to the CPR as to the RSC.  That is the approach which Stanley Burnton J applied without hesitation in Admiral Management Services Ltd v Para-Protect Europe Ltd [2003] 2 All ER 1017; and there is not a hint that that approach was in any way qualified or affected by the CPR in the judgment of Chadwick LJ in Malkinson v Trim [2003] 2 All ER 356 in circumstances where I would have expected to see some mention of it if there had been a change of approach.
[35] Applying that approach, I reject Mr Briggs’ submissions.  His starting point is that costs are intended to represent an indemnity to the successful litigant and that it was only because ‘it is impossible to determine how much of the costs is incurred through his own over-anxiety’ or because ‘private expenditure of labour and trouble by a layman cannot be measured.  It depends on the zeal, the assiduity, or the nervousness of the individual’ to adopt the phrases used in the judgments in the London Scottish Benefit Society case.  In relation to solicitors it was said in that case that ‘Professional skill and labour are recognised and can be measured by the law’ (see (1884) 13 QBD 872 at 877, [1881–5] All ER Rep 1111 at 1113) but, says Mr Briggs, that is true today of any professional person or, if that goes too far, it is certainly true of officeholders in the course of carrying out their duties.
[36] However, I consider that the starting point is not quite as I have just described it.  Since the decision in the London Scottish Benefit Society case, the rule of practice which it established has been applied only in the context of litigants in
person who are solicitors.  Chadwick LJ himself describes the principle by reference to solicitors and, it is correct to say, that the decision in that case applied in its terms only to solicitors.  The principle has been applied consistently on that basis for many, many years; and there are many judicial dicta to the effect that, generally speaking, a litigant in person cannot recover for his time.
[37] I make the obvious point that, where a litigant is in fact represented by solicitors, he cannot, so far as concerns his own time, be in any better a position than if he were a litigant in person.  It would be absurd to allow a litigant to make a charge for his own time where he could not do so if acting in person (although I leave open whether a solicitor litigant could charge for his own time where he undertakes work which could have been done by his own solicitor thus saving his own solicitor chargeable time).  Accordingly, unless Mr Briggs can show that a litigant in person who is a professional other than a solicitor, can recover for his time spent, he will be unable (subject to a submission based on their particular status as officeholders) to show that the officeholders can recover for their own time.
[38] Now, it is clear that, prior to the introduction of the litigant in person costs provisions, a litigant in person who did not carry on a profession could not recover costs in respect of his time: that, indeed, was precisely why the litigant in person provisions were introduced.  The decision of the Court of Appeal in Jonathan Alexander Ltd v Proctor [1996] 2 All ER 334, [1996] 1 WLR 518 identified a similar problem in relation to a company represented by a director: it was not possible to recover for time spent because the court had no power to make such an award.  CPR Pt 48 now deals with litigants in person: special provision is made for solicitors under r 48.6(6) read with CPR PD 48, para 52.5.  There is no similar provision in the case of other professionals.  Rule 48.6 and PD 48, para 52.5 draw no distinction between a litigant who happens to be a professional other than a solicitor (or other person entitled to conduct litigation) and an ordinary litigant in person; they reflect the approach that the London Scottish Benefit Society case is restricted in its operation to solicitors.  In my judgment, that is a correct approach: and it would be an inadmissible extension of that case to treat the principle established by it to other professionals.
[39] I reach the same conclusion by another route also.  The reasoning in the London Scottish Benefit Society case (see the first three elements discussed by Chadwick LJ) shows that a solicitor acting in person can only recover for certain costs which he would have been able to recover had he instructed an independent solicitor.  It would seem to me that another professional (such as an accountant) should similarly be able to recover as a litigant in person at most for items which he would have been able to recover had he instructed an independent professional (accountant).  Whilst he would be able to recover for the cost of any expert advice given by that independent professional, he would not be entitled to recover for the cost of general assistance in the conduct of the litigation.  The litigant in person, even if a professional, cannot recover in respect of his time spent other than on matters within his own professional expertise and requiring the attention of an expert.
[40] Further, the position of an office-holder is, in my judgment, no different.  It may be the case that, in the fulfilment of his duties as an office-holder, he has to bring or defend litigation.  The fact that he does so does not mean that it is part of his profession to conduct litigation in the way that it is part of the profession of a solicitor to do so.  An office-holder in not unique in this respect: trustees of family trusts or of pension funds have fiduciary duties, the fulfilment of which
may require them to bring or defend proceedings.  That sort of duty on the part of an office-holder or other fiduciary does not, in my judgment, afford any basis for a difference in treatment, vis-à-vis the payment of costs by an opposing party, from any other litigant.
[41] Nor, in my judgment, does the fact that an office-holder’s remuneration is ultimately under the control of the insolvency court make any different to the result.  The real reason he cannot recover is, I consider, because he is not a professional seeking to recover costs for time spent in respect of his own area of expertise.
[42] Accordingly, I do not consider that the fundamental basis of Mr Briggs’ submissions is sound.  Without an extension of the principle in the London Scottish Benefit Society case, there is no basis on which the officeholders can recover for their own time.  In my judgment, they cannot do so save to the extent that their activities can be brought within the Re Nossen’s Patent principle.
[43] So far as the KPMG costs, other than the costs of the officeholders themselves, are concerned, there is no reason to depart from the established practice in Re Nossen’s Patent [1969] 1 All ER 775, [1969] 1 WLR 683.  I adopt everything which Stanley Burnton J said in [34] of his judgment in Admiral Management Services Ltd v Para-Protect Europe Ltd [2003] 2 All ER 1017 (see [20], above).  It would, in any case, be a very great departure from previous practice to allow a litigant who is represented by solicitors to charge for the time of his employees in undertaking the sort of factual investigation to which Bingham J alluded in Richards & Wallington (Plant Hire) Ltd v Monk & Co Ltd (1984) Costs LR (Core Vol) 79 or many other types of work.  But if such allowance is to be made in the case of a litigant who is a professional, I can see no reason for not allowing in the case of any other litigant carrying on business of any sort or, indeed, who does not carry on business at all but employs a personal assistant to help him with the case.  I see no logical stopping point short of permitting an allowance for all time spent by any employee or assistant on any part of the litigation concerned.
[44] That brings me to Amec Process and Energy Ltd v Stork Engineers & Contractors BV (No 3) [2002] All ER (D) 48 (Apr).  Should the decision in that case lead me to a different conclusion?  It is no doubt true, as Judge Thornton points out, that the CPR are more specific than the old RSC as to the matters to which the courts should have regard in deciding what costs order should be made.  That is not to say, however, that the meaning of ‘costs’ is any different; nor is it to say that, under the CPR, a different approach should be taken to ascertaining in principle what items which fall literally within the definition should be allowed on an assessment.
[45] I have some difficulties with the decision in the Amec case.  First of all, the judge dismisses earlier cases, in particular Re Nossen’s Patent as having little or no bearing on the CPR costs code.  I do not understand why the judge dismissed Re Nossen’s Patent, since that case goes not to the factors which determine what costs order should be made, but to what are comprised in ‘costs’ so that Phonographic Performance Ltd v AEI Rediffusion Music Ltd [1999] 2 All ER 299, [1999] 1 WLR 1507 is not really to the point.
[46] Secondly, in relation to Amec’s personnel employed in the tasks identified in the passage quoted at [23], above, Judge Thornton said that, in principle, the time charges involved in employing these personnel fall within each of these categories listed in the definition of costs.  He does not, however, explain why he considers that to be so.  He seems to be saying that, as a matter of construction, the time charges fall within the definition but in doing so he gives no reasons for
rejecting a construction which reflects the arguments which led to the conclusions in Re Nossen’s Patent and other relevant cases.  Had he considered such reasoning, starting with the London Scottish Benefit Society case, rather than rejecting the cases as having no bearing, he might well have come to a different conclusion.  I would only add that, if the judge’s conclusion is correct in the case of a corporate employer, the position should, logically, be the same in the case of an individual who carries on business as a sole trader and who uses his staff, for instance his personal secretary, to carry out tasks in the course of litigation.  It is but a small step then to say that the cost of the time spent by the litigant himself should be allowed in all cases: but that is simply not a possible construction of the CPR and would render the litigant in person provisions otiose.
[47] The decisions of Stanley Burnton J and of Judge Thornton are, I consider, inconsistent.  Although the decision in the Admiral Management case may be said to be based on a concession, much of what the judge says in support of his conclusion goes beyond the concession.  I do not consider that I could follow the Amec case without at the same time saying that the Admiral Management case was wrong and wrong in a way which went beyond the concession.  Faced with conflicting authorities, I prefer to follow the Admiral Management case.  The result accords with my perception of the policy of the CPR, one of the driving forces of which was the desire to reduce the costs of litigation; it would be surprising if, without clear and express provision, the range of recoverable costs had been extended in the way that the Amec case suggests and Mr Briggs submits.  Even if I am wrong in thinking that the actual decision, rather than the concession, in the Admiral Management case is in conflict with the Amec case, I do not consider that I should follow the Amec case.
[48] Accordingly, in my judgment it is only those part of the KPMG costs which fall within the Re Nossen’s Patent principle which can be brought into account on the detailed assessment.  I do not understand that any part of the costs which are, on that basis, to be brought into account have arisen as a result of time spent by the officeholders personally.  However, for my part, I can see no difference in principle between time spent by an employee of KPMG and time spent by the officeholders personally and would allow time spent by the officeholders personally on truly expert matters to attract the same costs treatment as time spent by employees.
Order accordingly.
Celia Fox   Barrister.

[2006] 1 All ER 183

D and others v Home Office
[2005] EWCA Civ 38

22, 23 NOVEMBER 2004, 27 JANUARY 2005
County court – Jurisdiction – Immigration officer detaining asylum-seekers under statutory powers – Whether action for damages for false imprisonment properly brought in county court.
Immigration – Detention – Unlawful detention – False imprisonment – Damages – Whether immigration officers immune to claims for damages for false imprisonment – Immigration Act 1971, Sch 2.
The first claimant was the wife of the second claimant, the third and fourth claimants were their daughters aged 10 and 14.  They arrived in the United Kingdom on 6 February 2002.  Under the Immigration Act 1971 a person who had not otherwise entered the United Kingdom was to be deemed not to have done so as long as he was detained or temporarily admitted or released while liable to detention under the powers contained in Sch 2a to the 1971 Act.  Under Sch 2 a person’s liberty could be restricted, inter alia, by detention under the authority of an immigration officer pending examination by an immigration officer; or a decision to give or refuse leave to enter; or a decision whether or not to give removal directions; or removal.  On arrival the first claimant claimed asylum, and her husband’s and daughters’ claims were dependent on her claim.  Her husband was immediately detained, whereas she and her daughters were granted temporary admission.  The following day they were all transported to a detention centre.  The first claimant’s application for asylum was refused and, on 13 February, she was refused leave to enter.  The family was detained in detention centres until 19 February.  On 18 February, the first claimant appealed to an adjudicator.  The family was then granted temporary admission.  The claimants brought an action in the county court seeking, inter alia, damages for false imprisonment and a declaration that the Home Office had acted incompatibly with their rights to liberty and security under art 5b of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950 (as set out in Sch 1 to the Human Rights Act 1998).  The judge in the county court allowed an appeal by the Home Office against an order made by the district judge in the High Court who had struck out the Home Office’s application to strike out significant parts of the particulars of claim.  The claimants appealed.  The Court of Appeal considered, inter alia, whether the law granted any form of immunity to an immigration officer in respect of what would normally be regarded as an unlawful act causing a loss of liberty, and whether a complainant’s remedy was limited to a declaration that the act was unlawful and or/a quashing order, or whether it sounded in damages.  The Home Office contended, inter alia, that it was an abuse of process for the claimants to have brought their claim for
aSchedule 2, so far as material, is set out at [20], [21], below
bArticle 5, so far as material, is set out at [28], below
damages for false imprisonment in the county court, thereby circumventing the safeguards of the regime for judicial review.
Held – (1) The provisions of Sch 2 to the 1971 Act did not place the claimants in some special category in which they were afforded a weaker recognition to their right to liberty.  That an immigration officer might lawfully detain an asylum-seeker under Sch 2 without the need for any further acts or omissions on anybody’s part to trigger off detention did not mean that the asylum-seeker’s right to liberty was not protected by the law.  On the proper interpretation of Sch 2 the courts would be just as zealous to scrutinise any complaints of an unlawful infringement of liberty in that context as they would in any other case where such a complaint was made.  Where the legality of Sch 2 detentions was in issue, there was no hint of any suggestion that art 5 of the convention did not apply.  If a claimant’s detention was found to be unlawful immigration officers had no immunity from a claim for damages for false imprisonment.  In the interpretation of Sch 2 there was nothing to suggest that Parliament intended to confer immunity from suit on immigration officers who had asked themselves the wrong questions, so that their decision to deprive an immigrant of his liberty was a nullity and consequently unlawful (see [75], [113]–[115], [121], below); Ullah v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [1995] Imm AR 166 not followed, R v Governor of Brockhill Prison, ex p Evans (No 2) [2000] 4 All ER 15 considered.
(2) It was not an abuse of process for the claimants to have brought the claim for damages for false imprisonment in the county court.  The Administrative Court had no jurisdiction to hear an action for damages alone.  There were no facilities whereby a jury might be empanelled in the Administrative Court to try an action for damages for false imprisonment and contested actions involving a human rights element often required cross-examination which was more conveniently provided for outside the Administrative Court list.  Given the severe difficulties over legal representation in detention centres and prisons where such representation was not readily available on the spot, compensation for unlawfully detained asylum-seekers would be hard to come by within the strict time limits required by CPR Pt 54.  To restrict access to justice by insisting on proceedings by way of Pt 54 in a damages claim would in such circumstances amount to the antithesis of the overriding objective in CPR Pt 1.  The appeal would, accordingly, be allowed (see [58], [103]–[107], [128], [133]–[135], below); R (on the application of Wilkinson) v Responsible Medical Officer, Broadmoor Hospital  (2001) 65 BMLR 15, R (on the application of P) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept, R (on the application of Q) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2001] 3 FCR 416 and Anufrijeva v Southwark London BC, R (on the application of N) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept, R (on the application of M) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2004] 1 All ER 833 considered.
For the right to liberty and security of the person and the deprivation of liberty in relation to immigration, deportation or extradition, see 8(2) Halsbury’s Laws (4th edn reissue) paras 127, 133, and for the powers and duties of the Secretary of State, immigration officers, etc see 4(2) Halsbury’s Laws (4th edn) (2002 reissue) paras 140, 143.
For the Immigration Act 1971, Sch 2, see 31 Halsbury’s Statutes (4th edn) (2003 reissue) 127.
For the Human Rights Act 1998, Sch 1, Pt I, art 5, see 7 Halsbury’s Statutes (4th edn) (2004 reissue) 705.
Cases referred to in judgments
A-G for Canada v Cain, A-G for Canada v Gilhula [1906] AC 542, [1904–7] All ER Rep 582, PC.
Andrews v Reading BC [2004] EWHC 970 (QB), [2004] All ER (D) 319 (Apr).
Anisminic Ltd v The Foreign Compensation Commission [1969] 1 All ER 208, [1969] 2 AC 147, [1969] 2 WLR 163, HL.
Anufrijeva v Southwark London BC, R (on the application of N) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept, R (on the application of M) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2003] EWCA Civ 1406, [2004] 1 All ER 833, [2004] QB 1124, [2004] 2 WLR 603.
Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corp [1947] 2 All ER 680, [1948] 1 KB 223, CA.
Austin v Dowling (1870) LR 5 CP 534, CA.
Bensaid v UK (2001) 11 BHRC 297, ECt HR.
Board of Education v Rice [1911] AC 179, [1911–13] All ER Rep 36, HL.
Boddington v British Transport Police [1998] 2 All ER 203, [1999] 2 AC 143, [1998] 2 WLR 639, HL.
Chahal v UK (1996) 1 BHRC 405, ECt HR.
Clark v University of Lincolnshire and Humberside [2000] 3 All ER 752, [2000] 1 WLR 1988, CA.
Cumming v Chief Constable of Northumbria Police [2003] EWCA Civ 1844, [2003] All ER (D) 305 (Dec), (2004) Times, 2 January.
Davidson v Chief Constable of North Wales [1994] 2 All ER 597, CA.
Eshugbayi Eleko v Officer Administering the Government of Nigeria [1931] AC 662, [1931] All ER Rep 44, PC.
Everett v Griffiths [1921] 1 AC 631, HL.
Grinham v Willey (1858) 4 H & N 496, 157 ER 934, Exch.
Harnett v Bond [1924] 2 KB 517.
Holgate-Mohammed v Duke [1984] 1 All ER 1054, [1984] AC 437, [1984] 2 WLR 660, HL; affg sub nom Mohammed-Holgate v Duke [1983] 3 All ER 526, [1984] QB 209, CA.
Johnstone v Pedlar [1921] 2 AC 262, [1921] All ER Rep 176, HL.
Keenan v UK (2001) 10 BHRC 319, ECt HR.
Khawaja v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [1983] 1 All ER 765, [1984] AC 74, [1983] 2 WLR 321, HL.
Leech v Pankhurst Prison Deputy Governor, Prevot v Long Larton Prison Deputy Governor [1988] 1 All ER 485, [1988] AC 533, [1988] 2 WLR 290, HL.
Liversidge v Anderson [1941] 3 All ER 338, [1942] AC 206, HL.
Local Government Board v Arlidge [1915] AC 120, [1914–15] All ER Rep 1, HL.
McC v Mullan [1984] 3 All ER 908, sub nom Re McC (a minor) [1985] AC 528, [1984] 3 WLR 1227, HL.
Murray v Ministry of Defence [1988] 2 All ER 521, [1988] 1 WLR 692, HL.
Musgrove v Toy [1891] AC 272, PC.
Nadarajah v Secretary of State for the Home Dept, Amirhanathan v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2003] EWCA Civ 1768, [2004] INLR 139.
Nishimura Ekiu v US (1892) 142 US 651, US SC.
Osman v UK (1998) 5 BHRC 293, ECt HR.
Page v Hull University Visitor [1993] 1 All ER 97, sub nom R v Lord President of the Privy Council, ex p Page [1993] AC 682,[1992] 3 WLR 1112, HL.
Paul v Chief Constable of Humberside Police [2004] EWCA Civ 308, [2004] All ER (D) 333 (Mar).
Percy v Hall [1996] 4 All ER 523, [1997] QB 924, [1997] 3 WLR 573, CA.
Perks v UK (2000) 30 EHRR 33, [1999] ECHR 25277/94, ECt HR.
Pretty v UK (2002) 12 BHRC 149, ECt HR.
R v Central London County Court, ex p London [1999] 3 All ER 991, [1999] QB 1260, [1999] 3 WLR 1, CA.
R v Electricity Comrs, ex p London Electricity Joint Committee Co (1920) Ltd [1924] 1 KB 171, [1923] All ER Rep 150, CA.
R v Governor of Brixton Prison, ex p Soblen [1962] 3 All ER 641, [1963] 2 QB 243, [1962] 3 WLR 1154, CA.
R v Governor of Brockhill Prison, ex p Evans (No 1), R v Governor of Onley Young Offenders Institution, Rugby, ex p Reid [1997] 1 All ER 439, [1997] QB 443, [1997] 2 WLR 236, DC.
R v Governor of Brockhill Prison, ex p Evans (No 2) [2000] 4 All ER 15, [2001] 2 AC 19, [2000] 3 WLR 843, HL.
R v Governor of Durham Prison, ex p Singh [1984] 1 All ER 983, [1984] 1 WLR 704.
R v Whitfield (1885) 15 QBD 122, CA.
R (on the application of A) v Lord Saville of Newdigate (Bloody Sunday Inquiry) [2001] EWCA Civ 2048, [2002] 1 WLR 1249.
R (on the application of P) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept, R (on the application of Q) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2001] EWCA Civ 1151, [2001] 3 FCR 416, [2001] 1 WLR 2002.
R (on the application of Saadi) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2002] UKHL 41, [2002] 4 All ER 785, [2002] 1 WLR 3131.
R (on the application of Wilkinson) v Responsible Medical Officer, Broadmoor Hospital [2001] EWCA Civ 1545, (2001) 65 BMLR 15, [2002] 1 WLR 419.
Racal Communications Ltd, Re [1980] 2 All ER 634, [1981] AC 374, [1980] 3 WLR 181, HL.
Shingara v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [1999] Imm AR 257, CA.
Sommersett’s Case (1772) 20 St Tr 1.
Tan Te Lam v Superintendent of Tai A Chau Detention Centre [1996] 4 All ER 256, [1997] AC 97, [1996] 2 WLR 863, PC.
Three Rivers DC v Bank of England (No 3) [2001] UKHL 16, [2001] 2 All ER 513, [2003] 2 AC 1.
Ullah v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [1995] Imm AR 166, CA.
V v UK (2000) 30 EHRR 121, [1999] ECHR 24888/94, ECt HR.
W v Home Office [1997] Imm AR 302, CA.
X (minors) v Bedfordshire CC, M (a minor) v Newham London BC, E (a minor) v Dorset CC [1995] 3 All ER 353, [1995] 2 AC 633, [1995] 3 WLR 152, HL.
Youssef v Home Office [2004] EWHC 1884 (QB), [2004] All ER (D) 606 (Jul).
The claimants, ID, her husband AD, and their children TD and ID, appealed with permission of Laws LJ given on 27 May 2004 from the order of Judge Crawford Lindsay QC in the Central London County Court on 7 April 2004 allowing the appeal of the Home Office against the order of District Judge Lightman in the Central London County Court on 7 August 2003 striking out the Home Office’s application to strike out/and or for summary judgment in respect of certain parts of the claimants’ particulars of claim in their proceedings against the Home Office for (i) a declaration that the Home Office had acted incompatibility with their
rights under arts 2, 3, 5, 8, and 14 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950 (as set out in Sch 1 to the Human Rights Act 1998); (ii) a declaration that the Home Office had wrongfully discriminated against the claimants contrary to s 29 of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and/or ss 19B and/or 20 of the Race Relations Act 1976; (iii) damages for false imprisonment; (iv) damages for negligence; and (v) aggravated and/or exemplary damages.  Bail for Immigration Detainees and the Immigrant Law Practitioners Association were given permission to intervene.  The facts are set out in the judgment of Brooke LJ.
Rabinder Singh QC and Raza Husain (instructed by Bhatt Murphy) for the claimants.
Stuart Catchpole QC and Jenni Richards (instructed by the Treasury Solicitor) for the Home Office.
Richard Gordon QC, Nadine Finch and Richard Hermer (instructed by Birnberg Peirce & Partners) for the interveners.
Cur adv vult
27 January 2005.  The following judgments were delivered.

[1] This is an appeal by the claimants, who are a Czech family of Roma ethnic origin, against an order made by Judge Crawford Lindsay QC in the Central London County Court on 7 April 2004.  The judge had allowed an appeal by the Home Office against an order made by District Judge Lightman in the same court on 7 August 2003 who had struck out their application to strike out (or grant them summary judgment in respect of) significant parts of the particulars of claim.
[2] By the amended particulars of claim in this action the claimants claimed: (i) a declaration that the Home Office had acted incompatibly with their convention rights, and in particular those arising out of arts 2, 3, 5, 8 and 14 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950 (the ECHR) set out in Sch 1 to the Human Rights Act 1998; (ii) a declaration that the Home Office had wrongfully discriminated against them contrary to s 29 of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and/or ss 19B and/or 20 of the Race Relations Act 1976; (iii) damages for false imprisonment; (iv) damages for negligence; (v) aggravated and/or exemplary damages.
[3] On 28 February 2003 the Home Office applied for an order striking out and/or awarding summary judgment in their favour in relation to all the claims set out under (i), (ii) and (iii) above, other than the claims which related to their convention rights under art 14 of the ECHR and the claim which related to s 19B of the 1976 Act.  District Judge Lightman struck out this application.  Judge Crawford Lindsay QC, in allowing the Home Office’s appeal, granted them the relief they sought.  On 27 May 2004 Laws LJ granted the claimants permission to appeal to this court as a second appeal, observing:

‘I consider that the appellants may face a very uphill struggle; but the relation between (1) administrative detention under the immigration legislation, (2)  the tort of false imprisonment, and (3) art 5 of the ECHR is fit for examination in the Court of Appeal and this is an appropriate case for that to be done.’

[4] It will be noted that as things now stand the claimants’ claims under art 14 of the ECHR and s 19B of the 1976 Act, and for damages for negligence, will be proceeding to trial in the county court in any event.  On this second appeal they have made no attempt to resuscitate their claims under s 29 of the 1975 Act and s 20 of the 1976 Act.  What is in issue before us is the viability of their claims for damages for false imprisonment, and of their claims under arts 2, 3, 5 and 8 of the ECHR.  Because of the importance of the issues raised by the appeal, we granted permission to Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) and the Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association (ILPA) to intervene.  We also granted them permission to file short witness statements articulating the nature of their concerns in relation to the issues raised on the appeal.  We were told that their intervention was supported by the Refugee Children’s Consortium, of which they are both members.  The Home Office filed a witness statement in reply.
[5] The first claimant ID is the wife of the second claimant AD, and their two daughters TD and ID are now 14 and 10 respectively.  They arrived at Waterloo
station on the morning of 6 February 2002 by a Eurostar train.  On arrival, the first claimant claimed asylum, and her husband’s and daughters’ claims were dependent on her claim.  Her husband was immediately detained, whereas she and her daughters were granted temporary admission on the basis that they were to stay overnight with her husband’s maternal uncle.  He had already been granted refugee status.  Her husband was kept at Waterloo station until midnight.  He was then taken to a police station for the night and returned to Waterloo at 8.30 am the following day.  On the same day the first claimant came back to Waterloo with their daughters, and the whole family was then transported to Oakington Detention Centre (Oakington).
[6] By a letter dated 12 February 2002 the Home Office refused the first claimant’s application for asylum, and on 13 February she was refused leave to enter.
[7] On 14 February 2002 the family were moved to Yarl’s Wood Detention Centre (Yarl’s Wood), arriving there at about 1 pm.  The facts set out in the amended particulars of claim must be taken to be true for the purposes of this appeal.  The family was kept in a waiting area until about 6 pm, and were taken to their rooms in C-Block at about 8 pm.  They had not eaten since midday, but they were told that they would soon receive food, and they were given a key with which they could lock up their possessions.
[8] Nobody in fact came back to see them, and during that evening there was a serious disturbance at Yarl’s Wood, followed by a fire.  Staff evacuated the centre leaving the claimants locked up in the centre, and they only managed to escape with the help of other detainees.  The fire destroyed much of Yarl’s Wood.  All the claimants’ possessions were lost or destroyed, and they were terrified by what had happened.  At about 7.45 am the following day they were taken to Harmondsworth Detention Centre (Harmondsworth) in a state of shock, and were detained there until 19 February.  On 18 February the first claimant appealed to an adjudicator, and her notice of appeal was sent to the Home Office the following day.  The family were then granted temporary admission on the basis that they stayed with the second claimant’s uncle.
[9] The original particulars of claim were accompanied by medical reports on each of the claimants.  The general gist of these reports was that they were all suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, although in the parents’ case this disorder had originally been triggered by distressing events prior to their arrival in England.  They were also all suffering from depressive disorders of varying intensity.
[10] As I have said, three of their claims will be proceeding to trial at any event.  The claim for damages for negligence is founded on the proposition that it was negligent to detain the family at Yarl’s Wood and Harmondsworth because the Home Office thereby breached their obligation to take reasonable care for the family’s safety, health, welfare and security.  In particular it was said that insufficient or no regard was had for fire safety and for the family’s safety from the criminal acts of others.
[11] These allegations flow from the facts averred in paras 3 to 8 of the amended particulars of claim, which run along the following lines.  During the period between about May 2000 and 19 November 2001 when Yarl’s Wood was being developed and constructed, the local county fire and rescue service had strongly advised the Home Office to install fire sprinklers in order to protect life.  They gave them this advice because of the use that was being proposed for Yarl’s Wood, its remoteness, the water supply that was available to it, and the type of
construction that was being used.  In the event the centre opened on 19 November 2001 with no sprinklers having been put in place.
[12] In the same month a fire occurred at Campsfield Detention Centre, and as a result a number of the detainees who had been held there were transferred to Yarl’s Wood.  These included a number of people who had caused problems at Campsfield.  They were still at Yarl’s Wood when the claimants arrived there in February 2002.
[13] Tension increased at Yarl’s Wood in January and February 2002.  Detainees issued threats that the place would burn, and in the days leading up to 14 February intelligence reports indicated that a serious incident was likely to occur there.  It was for all these reasons that it is said that the Home Office did not exercise proper care for the claimants’ safety when they transferred them there on 14 February.  Although para 19 of the amended particulars of claim also refers to the claimants’ safety at Harmondsworth, no separate particulars are given of this allegation.
[14] The claims under art 14 of the ECHR fall into two parts.  The first relates to the initial detention of the second claimant over the night of 6–7 February.  This gives rise to the complaint that the Home Office’s policy of selecting the male head of a household for detention was unlawfully discriminatory on the grounds of sex.  The second relates to the detention of the whole family between 7 and 19 February.  Here complaint is made that the Home Office discriminated against them on the grounds of their Czech national origin and their Roma ethnic origin.  Reliance is placed in this context on the provisions of arts 5, 8 and 14 of the ECHR.  The claim under s 19B of the 1976 Act relates to the second of these complaints.
[15] All the actions of the Home Office that were under challenge on this appeal were the actions of immigration officers purporting to act under powers conferred on them by the Immigration Act 1971, as amended.  Section 3 of the 1971 Act makes general provision for regulation and control of the entry of immigrants into this country.  It provides, so far as is material:

3.—(1) Except as provided by or under this Act, where a person is not a British citizen—(a) he shall not enter the United Kingdom unless given leave to do so in accordance with the provisions of, or made under, this Act; (b) he may be given leave to enter the United Kingdom (or, when already there, leave to remain in the United Kingdom) either for a limited or for an indefinite period …’

[16] Section 3(2) provides for the Secretary of State to lay before Parliament statements of the rules, or of any changes to the rules, laid down by him for the practice to be followed in the administration of the 1971 Act.  Such statements are subject to the negative resolution procedure.
[17] Section 4 distinguishes between the role of immigration officers and the role of the Secretary of State in the administration of immigration control.  In particular:

4.—(1) The power under this Act to give or refuse leave to enter the United Kingdom shall be exercised by immigration officers, and the power to give leave to remain in the United Kingdom … shall be exercised by the Secretary of State …
(2) The provisions of Schedule 2 to this Act shall have effect with respect to … (c) the exercise by immigration officers of their powers in relation to entry into the United Kingdom, and the removal from the United Kingdom of persons refused leave to enter or entering or remaining unlawfully; and (d) the detention of persons pending examination or pending removal from the United Kingdom …’

[18] Section 11(1) of the 1971 Act provides in relation to arrivals in the United Kingdom, that—

‘a person who has not otherwise entered the United Kingdom shall be deemed not to do so as long as he is detained, or temporarily admitted or released while liable to detention, under the powers conferred by Schedule 2 to this Act …’

[19] Before I come on to refer to the powers of an immigration officer contained in that schedule, there are three provisions in Pt III of the 1971 Act (which is concerned with criminal proceedings) that deserve attention.  Section 24 creates a number of criminal offences in connection with illegal entry or ancillary matters, and s 24A creates offences of deception in connection with obtaining leave to enter or remain here, or with efforts to secure the avoidance, postponement or revocation of enforcement action.  And s 28A(1) provides that:

28A.—(1) A constable or immigration officer may arrest without warrant a person—(a) who has committed or attempted to commit an offence under section 24 or 24A; or (b) whom he has reasonable grounds for suspecting has committed or attempted to commit such an offence.’

Section 28A(3)–(5) contains further powers of arrest without warrant that are granted to immigration officers in connection with offences created elsewhere in Pt III.
[20] I turn now to Sch 2.  Paragraph 1(1) empowers the Secretary of State to appoint immigration officers for the purposes of the 1971 Act, and para 1(3) provides that:

‘In the exercise of their functions under this Act immigration officers shall act in accordance with such instructions (not inconsistent with the immigration rules) as may be given them by the Secretary of State …’

Paragraph 2 empowers an immigration officer to examine any persons who have arrived in the United Kingdom for the purpose of determining the matters prescribed in that paragraph.  Paragraph 6(1) provides that where such a person is to be given a limited leave to enter the United Kingdom or is to be refused leave—

‘the notice giving or refusing leave shall be given not later than twenty-four hours after the conclusion of his examination (including any further examination) [under para 2] …’

[21] Paragraphs 8 to 11 make provision for removal directions after a person arriving in the United Kingdom has been refused leave to enter, and paras 12 to14 make provision for similar directions in relation to seamen and members of an aircrew.  It is the provisions of paras 16 to 18 that are most directly relevant to the claims for damages for false imprisonment and the claims in respect of the alleged
violations of the claimants’ convention rights under art 5 of the ECHR.  They provide, so far as is material:

16.—(1) A person who may be required to submit to examination under paragraph 2 above may be detained under the authority of an immigration officer pending his examination and pending a decision to give or refuse him leave to enter …
(2) If there are reasonable grounds for suspecting that a person is someone in respect of whom directions may be given under any of paragraphs 8 to 10 or 12 to 14, that person may be detained under the authority of an immigration officer pending—(a) a decision whether or not to give such directions; (b) his removal in pursuance of such directions …
17.—(1) A person liable to be detained under paragraph 16 above may be arrested without warrant by a constable or immigration officer …
18.—(1) Persons may be detained under paragraph 16 above in such places as the Secretary of State may direct …
(4) A person shall be deemed to be in legal custody at any time when he is detained under paragraph 16 …
21.—(1) A person liable to detention or detained under paragraph 16 above may, under the written authority of an immigration officer, be temporarily admitted to the United Kingdom without being detained or be released from detention; but this shall not prejudice a later exercise of the power to detain him …’

[22] Finally, Sch 3 to the 1971 Act contains supplementary provision as to deportation.  Paragraph 2(2) provides for a power of detention under the authority of the Secretary of State pending the making of a deportation order, and para 2(3) provides for a similar power of detention pending a deportee’s removal or departure from this country.  Paragraph 7 contains relevant powers of arrest to bolster any restrictions that may have been imposed on a person under Sch 3.
[23] It will be evident that the provisions of the 1971 Act which I have cited envisage three different scenarios in which a person’s liberty may be restricted.  (i) Detention under the authority of an immigration officer pending: (a) examination by an immigration officer; or (b) a decision to give or refuse leave to enter; or (c) a decision whether or not to give removal directions; or (d) removal.  (ii) Detention under the authority of the Secretary of State pending: (a) the making of a deportation order; or (b) a deportee’s removal or departure from the country.  (iii) Arrest without warrant by a constable or an immigration officer pursuant to the powers created by s 28A of, para 17(1) of Sch 2 to or para 7 of Sch 3 to the 1971 Act.
[24] In the present case we are concerned only with the first of these scenarios.  The claimants were variously detained under the authority of an immigration officer between 6 and 19 February: (i) pending the examination of the first claimant at Oakington; (ii) pending the decision to refuse her leave to enter; and (iii) pending the decision whether or not to give removal directions.
[25] In R (on the application of Saadi) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2002] UKHL 41, [2002] 4 All ER 785, [2002] 1 WLR 3131 the House of Lords cast helpful light on both the scope and the limits of an immigration officer’s powers of detention under Sch 2 to the 1971 Act.  Lord Slynn of Hadley delivered the only substantive speech.  The effect of [22]–[26] of his speech can be summarised in
this way: (i) the power to detain pending examination and decision is not subject to any qualification to the effect that the Secretary of State must show that detention is necessary because the applicants would run away if not detained; (ii) nor is it limited to those who cannot appropriately be granted temporary admission, for whatever reason; (iii) the period of such detention must be reasonable in all the circumstances; (iv) the immigration officer must act reasonably in fixing the time for examination and for arriving at a decision in the light of the objective of promoting speedy decision-making.
[26] Lord Slynn referred with approval to the judgment of Woolf J in R v Governor of Durham Prison, ex p Singh [1984] 1 All ER 983, [1984] 1 WLR 704, in which he said in relation to the power to detain pending deportation ([1984] 1 All ER 983 at 985, [1984] 1 WLR 704 at 706):

‘as the power is given in order to enable the machinery of deportation to be carried out, I regard the power of detention as being impliedly limited to a period which is reasonably necessary for that purpose.  The period which is reasonable will depend on the circumstances of the particular case.’

[27] In his speech Lord Slynn set out or summarised ([2002] 4 All ER 785 at [11]–[20]) the evidence that had been given about the Oakington regime.  Since the present claimants were detained at Oakington for seven days, it is worth recalling certain features of this regime.  The purpose of this centre is to deal quickly with what are perceived to be straightforward asylum claims.  Cases are selected on the basis that they are seen to be capable of a speedy decision.  Interviews generally take place during the third day at the centre, and there are up to 150 scheduled interviews every day.  Asylum seekers have access to independent legal advice on site, supplied through the auspices of two non-governmental organisations.  Over 90% of those accepted into the Oakington process have their claims decided while they are there (as happened in the claimants’ case), and after a decision has been taken to refuse asylum, 80% are then released on temporary admission pursuant to para 21(1) of Sch 2 to the 1971 Act (see [21] above).  The average length of stay at Oakington is seven to ten days.  In his speech Lord Slynn concluded (at [24]) that the need to consider the claims of a large number of applicants intensively in a short period justified their detention as being reasonably necessary, as a matter of English law, provided that the physical conditions of detention were acceptable.
[28] In Saadi’s case the appellants’ main challenge to the lawfulness of the Oakington regime was founded on art 5 of the ECHR.  That article prescribes that everyone has the right to liberty and security of person, and that no one shall be deprived of liberty save in six defined categories of case, and in accordance with a procedure prescribed by law.  In this appeal no argument was addressed to the second and fourth of these categories.  The other four, so far as is material, comprise: (i) the lawful detention of a person after conviction by a competent court (art 5(1)(a)); (ii) the lawful arrest or detention of a person effected for the purpose of bringing him before the competent legal authority on reasonable suspicion of having committed an offence (art 5(1)(c)); (iii) the lawful detention of persons of unsound mind (art 5(1)(e)); (iv) the lawful arrest or detention of a person to prevent his effecting an unauthorised entry in the country (art 5(1)(f)).
[29] Article 5(5) provides that: ‘Everyone who has been the victim of arrest or detention in contravention of the provisions of this Article shall have an enforceable right to compensation.’
[30] In Saadi’s case Lord Slynn held ([2002] 4 All ER 785 at [43]) that subject to any question of proportionality the action taken at Oakington was ‘to prevent [a person] effecting an unauthorised entry into the country’ within the meaning of art 5(1)(f) and that for the reasons he gave in [45]–[47] the balance was in favour of recognising that detention under the Oakington procedure was proportionate and reasonable.
[31] Although the 1998 Act was not yet in force, art 5 had attracted the attention of the House of Lords in R v Governor of Brockhill Prison, ex p Evans (No 2) [2000] 4 All ER 15, [2001] 2 AC 19.  Lord Hobhouse of Woodborough explained ([2000] 4 All ER 15 at 38, [2001] 2 AC 19 at 47) that for detention to be lawful under art 5, a double test is applied.  The detention impugned must be lawful under domestic law, and the domestic law must be in compliance with the ECHR both substantively and procedurally:

‘If it fails either test, it is unlawful for the purposes of art 5 and 5(5) applies.  Here the detention failed the domestic law test (see [R v Governor of Brockhill Prison, ex p Evans (No 1), R v Governor of Onley Young Offenders Institution, Rugby, ex p Reid [1997] 1 All ER 439, [1997] QB 443]) and, like English law, art 5(5) requires compensation to be paid.’

[32] Lord Hope of Craighead traversed similar ground.  After saying that any detention which is unlawful in domestic law will automatically be unlawful under art 5(1), carrying with it a mandatory right to compensation under art 5(5), he continued ([2000] 4 All ER 15 at 30, [2001] 2 AC 19 at 38):

‘The second question is whether, assuming that the detention is lawful under domestic law, it nevertheless complies with the general requirements of the convention.  These are based upon the principle that any restriction on human rights and fundamental freedoms must be prescribed by law (see arts 8 to 11 of the convention).  They include the requirements that the domestic law must be sufficiently accessible to the individual and that it must be sufficiently precise to enable the individual to foresee the consequences of the restriction …  The third question is whether, again assuming that the detention is lawful under domestic law, it is nevertheless open to criticism on the ground that it is arbitrary because, for example, it was resorted to in bad faith or was not proportionate …’

[33] In Nadarajah v Secretary of State for the Home Dept, Amirhanathan v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2003] EWCA Civ 1768 at [54], [2004] INLR 139 at [54] Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers MR said:

‘Thus the relevance of Art 5 is that the domestic law must not provide for, or permit, detention for reasons that are arbitrary.  Our domestic law comprehends both the provisions of Sch 2 to the Immigration Act 1971 and the Secretary of State’s published policy, which, under principles of public law, he is obliged to follow.  These appeals raise the following questions:
(1) What is the Secretary of State’s policy?
(2) Is that policy lawful?
(3) Is that policy accessible?
(4) Having regard to the answers to the above questions, were N and A lawfully detained?’

[34] The amended particulars of claim in this action did not identify the sources of the different principles of law which it is alleged that the immigration officers failed to take into account properly or at all when from time to time they authorised the detention, or the continued detention, of the four claimants.  This court, however, directed them to particularise their claims in this respect and it then became clear that reliance was being placed on Ch 38 of the version of the operation enforcement manual then current (for this manual see Nadarajah’s case (at [26])), reinforced by art 37(b) of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (New York, 20 November 1989; TS 44 (1992); Cm 1976).
[35] The claimants derived the following principles of Home Office internal policy from the text of Ch 38.  (i) Detention should be a last resort: (a) ‘[T]he White Paper confirmed that there was a presumption in favour of temporary admission or release and that, wherever possible, we would use alternatives to detention.’  (See para 38.1.) (b) In all cases detention must be for the shortest possible time.  The aim should be to detain at the end of the process.  (See para 38.1.) (c) ‘All reasonable alternatives to detention must be considered before detention is authorised.’  (See para 38.3.) (ii) Detention must be strictly necessary when the consequences are the splitting up of a family:

‘It may be necessary on occasion to detain the head of the household only, thus separating a family … it would have to be shown to a court that a decision to detain corresponded with one of the legitimate interests which justify interference and that the interference to family life went no further than was strictly necessary to achieve that aim.’  (See para

(iii) There had to be strong grounds for believing that individuals were absconding risks or that they had no incentive to comply with temporary admission:

‘1 There is a presumption in favour of temporary admission or temporary release.
2 There must be strong grounds for believing that a person will not comply with conditions of temporary admission or temporary release for detention to be justified.’  (See para 38.3.)

(iv) Detention may be appropriate if there has been subterfuge or deception practised by individuals in order to enter the United Kingdom: ‘Factors influencing a decision to detain … has the subject taken part in a determined attempt to breach the immigration laws?’  (See para 38.3.)
(v) The detention of a family with children, or of children themselves, is to be effected only as a last resort and/or where it is necessary:

‘Families will normally only be detained to effect removal, and detention should be planned to be effected as close to removal as possible so as to ensure that families are not detained for more than a few days.’  (See para 38.3.)

[36] Finally, art 37(b) of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child provides that:

‘Article 37
States Parties shall ensure that …
(b) No child shall be deprived of his or her liberty unlawfully or arbitrarily.  The arrest, detention or imprisonment of a child shall be in conformity with the law and shall be used only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of time …’

For the duty to interpret the ECHR in the light of other obligations in international law, including treaty obligations, see V v UK (2000) 30 EHRR 121 at 176 (para 76).
[37] Apart from the complaints about unlawful discrimination which are either proceeding to trial or have been struck out by the judge without being appealed (see [4] above), the claimants’ claims in relation to their detention come variously under five different headings.  Each claim is preceded by the general rubric that the detention for the period in question was an unlawful exercise of the power to detain under the 1971 Act.  In short, they variously contend that the detention in question: (i) was unreasonable (head 1); (ii) was disproportionate (head 2); (iii) was unlawful because of a failure to follow applicable internal policy (head 3); (iv) failed to safeguard or protect the best interests of the two children (head 4); and/or (v) was unlawful at common law (head 5).
[38] Their complaints embrace the original detention of AD over the night of 5–6 February and the detention of the whole family at Oakington (7–14), Yarl’s Wood (14–15) and Harmondsworth (15–19).  I omit from what follows all the complaints about discriminatory treatment that are proceeding to trial in any event.
[39] So far as AD’s original detention is concerned, there are unparticularised complaints under heads 1, 2 and 4 above.  More significantly, the complaints under head 3 contain assertions that insufficient or no regard was had to the following requirements of internal policy: (i) that detention should be a last resort; (ii) that where the consequences were the splitting of a family, a test of strict necessity should be applied before detention was authorised; (iii) that in order to justify detention in this case there had to be strong grounds for believing: (a) that ID or AD represented absconding risks; (b) that ID or AD had no incentive to comply with the terms of temporary admission; and/or (iv) that to justify detention on the grounds of deceit, there had to be subterfuge or deception practised by the claimants in order to enter this country.
[40] The detention of the whole family at Oakington is challenged under all five heads, although the complaints under head 4 merge into the other complaints relating to this period.  In short, it is said under heads 3 and 5 that the immigration officer in question paid insufficient or no regard to the question whether the detention of the four claimants as a family, and/or the detention of the two children as children, was a last resort and/or necessary.  As to heads 1 and 2, complaint is made that insufficient or no regard was had: (i) to the suitability of other detainees who were to be detained at the centre with the children; (ii) to the suitability of detaining the two children with adults; (iii) to the fact that detention would not safeguard and promote the welfare of the two children.
[41] Apart from the fact that they were not being split up, all the earlier complaints are repeated in relation to the five-day period when the family were detained at Yarl’s Wood and Harmondsworth.  In addition, complaint is made under heads 1 and 2 on the grounds that: (i) the claimants were not absconding
risks, and removal was not sufficiently imminent to justify detention; (ii) even if they were to be regarded as absconding risks, removal could not reasonably be said to be sufficiently imminent or possible within a reasonable timescale, having regard in particular to the age of the two children; (iii) insufficient or no regard was had for: (a) the claimants’ safety; (b) fire safety; (c) the safety of the claimants from the criminal acts of others.
[42] Finally, in respect of the detention at Harmondsworth, complaint is made under heads 1 and 2 to the effect that insufficient regard was had to the experiences the family had undergone at Yarl’s Wood.
[43] These are the complaints underlying the claims for damages for false imprisonment.  In relation to their claims for compensation under art 5(5) of the   ECHR and for damages under the 1998 Act, they contend that the entirety of their detention was not ‘necessary’.  It was therefore not in accordance with domestic law or the Home Office’s own policy.  They also contend that their detention at Yarl’s Wood and Harmondsworth fell foul of art 5(1)(f) of the   ECHR   by reason of the three complaints about their safety at Yarl’s Wood which appear in [41](iii) above.
[44] We are also concerned on this appeal with the claims under arts 2, 3 and 8 of the ECHR (see [2] and [4] above).  The claims under arts 2 and 3 are founded on the contention that in all the circumstances of the case the family should not have been detained at Yarl’s Wood because it was not a safe place for them.  Under art 2 it is said that their detention at Yarl’s Wood: (i) exposed them to a real risk to life; and/or (ii) led them to face a real and immediate risk to life of which the Home Office had actual or constructive knowledge, and in respect of which it failed to offer sufficient protection and/or to take operational steps to secure Yarl’s Wood as safe.
[45] The scope of the art 3 complaint includes the family’s detention in Harmondsworth.  It is said that their detention both there and at Yarl’s Wood amounted to inhuman and degrading treatment in that it caused or materially contributed to mental suffering and feelings of fear and anguish in them and/or amounted to a severe interference with their dignity.
[46] Finally, it is said that the entirety of their detention violated art 8 since it unjustifiably interfered with their right to respect for mental and physical integrity and/or their dignity.  Particular complaint is also made about the decision to split up the family on the first night of their arrival.  This is said to have constituted an unjustifiable interference with their right to respect for family life.
[47] It is unnecessary to refer in any detail to the contents of the Home Office’s strike-out application.  I have summarised its effect in [3] above, and I will be referring to their different arguments when I come to address the merits of the appeal.  In short, it was being said that the claimants were detained in accordance with statutory powers.  They could not therefore complain of false imprisonment, and in any event the initiation of proceedings in the county court represented an abuse of process.  The application also contained contentions to the effect that there was no reasonable prospect of success in relation to the claims which the Home Office were seeking to strike out, and that the arts 2 and 5 claims did not disclose a cause of action known to English law.  (Amendments were made to the language of those two claims before the Home Office’s application was heard.)
[48] It is also unnecessary to say very much about the proceedings before District Judge Lightman.  The claimants’ solicitors had written a long letter to the Treasury Solicitor on 22 July 2003, followed (in the absence of any substantive
reaction of any kind) by an application on 30 July to strike out the Home Office’s application.  In short, the district judge was very concerned about the extent to which the resources of the court were going to be taken up by preliminary skirmishing in an action which was going to proceed to ‘a big trial of issues’ in any event.  He was also singularly unimpressed by the lack of any effective response by the Home Office to the claimants’ solicitor’s long letter, and by the fact that they had instructed counsel to attend a one-day hearing without enabling him to make submissions about anything other than the procedural directions that might be given.
[49] Judge Crawford Lindsay QC, for his part, determined the appeal on the (mistaken) basis that the claimants were not contending that their detention had been in breach of policy.  In these circumstances he held that their claims for damages ‘on the basis of an authorised detention’ should have been brought in the Administrative Court.  He was influenced in this regard by a dictum of Simon Brown LJ in Percy v Hall [1996] 4 All ER 523, [1997] QB 924 to the effect that English law provides no cause of action for invalid administrative acts as such, and by a contention that the Secretary of State was not vicariously liable for ‘the individuals who undertook the detention of the claimants’ who were ‘protected by the warrant of execution’.  He rejected the claims under arts 2, 3, 5 and 8 of the ECHR quite summarily, saying variously that they should be struck out or that judgment should be entered in relation to each of them.  From his decisions the claimants now appeal.
[50] It would be inappropriate to say very much about the evidence submitted on this appeal by the interveners, or the evidence given in response by the official in charge of the Home Office’s Detention Services Policy Unit.  Suffice it to say that they evidence on the one hand grave contemporary concern about different aspects of the practical implementation of Home Office policies (particularly in relation to the detention of children and members of vulnerable groups ‘such as torture survivors, those with serious mental and physical health problems and “disputed minors”’), and on the other hand a desire at policy level within the Home Office that any period of detention should comply with the humane conditions prescribed by the Detention Centre Rules 2001, SI 2001/238, and that cases involving families should be subject to particularly rigorous review from the very outset.
[51] It would be impossible (and unnecessary for the purposes of this appeal) to attempt to reconcile the conflicting evidence we received.  It is sufficient to say that the ILPA’s evidence, in the form of the witness statement of a solicitor who has acted in many cases involving detainees, was to the effect that there is currently a very real problem about access to justice for detained immigration clients, for the reasons on which he expanded in his statement.  BID’s similar evidence was given by a policy and research officer at their headquarters.  She said:

‘Mechanisms of application for Adjudicator bail and challenges in the High Court are frequently not exercised as a result of a lack of access to effective legal representation.  In BID’s experience, current policies and practices of immigration detention render those detained exceptionally vulnerable to unlawful detention as there is no adequate check on the power of the immigration service to detain.  In BID’s opinion, pursuit of civil actions by
former detainees provides a crucial mechanism for redress and holding those responsible to account.  The importance of access to quality legal representation, and a right to seek damages, is even more important given the increase in the use of detention under fast track processes and the increase in the use of detention for families.’

[52] One of the impediments in the path of access to justice is said to be the very low level of remuneration that is now available for publicly-funded basic asylum work.  For a London-based supplier, travel to and from a detention centre, and waiting time, is paid for at the rate of £30·30 per hour.  Legal help is paid for at £57·30 per hour.  These rates are significantly lower than the rates for other types of legal work.  The Legal Services Commission told BID in February 2004 that it acknowledged their concerns about access to legal advice, in particular for detainees at prisons.
[53] The interveners made the point that the driving purpose of the ECHR is to secure practical and effective rights.  Their clients are often traumatised people who do not speak English and who have had no experience of any proper judicial system, let alone one with the procedural peculiarities of the system in England and Wales.  BID is often contacted by clients who have had no legal representation, or whose representative is unwilling or unable to apply for bail on their behalf.  In their experience, in the early months of 2002 (the period to which the present claims relate), the average length of time one of their clients spent in detention before the first review by a court was four months.  Self-representation was said not to be a practical option, although more recently detainees’ use of simple written guidance has achieved their liberty in a number of cases.
[54] After this necessarily long introduction I turn to the issues we have to determine on this appeal.  I will start with those arising out of the fact of the detentions themselves.  Fortunately it is possible to clear out of the way quite quickly some of the issues that caused difficulty before the judge.  Thus: (i) the detentions were caused at each stage of the history by the immigration officers who authorised them; (ii) the fact that their authority was given protects the detention centre staff and others who acted under their authority, but it does not protect the immigration officers themselves if the giving of their authority was an unlawful act; (iii) subject to any particular considerations arising out of the interpretation of Sch 2 to the 1971 Act, on first principles the claimants, having been deprived of their liberty, would have the makings of a claim against the relevant immigration officer arising out of their detention, and the burden would lie on the immigration officer to establish a defence to that claim, whether by way of lawful justification or otherwise; (iv) although the decision in each case was that of the immigration officer in whom statutory authority was vested, it was not argued that the Home Office did not have vicarious responsibility for their acts—and if it had been, the matter would have been readily corrected by appropriate amendments to the title of the suit and the joinder of new parties.
[55] For the need to identify with precision the true cause of the detention, see Grinham v Willey (1858) 4 H & N 496 at 498, 157 ER 934 at 935 and Austin v Dowling (1870) LR 5 CP 534 at 538; and, more recently, Davidson v Chief Constable of North Wales [1994] 2 All ER 597 at 601–605.  For the concept that a ‘second actor’ may be blameless if he detains a person in reliance on what appears to be a
lawful authority, whether issued by a ‘first actor’ or otherwise (eg by byelaws), see Percy v Hall [1996] 4 All ER 523 at 541, [1997] QB 924 at 947–948, R v Central London County Court, ex p London [1999] 3 All ER 991 at 1000–1004, [1999] QB 1260 at 1274–1278 and R v Governor of Brockhill Prison, ex p Evans (No 2) [2000] 4 All ER 15 at 21, 37, [2001] 2 AC 19 at 29, 46.  See, too, Harnett v Bond [1924] 2 KB 517 for the liability of a ‘first actor’ until such time its decision to detain is superseded by a similar decision taken by another ‘first actor’.
[56] There are two other preliminary matters that may also be dealt with quite quickly.  The first is that if it is established that any of these immigration officers made decisions in a manner which fell outside the jurisdiction conferred on them by the 1971 Act, then their decisions would have been ultra vires and unlawful (see Anisminic Ltd v The Foreign Compensation Commission [1969] 1 All ER 208 at 213–214 and 233, [1969] 2 AC 147 at 171 and 195, Page v Hull University Visitor [1993] 1 All ER 97 at 107, [1993] AC 682 at 701 and Boddington v British Transport Police [1998] 2 All ER 203 at 225, [1999] 2 AC 143 at 171–172).
[57] The second is that there is on the face of it nothing in the slightest bit peculiar about an individual bringing a private law claim for damages against an executive official who has unlawfully infringed his private rights.  For this proposition it is unnecessary to go much further than Dicey Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution (8th edn, 1915) (being the last edition for which the original author was responsible) p 189:

‘In England the idea of legal equality, or the universal subjection of all classes to one law administered by the ordinary courts, has been pushed to its utmost limit.  With us every official, from Prime Minister down to a constable or a collector of taxes, is under the same responsibility for every act done without legal justification as any other citizen.  The reports abound with cases in which officials have been brought before the courts, and made, in their personal capacity, liable to punishment, or to the payment of damages, for acts done in their official character but in excess of their lawful authority.’

See, also, Wade and Forsyth Administrative Law (9th edn, 2004) p 751:

‘Public authorities, including ministers of the Crown, enjoy no dispensation from the ordinary law of tort and contract, except in so far as statute gives it to them.  Unless acting within their powers, they are liable like any other person for trespass, nuisance, negligence and so forth.  This is an important aspect of the rule of law.’

[58] It should be noted in this context that although CPR Pt 54 now permits the Administrative Court to award damages in addition to other relief on an application for judicial review, it has no jurisdiction to entertain a claim for damages alone (see CPR 54.3(2)).
[59] The difficult questions we have to determine are whether the law grants any form of immunity to an immigration officer in respect of what would normally be regarded as an unlawful act causing a loss of liberty, and whether a complainant’s remedy is limited to a declaration that the act was unlawful and/or a quashing order, or whether it sounds in damages as well, or as an alternative remedy.
[60] In [28] above I highlighted four different routes whereby a person may be lawfully deprived of his liberty as a matter of English law.   So far as the first is concerned, before the very limited changes brought about by the 1998 Act, there were special rules granting immunity from suit for those performing judicial acts.  By s 108 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 an action now lies against a magistrate only if it can be proved that he/she acted both in bad faith and in excess of jurisdiction, and in McC v Mullan [1984] 3 All ER 908, [1985] AC 528 the House of Lords reaffirmed the common law rule that judges of the higher courts were immune from suit even if it could be shown that they had been actuated by malice.
[61] So far as a constable’s power of arrest is concerned, it has long been settled that he will not be liable in trespass to the person so long as he can show that he did honestly suspect the matter on which he was entitled to rely, and that his grounds for suspicion were objectively reasonable.  It has recently been held that if his discretionary decision to effect an arrest is called into question, its lawfulness will be judged on ordinary Wednesbury principles (see Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corp [1947] 2 All ER 680, [1948] 1 KB 223) not only in proceedings for judicial review but also in actions for false imprisonment (see Holgate-Mohammed v Duke [1984] 1 All ER 1054 at 1057, [1984] AC 437 at 443 and Paul v Chief Constable of Humberside Police [2004] EWCA Civ 308 at [30], [2004] All ER (D) 333 (Mar) at [30]).
[62] Mr Catchpole QC, who appeared for the Home Office, argued that Lord Diplock’s guidance in Holgate-Mohammed v Duke was obiter (and was also incorrect).  He said that it had been conceded in the Court of Appeal in that case that the police must act reasonably when deciding whether to exercise their powers of arrest (see [1983] 3 All ER 526 at 531, [1984] QB 209 at 213).  In the House of Lords, however, the main issue identified by counsel for the appellant was whether a police constable might lawfully exercise his power of arrest when his sole object was to put the suspected person under greater pressure in order to induce a confession.  In those circumstances the basis on which the reasonableness of the officer’s action was to be tested was at the heart of the matters to be determined on the appeal.  In any event Lord Diplock was doing no more than identifying the basis on which such an exercise of executive discretion is invariably tested.
[63] The third situation, in which a mental patient may be lawfully detained without the intervention of a court, has traditionally afforded immunity by statute to those whose actions comply with the requirements of the relevant Act of Parliament so long as they act in good faith and with reasonable care.  At the time when Everett v Griffiths [1921] 1 AC 631 was decided, the protection was afforded by s 330 of the Lunacy Act 1890.  Similar protection, with a shift in the burden of proof onto the complainant detainee, is now to be found in s 139(1) of the Mental Health Act 1983.  The reason why one of the defendants was held liable for false imprisonment in Harnett v Bond [1924] 2 KB 517 was that as a Commissioner in Lunacy he had no power to direct the detention of anyone (see 546, 555 and 566).
[64] The case of Everett v Griffiths shows the House of Lords grappling with problems they did not finally resolve until the Anisminic case was decided nearly fifty years later.  Viscount Haldane started with the principle that if an administrative officer performs functions which have some judicial attributes
he/she is entitled to a measure of immunity.  For instance, he said ([1921] 1 AC 631 at 659):

‘The point of law is to-day not as simple as it was, comparatively speaking, some years ago.  The recent decisions of this House in [Board of Education v Rice [1911] AC 179, [1911–13] All ER Rep 36] and in [Local Government Board v Arlidge [1915] AC 120, [1914–15] All ER Rep 1] indicate that in the case of administrative awards there are at least some enforceable obligations which those making them must observe.  What these are and to what extent they go has to be ascertained by considering the statutes creating the quasi-judicial powers, and the particular forms in which a general principle has been implied in the establishment of such judicial authority.  This question may prove in particular cases a delicate and obscure one.  Some limitation of the application in such instances of the broad principle of complete judicial immunity may well prove to be involved in its resolution.’

[65] See also Lord Atkinson (at 682).  It was a passage in the speech of Lord Moulton, however (at 695–696) which set out a principle which was followed in later cases, as we shall see:

‘If a man is required in the discharge of a public duty to make a decision which affects, by its legal consequences, the liberty or property of others, and he performs that duty and makes that decision honestly and in good faith, it is, in my opinion, a fundamental principle of our law that he is protected.  It is not consonant with the principles of our law to require a man to make such a decision in the discharge of his duty to the public and then to leave him in peril by reason of the consequences to others of that decision, provided that he has acted honestly in making that decision.’

[66] The editors of Wade and Forsyth, quoted the first part of this passage (p 790) and then commented:

‘This wide statement ought probably to be confined to decisions made within jurisdiction, since at the time it was made there was undoubtedly liability for interference with personal liberty or property where there was no jurisdiction.  It probably means no more than that members of a tribunal which acts within its jurisdiction and in good faith are not personally liable to actions for negligence or for acting on no evidence.  In this case the House of Lords were aware of the need to define judicial immunity with reference to the growing adjudicatory powers of administrative authorities, “a fresh legal problem of far-reaching importance” [see Lord Haldane [1921] AC 631 at 659]; but they did not attempt to do it.’

[67] In Everett v Griffiths [1921] 1 AC 631 the defendant Griffiths was the chairman of the Board of Guardians.  He had the responsibility of signing orders for the reception of persons in pauper lunatic asylums, and his order when signed had effect as if it had been made by a justice of the peace under the 1890 Act.  It was this consideration which enabled the majority of the House of Lords to equate his position with that of a justice of the peace and afford him equivalent immunity (see 658–660, 665–667, 676–678 and 682–687) without attempting to state any wider principle: for Viscount Haldane’s extreme reluctance to do so in a case in which one side was argued by a litigant in person, see [1921] 1 AC 631 at 659–660.
[68] It is noticeable that in 1921 the House of Lords was more protective of the decision-maker than of those whose right to liberty might have been wrongly infringed.  They were left without a remedy.  In the later case of Harnett v Bond [1924] 2 KB 517, reference was made (at 539) to a dictum of Lord Lindley in R v Whitfield (1885) 15 QBD 122 at 150 when he said of the Lunatic Asylums Act 1853 that it gave justices of the peace and medical men large powers, and that it was based on the theory that they could be trusted.  Reliance on this theory led to many reverses for this country in the European Court of Human Rights between 1965 and 2000, particularly in cases involving the rights of prisoners and detainees in mental hospitals.  It would therefore be unsafe to adopt it as a reliable guide in resolving the present appeal now that the 1998 Act is in force.
[69] The present case is concerned with the liberty of the person.  Long before the 1998 Act came into force English law attached particular importance to the right to liberty.  Two citations from Lord Atkin and one from Lord Griffiths will be sufficient to make this point:

‘no member of the executive can interfere with the liberty or property of a British subject except on the condition that he can support the legality of his action before a court of justice.  And it is the tradition of British justice that judges should not shrink from deciding such issues in the face of the executive.’  (See Eshugbayi Eleko v Officer Administering the Government of Nigeria [1931] AC 662 at 670, [1931] All ER Rep 44 at 49 per Lord Atkin.)

‘in English law every imprisonment is prima facie unlawful, and … it is for a person directing imprisonment to justify his act.  The only exception is in respect of imprisonment ordered by a judge, who, from the nature of his office, cannot be sued, and the validity of whose judicial decisions cannot, in such proceedings as the present, be questioned.’  (See Liversidge v Anderson [1941] 3 All ER 338 at 362, [1942] AC 206 at 245 per Lord Atkin.)

‘The law attaches supreme importance to the liberty of the individual and if he suffers a wrongful interference with that liberty it should remain actionable even without proof of special damage.’  (See Murray v Ministry of Defence [1988] 2 All ER 521 at 529, [1988] 1 WLR 692 at 703 per Lord Griffiths.)

[70] In R v Governor of Brockhill Prison, ex p Evans (No 2) [2000] 4 All ER 15 at 21, [2001] 2 AC 19 at 28 Lord Steyn cited the first of Lord Atkin’s dicta and then said:

‘It represents the traditional common law view.  It points to a decision in the present case that the respondent is entitled to recover compensation on the ground of false imprisonment where the executive can no longer support the lawfulness of the detention.’

[71] It was an important part of Mr Catchpole’s argument that foreign nationals who have not been granted leave to enter this country fall into a very special category.  He reminded us that the power of a state to control immigration is well recognised in international law and under the ECHR (see Lord Slynn in R (on the application of Saadi) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2002] 4 All ER 785 at [31], [2002] 1 WLR 3131), and that this right extends beyond the simple control of entry to encompass the treatment of aliens and the control of their activities whilst they are present or resident in the state.  He cited in support of this proposition well-known passages from Nishimura Ekiu v US (1892)
142 US 651 at 659, Musgrove v Toy [1891] AC 272 at 283 and A-G for Canada v Cain, A-G for Canada v Gilhula [1906] AC 542 at 546, [1904–7] All ER Rep 582 at 584–585.  For present purposes it is only necessary to quote from the speech of Lord Atkinson, giving the opinion of the Privy Council in the third of these cases:

‘One of the rights possessed by the supreme power in every State is the right to refuse to permit an alien to enter that State, to annex what conditions it pleases to the permission to enter it, and to expel or deport from the State, at pleasure, even a friendly alien, especially if it considers his presence in the State opposed to its peace, order, and good government, or to its social or material interests … [A]s it is conceded that by the law of nations the supreme power in every State has the right to make laws for the exclusion or expulsion of aliens, and to enforce those laws, it necessarily follows that the State has the power to do those things which must be done in the very act of expulsion …’

[72] The judgment of Lord Denning MR in R v Governor of Brixton Prison, ex p Soblen [1962] 3 All ER 641 at 660, [1963] 2 QB 243 at 300 shows that powers of the type under discussion in this appeal were originally exercised under the royal prerogative.  Sir William Blackstone in his Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765) vol 1, pp 259–260 said that strangers who came spontaneously were liable to be sent home whenever the king saw occasion.  After referring to an unreported case decided in 1896, Lord Denning said:

‘It seems clear from that case that by international law any country is entitled to expel an alien if his presence is for any reason obnoxious to it; and as incidental to this right, it can arrest him, detain him, and put him on board a ship bound for his own country.’

[73] These powers were first codified in the Aliens Orders 1916 and 1953, and Lord Denning shows how very distinguished academic writers queried the legality of the Crown’s earlier powers of arrest and expulsion.  However that may be—and the matter was never tested in the courts—legal challenges under the Aliens Orders tended to be directed towards the validity of the underlying deportation order rather than to the detention itself.  So long as that order was not a sham, or made with a lack of bona fides, or for any unlawful or ulterior purpose (see Ex p Soblen [1962] 3 All ER 641 at 662, [1963] 2 QB 243 at 305) the courts would not interfere with the consequential direction for administrative detention.
[74] It should be remembered that all these early cases preceded the reforms to judicial review in the mid-1970s.  Indeed, Atkin LJ’s famous dictum in R v Electricity Comrs, ex p London Electricity Joint Committee Co (1920) Ltd [1924] 1 KB 171 at 205, [1923] All ER Rep 150 at 161 was designed to ensure that administrative decisions affecting a person’s legal rights were subject to the rule of law:

‘Wherever any body of persons having legal authority to determine questions affecting the rights of subjects, and having the duty to act judicially, act in excess of their legal authority they are subject to the controlling jurisdiction of the King’s Bench Division exercised in these writs.’

The word ‘subjects’ needed some qualification in 1924 because aliens lawfully within this country in time of peace were accorded the same civil rights as British citizens (see Johnstone v Pedlar [1921] 2 AC 262, [1921] All ER Rep 176).
[75] In Khawaja v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [1983] 1 All ER 765 at 782, [1984] AC 74 at 111–112 Lord Scarman put it beyond doubt that the rule of law extended to aliens subject to administrative detention:

‘[D]oes our law’s protection extend to aliens and non-patrials?  There is a suggestion that, because an alien is liable to expulsion under the royal prerogative and a non-patrial has no right of abode, it is less difficult to infer a Parliamentary intention to deprive them of effective judicial review [of] a decision to infringe their liberty …  Habeas corpus protection is often expressed as limited to “British subjects”.  Is it really limited to British nationals?  Suffice it to say that the case law has given an emphatic No to the question.  Every person within the jurisdiction enjoys the equal protection of our laws.  There is no distinction between British nationals and others.  He who is subject to English law is entitled to its protection.  This principle has been in the law at least since Lord Mansfield freed “the black” in Sommersett’s Case (1772) 20 St Tr 1 at 20.  There is nothing here to encourage in the case of aliens or non-patrials the implication of words excluding the judicial review our law normally accords to those whose liberty is infringed.’

See also Lord Templeman ([1983] 1 All ER 765 at 794–795, [1984] AC 74 at 127–128).
[76] It follows that although people like the present claimants are described in the statute as being ‘liable to detention’, so that they can be subjected to administrative detention under the authority of an immigration officer without any reference to a court of law, English law will remain jealous of their right to liberty and will scrutinise with care the legality of any executive act that deprives them of that liberty.  So much is apparent from the decision of Woolf J in R v Governor of Durham Prison, ex p Singh [1984] 1 All ER 983, [1984] 1 WLR 704 (see [26] above) which later received the approval of the Privy Council in Tan Te Lam v Superintendent of Tai A Chau Detention Centre [1996] 4 All ER 256 at 265, [1997] AC 97 at 111, and the House of Lords in Saadi’s case (see [25] above).
[77] Mr Catchpole showed us a line of cases in which it was stated that English law provides no cause of action for invalid administrative acts as such: see X (minors) v Bedfordshire CC, M (a minor) v Newham London BC, E (a minor) v Dorset CC [1995] 3 All ER 353 at 365 and 367, [1995] 2 AC 633 at 732 and 734–735, Percy v Hall [1996] 4 All ER 523 at 541, [1997] QB 924 at 947 and W v Home Office [1997] Imm AR 302 at 309 and 311.  He suggested that if the claimants’ arguments were correct, the courts would for the first time be creating a strict liability at common law for what he described, rather unhappily (since personal liberty is in issue), as a ‘simple public law error’.
[78] The first two of these cases do no more than restate a well-known proposition of public law, one which led to the re-emergence in recent years of the tort of misfeasance in public office which requires a finding of malice to complete the cause of action.  The third, W v Home Office, requires closer attention.
[79] In that case an immigrant was wrongfully detained for nine days because of a filing error.  He was released immediately the error came to light, and he later
brought a civil action against the Home Office for damages for negligence: it was not a false imprisonment case.  His claim failed.  Lord Woolf MR, giving the judgment of this court, said ([1997] Imm AR 302 at 305) that it was necessary for the powers exercised by the immigration officers to be considered in the context of the statutory policy of the 1971 Act as a whole.  After reciting, as I have done, the relevant statutory provisions, he identified (at 307–308) five features of the scheme which were common ground between the parties:

‘(1) … individuals requiring leave to enter enjoy no right or presumption that they should be entitled to be at large before leave is granted.
(2) A wide discretion is given to the immigration officers not only whether to admit detain or release but also in respect of the investigations they are entitled to make.
(3) The relevant statutory provisions are concerned with the giving of authority to detain; actual detention is in hands of other persons.
(4) It is not contested in this case that the plaintiff was lawfully detained at all times and
(5) It is not contended that an invalid decision authorising detention makes the detention unlawful.’

[80] He went on to say (at 308):

‘The powers given to immigration officers by the Act are quintessentially those which are enforced by judicial review and in the normal way if a decision to release an immigrant is improperly delayed the remedy is an order of mandamus, not to release the immigrant, but to come to a decision whether to release or not.  If that decision is improperly taken the remedy is again to seek a prerogative order, this time certiorari.  In both cases no personal cause of action exists which could give a right to recover damages for breach of statutory duty and no such breach is alleged.’

[81] He then went on to consider, and dismiss, the contention that the plaintiff had a viable cause of action in negligence.  He said (at 311):

‘The essence of the allegation made is that the decision-making body has “negligently” taken into account matters it should not have taken into account by having regard to some irrelevant, and indeed if the allegation be right, misleading information, namely that contained in the questionnaire.  But this cannot constitute the tort of negligence.  If it did it is difficult to see why any maladministration does not give rise to a liability to pay damages at common law.  In fact it is because there is no liability to pay damages for maladministration in the ordinary way that the central and local government ombudsmen are required to investigate maladministration and where they find a complaint proved to exercise their discretion as to whether to recommend the payment of compensation.’

[82] This decision provides strong support for Mr Catchpole’s submissions.  But it must be observed that it preceded the coming into force of the 1998 Act and the vigorous observations made by the House of Lords in recent years about the importance of the right to liberty.  I have already observed that the plaintiff did not claim damages for false imprisonment, a cause of action which was to be lifted out of the shadows three years later by the House of Lords in R v Governor of Brockhill Prison, ex p Evans (No 2) [2000] 4 All ER 15, [2001] 2 AC 19.  The decision also
preceded the publication of the powerful analysis by Dr Christopher Forsyth in 1998 (‘The Metaphysic of Nullity’ Invalidity, Conceptual Reasoning and the Rule of Law in Forsyth and Hare The Golden Metwand and the Crooked Cord: Essays in Public Law in Honour of Sir William Wade (1998)) about the different positions of the ‘first actor’ and the ‘second actor’ (see Lord Steyn’s admiring comments in Boddington v British Transport Police [1998] 2 All ER 203 at 223, 225–226, [1999] 2 AC 143 at 169, 172).  The concession in [79](5) above views the situation from the second actor’s standpoint.
[83] Before leaving W v Home Office I should mention that Lord Woolf MR added ([1997] Imm AR 302 at 312):

‘In gathering information, and taking it into account the defendants are acting pursuant to their statutory powers and within that area of their discretion where only deliberate abuse would provide a private remedy.  For them to owe a duty of care to immigrants would be inconsistent with the proper performance of their responsibilities as immigration officers.  In conducting their inquiries, and making decisions in relation to immigrants, including whether they should be detained pending those inquiries, they are acting in that capacity of public servant to which the considerations outlined above apply.’

[84] After citing Lord Moulton’s dictum in Everett v Griffiths [1921] 1 AC 631 at 695–696 (see [65] above) Lord Woolf said:

‘Lord Moulton may in the context of that case have been contemplating immunity from suit for negligence but the sentiment supports the concept of it not being fair or reasonable to impose liability for negligence in the case of an immigration officer performing his public duty.’

[85] The effect of this decision is that if Home Office officials get their files into a muddle with the result that an immigrant loses his liberty unnecessarily, he has no right to compensation from anyone.  On the other hand, if his loss of liberty had been directed by a court, the court ought to have detected such a muddle before making its decision.  And although the court would possess immunity from suit if a mistake were made, the immigrant would have a cause of action against his lawyers who negligently failed to read the papers properly.
[86] Even stronger support for Mr Catchpole’s arguments was forthcoming from the decision of a two-judge division of this court in Ullah v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [1995] Imm AR 166.  In that case notice of intention to make a deportation order was served on the plaintiff, who was then detained for 17 days under the authority of the Secretary of State before being released once the Secretary of State had decided—

‘that the decision to deport was not in accordance with the law due to the fact that full consideration was not given to all your applications prior to service of the deportation notice.’  (See 168.)

This was another case involving an administrative muddle within the Home Office: in this case officials had overlooked or been unaware of the existence of no fewer than four different applications made by the plaintiff for indefinite permission to remain to which he had received no response at all.
[87] The plaintiff in that case instituted an action for damages for false imprisonment, and Gatehouse J, overruling Master Hutt, refused to strike it out. 
This court (Kennedy and Millett LJJ) allowed the Home Secretary’s appeal.  This was of course a Sch 3 case (see [22] above).  Kennedy LJ held (at 170–171) that the giving of a notice of intention to make a deportation order made Mr Ullah’s detention legitimate:

‘That condition precedent would not be fulfilled if no such intention had been formed, or if the intention had been formed in bad faith, but otherwise once notice is given in accordance with the regulations to a person liable to be deported, that person may be detained, and his detention will be lawful even if the notice is later withdrawn or set aside.’

He had earlier said (at 170) that the Home Secretary’s action was ‘plainly not ultra vires’, although it may have been irrational and therefore liable to be declared void.
[88] Millett LJ, for his part, rested his decision on his interpretation of para 2(2) of Sch 3 to the 1971 Act, which read:

‘Where notice has been given to a person in accordance with regulations under section 18 of this Act of a decision to make a deportation order against him … he may be detained under the authority of the Secretary of State pending the making of the deportation order.’

He observed that where the requirements of that paragraph were satisfied, the detention was lawful and no claim for false imprisonment could be maintained.
[89] He was willing (at 171) to contemplate that the exercise of the power of detention would have been unlawful not only if no notice in the proper form had been served, but also if the contents of the notice had been untrue.  If the Home Secretary had not in fact made any decision to deport the plaintiff, or if he had made such a decision in bad faith, or if the person served with the notice was not a person liable to deportation, there would not have been a decision of a kind contemplated by para 2(2).  What the paragraph did not require, however, was that the decision should be the right decision, or without flaw, or otherwise impervious to successful challenge by way of judicial review:

‘A decision made by the Secretary of State in good faith against a person liable to be deported is a decision within the contemplation of the paragraph even if it later appears that it is a decision which he should not have made or which he should not have made without further consideration.’  (See [1995] Imm AR 166 at 171.)

[90] The judgment in Ullah’s case is, on the face of it, binding on us, in so far as the two members of the court spoke with one voice on any material issue.  It is therefore necessary to consider whether either the coming into force of the 1998 Act or any subsequent pronouncements of the House of Lords have made any material difference to the law since Ullah v Secretary of State for the Home Dept was decided.  Ullah’s case was clearly treated as a ‘second actor’ case.  So long as there appeared to be a valid notice of intention to deport, which was not vitiated in any of the ways suggested in the judgments, no challenge could be made to the legality of the administrative detention that followed.
[91] Ex p Evans (No 2) [2000] 4 All ER 15, [2001] 2 AC 19 (see [31] above) was also a false imprisonment case.  The plaintiff had been sentenced to two years’ imprisonment, but she had served a period of time in prison before her trial, and the prison authorities had to work out when her correct release date was.  They
were not assisted in their task by the impenetrability of the relevant criminal justice legislation and some earlier Divisional Court case law on which the prison governor understandably relied.  This case law was later held to be wrong.  As a result the plaintiff served two months longer in prison than she should have done.
[92] The House of Lords ruled unanimously that she was entitled to recover damages for false imprisonment.  They made a clear distinction between detention for the period provided for by the order of the Crown Court, when properly computed, and the later period which arose out of a miscalculation by an officer of the executive, however understandable.  Although the 1998 Act was not in force, reference was made to its effect in three of the speeches.
[93] Lord Steyn said ([2000] 4 All ER 15 at 20–21, [2001] 2 AC 19 at 28) that a balance had to be struck between ‘the injustice of holding the governor liable in tort’ and ‘the injustice of leaving the victim of a substantial period of unlawful imprisonment without a remedy’.  When he considered the ‘comparative potency’ of the competing claims to ‘the just solution of the case’ he thought that on balance the applicant’s arguments outweighed those of the Solicitor General.  He cited for the second time in three years Lord Atkin’s dictum in Eshugbayi Eleko v Officer Administering the Government of Nigeria [1931] AC 662 at 670, [1931] All ER Rep 44 at 49 (see [70] above for his comment on that case).
[94] Of art 5 of the ECHR he said, quite briefly, that it reinforced the view which he had already accepted.  In his view its provisions ruled out the defence that the governor had acted in accordance with the law as it was understood at the time.
[95] Lord Hope of Craighead, for his part, went back ([2000] 4 All ER 15 at 24, [2001] 2 AC 19 at 32) to first principles in analysing the ingredients of the tort of false imprisonment.  It was a tort of strict liability to which there was an answer if the defendant could prove, among other things, that his act was permitted by law.  This question had to be determined at the time of the imprisonment.  He said ([2000] 4 All ER 15 at 26, 27, [2001] 2 AC 19 at 35) that it was no answer to a claim based on a tort of strict liability to say that the governor took reasonable care, or that he had acted in good faith when he made his calculations:

‘The authorities are at one in treating it as a tort of strict liability.  That strikes the right balance between the liberty of the subject and the public interest in the detection and punishment of crime.  The defence of justification must be based upon a rigorous application of the principle that the liberty of the subject can be interfered with only upon grounds which a court will uphold as lawful.’

[96] He went on ([2000] 4 All ER 15 at 29, [2001] 2 AC 19 at 37) to consider art 5 of the ECHR because the application of the tort of false imprisonment to the facts of Ex p Evans (No 2) had raised a novel point of some difficulty, and it was of interest to see whether the provisions of art 5 supported the conclusion he favoured as to the present state of domestic law.  I have quoted the relevant passage in his speech at [32] above.  In short, he said that there were three aspects of art 5(1) which had to be satisfied: (i) the detention must be lawful under domestic law; (ii) as an extra requirement, domestic law must be sufficiently accessible to the individual and sufficiently precise to enable him to foresee the consequences of the restriction on his rights; (iii) domestic law must not be arbitrary (in the sense that it was resorted to in bad faith) or disproportionate.  Since the last two months of detention in Ex p Evans (No 2) were not lawful under domestic law, the defence of lawful justification would have fallen at the first hurdle under the ECHR.
[97] Lord Hobhouse spoke even more eloquently about the importance of personal liberty.  He said ([2000] 4 All ER 15 at 34, [2001] 2 AC 19 at 42):

‘Imprisonment involves the infringement of a legally protected right and therefore must be justified.  If it cannot be lawfully justified, it is no defence for the defendant to say that he believed that he could justify it.  In contrast with the tort of misfeasance in public office, bad faith is not an ingredient of the tort; it is not a defence for the defendant to say that he acted in good faith …’

[98] And ([2000] 4 All ER 15 at 35, [2001] 2 AC 19 at 43):

‘It is contrary to principle that the executive should not be liable for illegally interfering with the liberty of the subject.  The remedy of habeas corpus and the tort of false imprisonment are important constitutional safeguards of the liberty of the subject against the executive.’

[99] He traversed again ([2000] 4 All ER 15 at 37–38, [2001] 2 AC 19 at 45–46) the arguments relating to the entitlement of a ‘second actor’ to rely on an order made by a court of competent jurisdiction, and he then went on to consider   art 5 of the ECHR.  He found that it corresponded to existing English law.  In particular it recognised ‘an affirmation of the basic right not to be deprived of one’s personal liberty (Lord Atkin)’ and it required ‘the payment of compensation for unlawful detention as does English law (Lord Atkin)’.  He concluded on this aspect of the case ([2000] 4 All ER 15 at 38, [2001] 2 AC 19 at 47):

‘In the present case, the state (through the legislature) has defined the power of detention; the state (through the executive) has detained the plaintiff in excess of that power; it creates no injustice that the state should compensate the plaintiff.  It certainly does not make it just for the state to fail to compensate the plaintiff that one or more emanations of the state have misunderstood the legislation.  Under the convention, the state is already under an obligation to compensate; when the Human Rights Act 1998 comes into force it will also be under a domestic law obligation to do so.’

[100] R v Governor of Brockhill Prison, ex p Evans (No 2) [2000] 4 All ER 15, [2001] 2 AC 19 is an important case for the purposes of this appeal for three main reasons.  The first is that it reaffirmed in ringing tones the importance that English law attaches to personal liberty even before the 1998 Act came into force.  Secondly, it shows Lord Hobhouse making a clear distinction between a case where a person’s liberty is taken away by an unlawful executive act, where bad faith is not an essential ingredient of the tort, and the situations embraced by the tort of misfeasance in public office, where it is.  And thirdly it shows how art 5 of the ECHR not only made compensation for its violation mandatory but was also to add two further important ingredients into our law if the executive is to succeed in a defence of lawful justification: the law must be accessible and it must be proportionate.
[101] I have already referred (see [33] above) to the decision of this court in Nadarajah v Secretary of State for the Home Dept, Amirhanathan v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2004] INLR 139.  In that case two immigrants challenged the lawfulness of their detention under a policy which legitimised their detention so long as their removal from this country was imminent.  The court, citing Chahal v UK (1996) 1 BHRC 405 at 430 (para 112), held that all that was required under art 5(1)(f) was that ‘action is being taken with a view to deportation’: it did not
import the stricter test of proportionality for which the applicants were contending.  The reason why the court held that the detentions were unlawful was because the law was not accessible.  The evidence showed that the immigration service was operating a policy, when considering the imminence of removal, of disregarding information from those acting for asylum seekers to the effect that legal proceedings (whether by way of appeal or judicial review) were about to be initiated, however credible that evidence might be, and it had not made that policy public.
[102] We were also referred to the recent decision of Field J in Youssef v Home Office [2004] EWHC 1884 (QB), [2004] All ER (D) 606 (Jul) in which the legality of a long period of administrative detention was put in issue on a claim for damages for false imprisonment.  The judge, applying Woolf J’s test in R v Governor of Durham Prison, ex p Singh [1984] 1 All ER 983, [1984] 1 WLR 704 (see [26] above), held that it was for him to judge whether the final period of detention was reasonable, although he should make allowance for the way in which government functions, and be slow to second-guess the executive’s assessment of diplomatic negotiations.  In the event he concluded that the detention should lawfully have ended 14 days earlier than it did.  He added that he would have reached the same conclusion even if he had applied a Wednesbury standard of reasonableness to the Home Secretary’s decision-making process.
[103] I do not consider that it is necessary to dwell for very long on Mr Catchpole’s contention that it was an abuse of process for the claimants to have brought this claim for damages for false imprisonment in the county court, thereby allegedly circumventing the safeguards of the judicial review regime.  I must emphasise that this was a complaint about the choice of initiating process: it is always possible for a circuit judge to direct the transfer of part of a private law action to the High Court for trial by a judge with Administrative Court experience if this is thought desirable on case management grounds.
[104] It is greatly to be hoped that complaints of this kind about procedural exclusivity may fall away under the CPR regime, for the reasons given by Lord Woolf MR in Clark v University of Lincolnshire and Humberside [2000] 3 All ER 752 at 838 and 839–840, [2000] 1 WLR 1988 at 1995–1996 and 1996–1998 (paras 25–27 and 32–39).  In particular, he said (para 39) that the relevant question was not whether ‘the right procedure’ had been adopted, but whether the protection provided by what was still at that time RSC Ord 53 had been flouted in circumstances which were inconsistent with the proceedings being able to be conducted justly in accordance with the general principles contained in CPR Pt 1.  ‘Those principles are now central to determining what is now due process’, he said.
[105] I have no doubt at all that if these proceedings are viable, they are properly brought as a private law action.  I have already shown (see [58] above) that the Administrative Court has no jurisdiction to hear an action for damages alone.  There are no facilities whereby a jury may be empanelled in the Administrative Court to try an action for damages for false imprisonment (see s 66(3)(b) of the County Courts Act 1984 and s 69(1)(b) of the Supreme Court Act 1981), and contested actions involving a human rights element often require cross-examination which is more conveniently provided for outside the Administrative Court list.  In R (on the application of Wilkinson) v Responsible Medical Officer, Broadmoor Hospital [2001] EWCA Civ 1545 at [62], (2001) 65 BMLR 15 at [62], [2002] 1 WLR 419, Hale LJ said that it should not matter whether proceedings in respect of forcible treatment of detained patients were brought by way of an
ordinary action in tort, an action under s 7(1) of the 1998 Act, or judicial review: see also Simon Brown LJ (at [24]), and R (on the application of P) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept, R (on the application of Q) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2001] EWCA Civ 1151 at [20], [2001] 3 FCR 416 at [20], [2001] 1 WLR 2002.
[106] I would add that the evidence of the interveners suggests that compensation for unlawfully detained asylum seekers will be hard to come by within the strict time limits required by CPR Pt 54, given the severe difficulties over legal representation in those detention centres and prisons where such representation is not readily available on the spot.  To restrict access to justice by insisting on proceeding by way of CPR Pt 54 in a damages claim would in such circumstances amount to the antithesis of the overriding objective in CPR Pt 1.
[107] I have already noted how in false imprisonment claims a judge in the county court will already have to apply Wednesbury principles in deciding whether a police officer’s discretionary decision to effect an arrest was a reasonable one.  Recent authority in this court includes not only my judgment in Paul v Chief Constable of Humberside Police [2004] EWCA Civ 308, [2004] All ER (D) 333 (Mar) (see [61] above) but also the judgment of Latham LJ in Cumming v Chief Constable of Northumbria Police [2003] EWCA Civ 1844, [2003] All ER (D) 305 (Dec), (2004) Times, 2 January, in which he held (at [43]–[44]) that art 5 of the ECHR did not require the court to evaluate the exercise of discretion in any different way from the exercise of any other executive discretion, although it must do so in the light of the important right to liberty which is at stake.  See also Boddington v British Transport Police (see [56] above) in which Lord Steyn said ([1998] 2 All ER 203 at 226, [1999] 2 AC 143 at 172):

‘the rule of procedural exclusivity … does not apply in a civil case when an individual seeks to establish private law rights which cannot be determined without an examination of the validity of a public law decision.’

[108] There is, incidentally, nothing in the judgment of Lord Woolf CJ in Anufrijeva v Southwark London BC, R (on the application of N) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept, R (on the application of M) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2003] EWCA Civ 1406, [2004] 1 All ER 833, [2004] QB 1124 to suggest that the county court is not an appropriate forum for a damages claim of this kind which includes a human rights element, especially when part of it has to be litigated in the county court in any event (compare the decision of Collins J in Andrews v Reading BC [2004] EWHC 970 (QB), [2004] All ER (D) 319 (Apr)).
[109] Mr Catchpole advanced a number of sound reasons why cases of this kind, if they are viable at all, should be entrusted to a judge with Administrative Court experience, at any rate until matters settle down and clear principles emerge from the case law.   He was on less secure ground, however, when he suggested that the CPR do not enable courts in private law actions to sieve out misconceived challenges just as effectively as the permission stage of the judicial review process, and his floodgates arguments contained an echo of those deployed unsuccessfully by his Home Office clients in the House of Lords in Leech v Pankhurst Prison Deputy Governor, Prevot v Long Larton Prison Deputy Governor [1988] 1 All ER 485, [1988] AC 533.  If an immigrant has been deprived of his liberty by unlawful executive action, he should not be denied access to the courts by recourse to floodgates arguments for the mandatory compensation to which he is entitled in respect of his false imprisonment.
[110] Mr Catchpole also submitted that we should bear in mind the consideration that when the Administrative Court quashes a decision of an
immigration officer on the grounds of public law error, there will be nothing to stop him/her making the same decision, this time by a lawful route.  It appears to me that the answer to this objection lies in the field of causation.  In Nadarajah v Secretary of State for the Home Dept, Amirhanathan v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2004] INLR 139 this court held that if the immigration officers’ decisions had not been tainted by their failure to disclose the policy on which they relied, the applicants’ lawyers would have ensured that legal proceedings would have been in fact initiated, and not merely threatened, if this was what was needed to prevent their clients’ detention.  In R (on the application of Saadi) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2002] 4 All ER 785, [2002] 1 WLR 3131, on the other hand, Lord Slynn observed (at [48]) that the failure to give the right reason for the detention, and the giving of no reasons, or the wrong reasons, on the form delivered to the claimants, although procedurally inept, did not affect the legality of their detention.
[111] Mr Catchpole sought to make a distinction between what he called ‘no power’ cases (a category in which he placed Ex p Evans (No 2) and those police cases in which it is shown that a police officer did not have the requisite grounds for effecting an arrest) and cases where an immigration officer is given by Parliament what he described as an extremely wide-ranging power to detain.  This distinction misses the point.  If a court judges that in making his decision to detain, an immigration officer failed to take into account matters of material significance (viz he has overlooked relevant features of internal policy or paid no regard to the fact that the prospective detainee is a child protected by art 37(b) of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child), then he will have strayed outside his wide-ranging powers.  As a result he will have had ‘no power’ to authorise the detention in question.  This is what the doctrine of ultra vires is all about.  Kennedy LJ must have been using the phrase in some different sense in Ullah v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [1995] Imm AR 166 (see [87] above) when he suggested that an irrational decision is not necessarily a decision made ultra vires.
[112] I do not consider that my judgment in Shingara v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [1999] Imm AR 257 takes matters any further forward.  That was a ‘second actor’ case in which I said that it was far too late for Mr Shingara to challenge the lawfulness of an administrative direction made two years before he initiated judicial review proceedings.  It was not a case in which he was claiming damages for any imprisonment that occurred at the time when the impugned direction was made.
[113] It is now necessary to pull the threads together, on the assumption that the claimants will be able to prove at trial that they were the victims of an unlawful decision.  The critical questions we have to answer are whether the provisions of Sch 2 to the 1971 Act place the claimants in some special category in which they are afforded a weaker recognition of their right to liberty, and whether English law, now viewed through the prism of the ECHR, affords an immunity to immigration officers in any way comparable to that afforded to courts of law.  If the answers to these questions are that the detentions were unlawful by English law, there will be no defence to the claim for damages for false imprisonment.  If, on the other hand, there is no illegality under English law, then we have to determine whether the detention of this family with their two young children was disproportionate in the light not only of Home Office internal policy but also of art 37(b) of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.  Needless to say, if it were to
transpire, following disclosure of documents, that immigration officers were given some unpublished instructions relating to the treatment of the families of Roma asylum seekers, then the Home Office would encounter the same difficulties as they experienced in Nadarajah’s case, but there is at present no sign of this in the evidence.
[114] The high-water mark of the Home Office’s case on the first issue is Lord Woolf MR’s statement in W v Home Office [1997] Imm AR 302 (see [79] above) to the effect that individuals requiring leave to enter enjoy no right or presumption that they should be entitled to be at large before leave is granted.  This, however, is no more than a statement of the obvious, because an immigration officer may lawfully detain them under Sch 2 in the circumstances set out in [23] above without the need for any further acts or omissions on anybody’s part to trigger off the detention.  In Khawaja v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [1983] 1 All ER 765, [1984] AC 74, however, the House of Lords made it clear that their right to liberty was nevertheless protected by the law (see [75] above).  It follows that on the proper interpretation of Sch 2 to the 1971 Act the courts will be just as zealous to scrutinise any complaints of an unlawful infringement of liberty in that context as they would in any other case where such a complaint is made.  Article 5 of the ECHR, after all, protects ‘everyone’ (see [28] above), and in Saadi’s case, where the legality of Sch 2 detentions was in issue, there was no hint of any suggestion that art 5 did not apply at all.
[115] The more difficult question is whether immigration officers whose grant of authority to detain can be set aside on Anisminic principles are nevertheless entitled to immunity from an action for damages for false imprisonment unless they acted in bad faith or from some improper motive.  This could only be on the basis that principles that were developed in pre-Anisminic case law will still protect them unless they strayed wholly outside their jurisdiction (in the old, narrow sense).  This seems to have been the approach of Kennedy LJ in Ullah’s case (see [87] above) although in that case, it must be noted, there was no challenge to the discretionary decision to detain.
[116] The decision of the European Court of Human Rights in Perks v UK (2000) 30 EHRR 33 at 49–51 (paras 37–40) contains a useful summary of English domestic law concerning the immunity of justices prior to the enactment of s 108 of the 1990 Act.  The court summarised (at 49 (para 39)) the effect of the decision of the House of Lords in McC v Mullan [1984] 3 All ER 908, [1985] AC 528 (see [60] above) in these terms:

‘In its judgment, a magistrates’ court acted in excess of jurisdiction in three circumstances only: (1) if it acted without having jurisdiction over the cause, (2), if, although it had jurisdiction, it were guilty of some gross and obvious irregularity of procedure, or (3) if it made an order that had no proper foundation in law because of a failure to observe a statutory condition precedent.’

[117] Mr Catchpole relied on protection of this kind for his clients, but apart from relying on Lord Moulton’s dictum in Everett v Griffiths [1921] 1 AC 631 at 695–696 (see [65] above) where he alone of the members of the House of Lords set out a wider principle governing non-court bodies exercising judicial functions—and it was not suggested to us that an immigration officer performed a judicial function—he did not show us any clear authority outside Ullah’s case or W v Home Office, or at any rate any that could survive the decision of the House of Lords in Ex p Evans (No 2).
[118] In Re Racal Communications Ltd [1980] 2 All ER 634, [1981] AC 374 Lord Diplock made a very clear post-Anisminic distinction between courts on the one hand and administrative tribunals and other authorities possessing decision-making powers on the other.  He said of the latter ([1980] 2 All ER 634 at 639, [1981] AC 374 at 383):

‘Any error of law that could be shown to have been made by them in the course of reaching their decision on matters of fact or of administrative policy would result in their having asked themselves the wrong question with the result that the decision they reached would be a nullity.’

[119] The position of courts was quite different (see [1980] 2 All ER 634 at 639, [1981] AC 374 at 383).  They performed judicial acts, for which they enjoyed judicial immunity.  It was for this reason that Parliament had to make special provision in s 9(3) of the 1998 Act so as to recognise that whatever English domestic law might say, compensation might be payable under art 5 of the ECHR even in respect of judicial acts done in good faith.  It did not consider that any special provision was required in relation to the non-judicial acts of immigration officers which unlawfully infringed a claimant’s right to liberty.
[120] In my judgment we are entitled to regard ourselves as not bound by the decision in Ullah v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [1995] Imm AR 166 because (1) we heard far more argument on material questions of law than was available to the court in Ullah’s case; (2) in Ullah’s case there was no clear distinction between the liability of the first actor and the liability of the second actor (Dr Forsyth’s analysis of the importance of this distinction post-dated Ullah’s case), the challenge in that case was made to the decision of the second actor, and in the context of a Sch 3 detention which raises different considerations; (3) the reach of the law of false imprisonment over unlawful acts of the executive that lead to an infringement of liberty has now been illuminated by the decision of the House of Lords in Ex p Evans (No 2); (4) in Ullah’s case Kennedy LJ appears to have taken for granted that a pre-Anisminic approach to the decision of an officer of the executive was appropriate in the post-Anisminic world without explaining why; and (5) the policy considerations that inspired the dictum of Lord Moulton in Everett v Griffiths are no longer sustainable in cases concerned with the right to liberty in the light of the way in which the House of Lords weighed the balance in favour of the victim of a wrongful imprisonment in Ex p Evans (No 2).  Mr Gordon QC, who appeared for the interveners, advanced the valid argument that the policy arguments for denying a right to damages for unlawful detention pale by comparison with the policy arguments for admitting such a right, because of the enormous damage that is caused, on occasion, by unlawful detention in terms of suffering and damage to physical and mental health.  Indeed, the claimants submit that this is such a case.
[121] In short, it appears to me that we are at liberty, unconstrained by binding authority, to interpret Sch 2 to the 1971 Act without any preconceived notions.  If we do so, there is nothing there to suggest that Parliament intended to confer immunity from suit on immigration officers who asked themselves the wrong questions, so that their decision to deprive an immigrant of his/her liberty was a nullity and consequently unlawful.  This is a conclusion at which one can arrive with a measure of satisfaction because it seems entirely wrong that someone who has been wrongly detained by the executive because of a filing error or some other incompetence in their offices should not be entitled to compensation as of right.  I see no reason, incidentally, in relation to a claim against a first actor, to obtain first either a declaration that the detention was unlawful or a quashing order: it is
sufficient that the claimant was unlawfully detained on his authority and suffered damage as a result.
[122] I will now turn to the individual claims.  In my judgment, apart from the complaint of discriminatory treatment relating to the father’s detention on the first night, the Home Office is entitled to summary judgment on all the claims relating to the detention of members of the family up to the end of their stay at Oakington, where they were being detained for examination.  Although it is true that in R (on the application of Saadi) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2002] 4 All ER 785, [2002] 1 WLR 3131 the House of Lords did not expressly determine any claim that the detention of a family with children under the Oakington process infringed the children’s rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, I consider that following the decision in Saadi’s case the claims that the detention of the family for a short period within that process was unlawful have no real prospect of success.
[123] The continuing detention of the family thereafter raises different issues.  My initial view (even when I had been apprised of the fact that no notice of appeal was served until 19 February, contrary to my earlier belief that the notice had been served at Oakington) was that it would be quite wrong, in the light of the view of the law which I had formed, to say that the family had no real prospect of successfully showing that they were unlawfully detained after the period of detention for examination at Oakington was complete.  The only reason given for their continued detention thereafter was the risk of absconding.  There was no clear evidence that their departure was imminent; the continued detention of the children raised additional questions of law to be determined; the question whether they were rationally to be regarded as an absconding risk or were rationally singled out for unusual treatment should await a trial on the facts; and issues relating to the appropriateness of Yarl’s Wood (and then Harmondsworth) as a place of detention for this family were also fit for trial.  Further issues of proportionality arose under art 5 of the ECHR so far as the children’s continuing detention was concerned.  Before handing down this judgment, however, we have been shown the form on which an immigration officer authorised their continuing detention, and I consider that we should now hold a further short hearing at which we can hear the parties’ further submissions on this issue now that the underlying facts have become clearer.  If the claimants persuade us that such an order would still be appropriate, I would reinstate the claims for damages for false imprisonment and/or compensation for breaches of art 5 convention rights from the time that the family was transported to Yarl’s Wood to the time they were released at Harmondsworth five days later.
[124] I turn now to consider the free-standing claims under arts 2, 3 and 8 of the ECHR.  So far as the first two are concerned, there was a dispute between the parties about the threshold criteria which should be applied to these claims.  Put shortly, the Home Office rely on Osman v UK (1998) 5 BHRC 293 at 321 (paras 115–116) and Pretty v UK (2002) 12 BHRC 149 at 180–181 (paras 49–51) as setting a high threshold, which they say that the claimants’ case does not come within measurable distance of attaining.  The claimants, on the other hand, contend that when the state itself is choosing to take positive steps that expose individuals to a real risk to their lives, or to treatment which objectively speaking can be categorised as inhuman, the threshold is significantly lower.  They rely in this regard on R (on the application of A) v Lord Saville of Newdigate (Bloody Sunday
Inquiry) [2001] EWCA Civ 2048 at [28]–[29], [2002] 1 WLR 1249 at [28]–[29], and on the general proposition that the state owes a particular duty to individuals who are detained (see Keenan v UK (2001) 10 BHRC 319 at 348–349 (para 90)).
[125] It seems to me that since the negligence claim is proceeding to trial in any event, it would be wrong to stop these claims from going to trial, too, since the claims in point of law are clearly arguable.  The Home Office sought to rely on their own case relating to the effect of the intelligence they had received about the troublemakers’ threats at Yarl’s Wood, but this is exactly the kind of issue for which the majority of the House of Lords considered in Three Rivers DC v Bank of England (No 3) [2001] UKHL 16, [2001] 2 All ER 513, [2003] 2 AC 1 that claimants should have the benefit of disclosure of documents and cross-examination, and not see their claims extinguished at the summary judgment stage.  These processes will have to be gone through in any event in this action in connection with the trial of the negligence claim.
[126] Although I am sceptical about the merits of the art 3 claim so far as it relates to the four days’ detention at Harmondsworth, a claim of this kind is inevitably fact-sensitive, and it appears to me that it would be properly arguable that on the morning of 15 February this unhappy family were so clearly traumatised by their terrifying experiences at Yarl’s Wood that to continue to lock them up amounted to inhuman treatment, especially as there could be no confident expectation of an early determination of their asylum appeal.
[127] Article 8 considerations are involved in the claims under arts 5 and 14, in so far as they are proceeding to trial.  I do not consider that the claimants have a real prospect of success in relation to any free-standing art 8 claim.  There was a brave attempt to link the evidence in the medical reports with a viable art 8 claim in that the short period of detention complained of infringed the claimants’ right to mental stability (see Bensaid v UK (2001) 11 BHRC 297 at 310 (para 47)), but the available evidence falls a long way short of what would be needed to establish a valid claim under art 8 in its own right, and I prefer the arguments of the Home Office on this issue.
[128] I would therefore allow the appeal and, subject to the outcome of the further hearing, set aside the order of the judge in so far as it extinguished the claims for damages for false imprisonment and/or compensation under art 5(5) of the ECHR in relation to the continuing detention of the family after the period of detention for examination at Oakington was completed, the claims for compensation under art 2 of the ECHR in relation to the family’s detention at Yarl’s Wood, and the claims for compensation under art 3 of the ECHR in relation to their detention at Yarl’s Wood and Harmondsworth.  Following the further hearing, the claimants should prepare appropriate amendments of the particulars of claim to give effect to this direction, and submit them to me as a single judge of the court for a written ruling if there is any dispute whether the proposed amendments correctly reflect the intention of the court.
[129] There are issues in this action which must be tried in a county court, and there are also issues which must be tried by a judge with Administrative Court expertise.  There is nothing to prevent a High Court judge with Administrative Court expertise sitting as a judge in the county court pursuant to s 5(3) of the County Courts Act 1984, and this would appear to be the appropriate way of conducting the trial of the action if the appropriate administrative arrangements can be made.
[130] I know that the Home Office is concerned with the practical implications of a decision of this kind.  The evidence of the interveners showed, however, that when the Home Office determined to embark on the policy of using powers of administrative detention on a far larger scale than hitherto, the practical implementation of that policy threw up very understandable concerns in individual cases.  The transition from a world where decisions affecting personal liberty are made by officials of the executive who operate according to unpublished criteria, and where there is no way of compensating those who lose their liberty through administrative muddles and misfiling, to a world where the relevant criteria have to be published and where those officials are obliged to ensure that their decisions are proportionate and to justify them accordingly, is bound to be an uneasy one in the early years, and mistakes are bound to be made.  But so long as detention, which may cause significant suffering, can be directed by executive decision and an order of a court (or court-like body) is not required, the language and the philosophy of human rights law, and the common law’s emphatic reassertion in recent years of the importance of constitutional rights, drive inexorably, in my judgment, to the conclusion I have reached.
[131] Of course courts must be astute to stop in their tracks those claims that have no obvious merit, and the skills and experience of the judges of the Administrative Court must be called in aid at any rate in the early days to ensure that the actions are efficiently tried, with no need for oral evidence and cross-examination except on issues that raise irresolvable issues of fact.  But the courts have always shown themselves adept in altering their procedures to accommodate new challenges.  In the last resort I see no reason why the claim of an immigrant deprived of his liberty by an unlawful decision of an immigration officer should go uncompensated by reason of practical concerns about administrative inconvenience.
[132] After all, all that the law requires is that the policies for administrative detention are published and take appropriate heed of ECHR requirements, and that immigration officers do not stray outside the four corners of those policies when taking their decisions in individual cases.  If they follow that course, the decision of the House of Lords in R (on the application of Saadi) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2002] 4 All ER 785 shows that they have nothing to worry about.
[133] For these reasons, subject to the outcome of the further hearing, I would allow the appeal to the extent indicated in this judgment and remit the matter to the county court with a view to case management decisions being taken there to give effect to this judgment.
[134] I agree.
[135] I also agree.
Appeal allowed in part.
Dilys Tausz   Barrister
[2006] 1 All ER 219

R (on the application of Hammond) v Secretary of State for the Home Department
[2005] UKHL 69

CRIMINAL; Sentencing: HUMAN RIGHTS; Fair Trial
Sentence – Mandatory life sentence – Murder – Tariff – Existing prisoners – Right to a fair trial – Whether transitional provisions providing for applications or references to High Court judge without oral hearing compatible with convention right to have sentence fixed by fair and public hearing by independent and impartial tribunal – Human Rights Act 1988, Sch 1, Pt I, art 6(1) – Criminal Justice Act 2003, Sch 22, para 11(1).
The claimant was a prisoner who had been sentenced to mandatory life imprisonment but had not had his minimum term of imprisonment fixed by the Secretary of State.  He was affected by the transitional provisions in Sch 22 to the Criminal Justice Act 2003 under which the Secretary of State was to refer the cases of existing prisoners to a judge of the High Court for determination of the minimum term which he should serve.  By para 11(1)a of Sch 22 that reference was to be determined without an oral hearing.  Paragraph 11(1) also governed applications for reviews of minimum terms where certain existing prisoners sentenced to mandatory life imprisonment had already had their tariffs set by the Secretary of State.  The claimant brought proceedings for judicial review.  He sought a declaration that para 11(1) was incompatible with the requirement in art 6(1)b of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950 (as set out in Sch 1 to the Human Rights Act 1998) that, in the determination of any criminal charge against him, ‘everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing …’  The Divisional Court allowed his application and granted a declaration to the effect that, in accordance with the relevant provision of the 1998 Act, para 11(1) was to be read as subject to the implied provision that where it was necessary to comply with the existing prisoner’s rights under art 6(1) an oral hearing would be held.  The Secretary of State appealed to the House of Lords.
a      Paragraph 11, so far as material, is set out at [5], below
b      Article 6, so far as material, is set out at [10], below
Held – Paragraph 11(1) of Sch 22 to the 2003 Act, in precluding the possibility of an oral hearing at first instance, was incompatible with the convention.  The imposition of sentence at first instance was part of a criminal trial.  There could be cases in which justice required an oral hearing but para 11(1) did not allow it.  It followed, since the conclusion of the Divisional Court as to the result of such incompatibility had not been challenged, that para 11(1) was to be read subject to an implied condition that the High Court judge had the discretion to order an oral hearing, where such hearing was required to comply with a prisoner’s rights
under art 6(1) of the convention.  The appeal would therefore be dismissed (see [13], [16]–[18], [24], [29]–[31], [35], [36], [47], below).
Decision of the Divisional Court [2005] 4 All ER 1127 affirmed.
For the right to a public hearing, see 8(2) Halsbury’s Laws (4th edn reissue) para 138.
For the Human Rights Act 1998, Sch 1, Pt I, art 6, see 7 Halsbury’s Statutes (4th edn) (2004 reissue) 706.
For the Criminal Justice Act 2003, Sch 22, para 11, see 34 Halsbury’s Statutes (4th edn) (2004 reissue) 1069.
Cases referred to in opinions
Adolf v Austria (1982) 4 EHRR 313, [1982] ECHR 8269/78, ECt HR.
Albert v Belgium (1983) 5 EHRR 533, [1983] ECHR 7299/75, ECt HR.
Begum (Runa) v Tower Hamlets London BC [2003] UKHL 5, [2003] 1 All ER 731, [2003] 2 AC 430, [2003] 2 WLR 388.
Brown v Stott (Procurator Fiscal, Dunfermline) [2001] 2 All ER 97, [2003] 1 AC 681, [2001] 2 WLR 817, PC.
Colozza v Italy (1985) 7 EHRR 516, [1985] ECHR 9024/80, ECt HR.
Condron v UK (2001) 8 BHRC 290, ECt HR.
De Cubber v Belgium (1985) 7 EHRR 236, [1984] ECHR 9186/80, ECt HR.
Döry v Sweden App No 28394/95 (12 February 2003, unreported), ECt HR.
Edwards v UK (1992) 15 EHRR 417, [1992] ECHR 13071/87, ECt HR.
Findlay v UK (1997) 24 EHRR 221, [1997] ECHR 22107/93, ECt HR.
Göç v Turkey [2002] ECHR 36590/97, ECt HR.
Guzzardi v Italy (1980) 3 EHRR 333, [1980] ECHR 7367/76, ECt HR.
IJL v UK (2000) 9 BHRC 222, ECt HR.
Kyprianou v Cyprus [2004] ECHR 73797/01, ECt HR.
Le Compte v Belgium (1981) 4 EHRR 1, [1981] ECHR 6878/75, ECt HR.
Miailhe v France (No 2) (1997) 23 EHRR 491, [1996] ECHR 18978/91, ECt HR.
Monnell v UK (1988) 10 EHRR 205, [1987] ECHR 9562/81, ECt HR.
R (on the application of Alconbury Developments Ltd) v Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions [2001] UKHL 23, [2001] 2 All ER 929, [2003] 2 AC 295, [2001] 2 WLR 1389.
R (on the application of Anderson) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2002] UKHL 46, [2002] 4 All ER 1089, [2003] 1 AC 837, [2002] 3 WLR 1800.
R (on the application of Dudson) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2005] UKHL 52, [2005] 3 WLR 422.
Riepan v Austria [2000] ECHR 35115/97, ECt HR.
Rowe v UK (2000) 8 BHRC 325, ECt HR.
Twalib v Greece (2001) 33 EHRR 584, [1998] ECHR 24294/94, ECt HR.
X v UK (1981) 4 EHRR 188, [1981] ECHR 7215/75, ECt HR.
Cases referred to in list of authorities
Aston Cantlow and Wilmcote with Billesley Parochial Church Council v Wallbank [2003] UKHL 37, [2003] 3 AlL ER 1213, [2004] 1 AC 546, [2003] 3 WLR 283.
Baines v Army Prosecuting Authority [2005] EWHC 1399 (Admin), [2005] NLJR 1207, DC.
Bryn v Denmark App No 13156/87 (1 July 1992, unreported), ECt HR.
Campbell v UK (1985) 7 EHRR 165, [1984] ECHR 7819/77, ECt HR.
Diennet v France (1996) 21 EHRR 554, [1995] ECHR 18160/91, ECt HR.
Easterbrook v UK (2003) 37 EHRR 812, [2003] ECHR 48015/99, ECt HR.
Ghaidan v Mendoza [2004] UKHL 30, [2004] 3 All ER 411, [2004] 2 AC 557, [2004] 3 WLR 113.
König v Germany (1979) 2 EHRR 170, [1978] ECHR 6232/73, ECt HR.
Medicaments and Related Classes of Goods (No 4), Re [2001] EWCA Civ 1217, [2002] 1 All ER 853, [2002] 1 WLR 269.
Millar v Dickson (Procurator Fiscal, Elgin) [2001] UKPC D4, [2002] 3 All ER 1041, [2002] 1 WLR 1615.
Murray (John) v UK (1996) 22 EHRR 29, ECt HR.
R v Black (Sonia) [1997] CA Transcript 2877.
R v Jeffries [1968] 3 All ER 238, [1969] 1 QB 120, [1968] 3 WLR 830, CA.
R v McDonald (1 May 1998, unreported), CA.
R v Nisbet [1971] 3 All ER 307, [1972] QB 37, [1971] 3 WLR 455, CA.
R v Secretary of State for the Home Dept, ex p Doody [1993] 3 All ER 92, [1994] 1 AC 531, [1993] 3 WLR 154, HL.
R v Secretary of State for the Home Dept, ex p Easterbrook (22 March 1999, unreported), CA.
R (on the application of Greenfield) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2005] UKHL 14, [2005] 2 All ER 240, [2005] 1 WLR 673.
R (on the application of Shields) v Crown Court at Liverpool [2001] EWHC Admin 90, [2001] All ER (D) 190 (Jan).
R (on the application of Ullah) v Special Adjudicator, Do v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2004] UKHL 26, [2004] 3 AlL ER 785, [2004] 2 AC 323, [2004] 3 WLR 23.
Taylor v Lawrence [2002] EWCA Civ 90, [2002] 2 All ER 353, [2003] QB 528, [2002] 3 WLR 640.
W v UK (1988) 10 EHRR 29, [1987] ECHR 9769/82, ECt HR.
Wilson v First County Trust Ltd [2003] UKHL 40, [2003] 4 All ER 97, [2004] 1 AC 816, [2003] 3 WLR 568.
The Secretary of State for the Home Department appealed with permission of the House of Lords Appeal Committee from the decision of the Divisional Court (Thomas LJ, Richards and Fulford JJ) on 25 November 2004 ([2004] EWHC 2753 (Admin), [2005] 4 All ER 1127), on the application of Ross David Hammond for judicial review, making a declaration that para 11(1) of Sch 22 to the Criminal Justice Act 2003 was to be read subject to the implied condition that the High Court Judge had the discretion to order an oral hearing, where such hearing was required to comply with the rights under art 6(1) of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950 of a prisoner who made an application under para 3 of Sch 22 or whose case was referred under para 6 of Sch 22.  The facts are set out in the opinion of Lord Bingham of Cornhill.
Jonathan Crow and Kate Gallafent (instructed by the Treasury Solicitor) for the Secretary of State.
Edward Fitzgerald QC and Phillippa Kaufmann (instructed by Bhatt Murphy) for the respondent.
Their Lordships took time for consideration.
1 December 2005.  The following opinions were delivered.
[1] My Lords, under the procedure which obtained until 25 November 2002, it was for the Secretary of State for the Home Department, having received the written recommendation of the trial judge and the Lord Chief Justice, to determine the length of the punitive term of imprisonment to be served by an adult convicted of murder in England and Wales.  In R (on the application of Anderson) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2002] UKHL 46, [2002] 4 All ER 1089, [2003] 1 AC 837 this procedure was held to be incompatible with art 6 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950 (as set out in Sch 1 to the Human Rights Act 1998) (the convention), because determination of the length of a punitive term is in substance the imposition of sentence, the imposition of sentence forms part of a criminal trial, art 6 requires a criminal trial to be by an independent and impartial tribunal, and the Secretary of State is not an independent and impartial tribunal.  This incompatibility was prospectively cured, with effect from 18 December 2003, by s 269 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003, which provides that the trial judge shall (subject to appeal in the ordinary way) determine the minimum term to be served by an adult murderer in much the same way as he passes sentence on every other convicted defendant.  But there remained a transitional problem relating to (1) existing prisoners whose punitive terms had already been notified to them by the Secretary of State by 18 December 2003, (2) existing prisoners sentenced to mandatory life imprisonment before that date whose punitive terms had not yet been notified to them, and (3) those sentenced after that date for murders committed before that date.  The respondent falls into the second of these classes, and challenges the compatibility with art 6 of the convention of one of the statutory provisions governing determination of the minimum term which he must serve under the transitional provisions of the 2003 Act.  The compatibility of that provision is the issue in this appeal.
[2] On 10 April 2003 the respondent was sentenced to life imprisonment on his conviction for murdering a 13-month-old child.  The conviction followed a contested trial before Judge Fabyan Evans and a jury at Middlesex Guildhall Crown Court.  The evidence disclosed that the child had been the victim of extreme brutality.  At the hearing when sentence was passed, counsel for the respondent made no effective attempt to mitigate.  The judge did not announce the punitive term he proposed to recommend, but indicated that he would take account of the very young age of the victim, his view that she had been sexually abused and the age of the respondent (who was 22).  In a written report dated 19 May 2003 the judge summarised the facts of the case, and recommended that he serve a punitive term of 25 years.  He considered that the victim had suffered ‘ferocious treatment’ at the respondent’s hands and referred to:

‘indications from some of the available evidence that he has an uncontrollable temper, but that cannot explain the precision of the cigarette burns or the sexual abuse.  He showed no emotion or remorse during the course of the police investigation, during the trial or after the verdict of the jury.’

[3] In accordance with the practice adopted after the Anderson judgment and before commencement of the new statutory procedure, the Lord Chief Justice made no recommendation on the punitive term to be served by the respondent and the Secretary of State made no determination.  But in the early months of 2004, after the new provisions had come into force, steps were taken to refer the
respondent’s case to a judge of the High Court for determination of the minimum term which he should serve.  This determination was to be made, as para 11(1) of the Sch 22 to the 2003 Act on its face requires, on consideration of the papers (including any written representations of the respondent), without an oral hearing, but the respondent’s solicitors contended that on the special facts of his case an oral hearing was essential.  They accordingly obtained leave to apply for judicial review seeking:

‘1. A declaration that in accordance with section 3 of the Human Rights Act 1988, paragraph 11(1) of Schedule 22 to the Criminal Justice Act 2003 is to be read subject to an implied provision that where it is necessary to comply with the existing prisoner’s rights under article 6(1) of the European Convention on Human Rights, an oral hearing will be held.
2. In the alternative, a declaration that paragraph 11(1) of Schedule 22 [to the 2003 Act] is incompatible with the rights of existing lifers under article 6(1) because it confers no power for the High Court to hold an oral hearing in the determination of their minimum term.’

The application came before the Queen’s Bench Divisional Court (Thomas LJ, Richards and Fulford JJ) which, for reasons given in an admirably lucid and succinct judgment delivered by Thomas LJ, allowed it and made a declaration broadly to the effect of the first declaration sought (see [2004] EWHC 2753 (Admin), [2005] 4 All ER 1127).
[4] When an adult is convicted of murder in England and Wales the court must impose a sentence of imprisonment for life.  But the defendant is not, save in a small minority of cases, ordered to be detained for the rest of his or her life.  Ordinarily, a term of imprisonment is set, which the defendant must serve to satisfy the requirements of retribution and general deterrence, the ‘tariff’ or ‘punitive’, now known as the ‘minimum’, term.  Section 269 of the 2003 Act empowers the court, on such a conviction being entered, to determine the minimum term to be served, or (more rarely) to order that the defendant shall never be released.  Section 276 provides that Sch 22 shall have effect in transitional cases.
[5] In relation to existing prisoners whose minimum terms had been determined by the Secretary of State and notified to them before 18 December 2003 (class (1) in [1], above), para 3 of Sch 22 confers a right of application to the High Court for what is in effect a reconsideration of the Secretary of State’s determination, and if no application is made that determination stands.  Paragraph 6 of Sch 22 applies to class (2), the class to which the respondent belongs, and requires the Secretary of State to refer the prisoner’s case to the High Court for it to determine the earliest time at which the prisoner shall be entitled to be released, or that he shall never be entitled to be released.  The High Court is not, by para 8, to order a longer period of detention than, in its opinion, the Secretary of State would have been likely to notify before December 2002, or to order that the prisoner shall never be released unless, in its opinion, the Secretary of State would have been likely to make such an order before December 2002.  No detailed reference need be made to the provisions applicable to prisoners in class (3).  Central to this appeal, however, is para 11(1) of Sch 22, which reads: ‘(1) An application under paragraph 3 or a reference under paragraph 6 is to be determined by a single judge of the High Court without an oral hearing.’  It is these last four words which are critical.
[6] The Secretary of State, through counsel, accepts that there will be some cases, however few, under para 3 or para 6 of Sch 22 in which fairness will require that there be an oral hearing before the minimum term to be served by an existing prisoner is finally determined by the court.  I take this acceptance to acknowledge that in such cases an opportunity to call evidence, or for the prisoner to testify, or for his counsel to address the court in mitigation, may be necessary if the court is to adjudicate fairly.  But there is, he submits, nothing in art 6 of the convention or the Strasbourg jurisprudence on it to suggest that this opportunity need be afforded before the first instance court.  He submits, correctly, that the right of appeal against sentence conferred by s 9 of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968, as amended, applies to an order made by the High Court under paras 3 or 6 of Sch 22.  He submits, again correctly, that on any such appeal there will be an oral hearing and s 23 of the 1968 Act (permitting the Court of Appeal to receive additional evidence if they think it necessary or expedient in the interests of justice to do so) will apply.  On such an appeal, the Court of Appeal will have the power provided in s 11(3) of the 1968 Act:

‘On an appeal against sentence the Court of Appeal, if they consider that the appellant should be sentenced differently for an offence for which he was dealt with by the court below may—(a) quash any sentence or order which is the subject of the appeal; and (b) in place of it pass such sentence or make such order as they think appropriate for the case and as the court below had power to pass or make when dealing with him for the offence; but the court shall so exercise their powers under this subsection that, taking the case as a whole, the appellant is not more severely dealt with on appeal than he was dealt with by the court below.’

The Secretary of State contends that in denying a para 6 (class (2)) existing prisoner an oral hearing at first instance para 11(1) of Sch 22 is not incompatible with art 6 because such a hearing is available in the Court of Appeal, and on a correct understanding of the Strasbourg authorities it is the fairness of the proceedings as a whole which must be judged.  Thus any deficiency at first instance is remedied on appeal, and there is no incompatibility.
[7] The respondent, through counsel, accepts that the requirements of fairness will not, in the unusual context of para 3 applications and para 6 references, require an oral hearing in every case.  In many of such cases, counsel will have addressed the trial judge on the length of the punitive term which that judge should recommend, will have had the opportunity to call evidence at that stage, will have had the opportunity to address written submissions to the Secretary of State, and may have nothing to draw to the attention of the High Court judge making the para 3 or para 6 determination which cannot quite fairly be considered on paper.  But such a determination is an imposition of sentence, to be regarded as part of the criminal trial.  A criminal trial is, in all save unusual circumstances, required by art 6 of the convention to be held in public, with the defendant present and having the opportunity, through his legal representative or himself if appearing in person, to call evidence and make submissions relevant to the issue to be decided.  In some para 3 applications and para 6 references, however small the minority of cases, fairness will require that such an opportunity be granted at first instance, and para 11(1) of Sch 22 is incompatible with art 6 in denying that opportunity in all cases, including those where fairness does require such a procedure.  This incompatibility is not remedied by the
possibility of appeal, since an appeal lies only with the leave of the Court of Appeal (see s 11(1) of the 1968 Act) or a certificate of the judge who passed sentence (s 11(1A)), and leave would or might not be granted if the Court of Appeal considered, on the material before it, that the minimum term set by the High Court judge was not manifestly excessive or if the High Court judge did not recognise that fairness required an oral hearing.  In any event, the Court of Appeal could not quash the High Court judge’s decision on the ground that there had been no oral hearing, and the prisoner would lose the opportunity, which should be open, of an oral hearing before the judge and the Court of Appeal.  The respondent does not accept that the incompatibility of para 11(1) of Sch 22 can be remedied by an oral hearing in the Court of Appeal, even if the European Court of Human Rights, viewing the proceedings overall and in retrospect, might hold that there had been no violation of art 6.
[8] In the present application, the courts have not been asked to consider whether the respondent’s is one of those rare cases in which fairness will require an oral hearing.  That is a question to be considered in the future, by the High Court or the Court of Appeal, or both, depending on the outcome of the appeal.
[9] The issue before the House turns wholly on the interpretation and application of art 6.  Paragraph 11(1) of Sch 22 is not ambiguous or unclear.  It stipulates that on a determination under para 3 or para 6 the High Court judge must act without an oral hearing.  But for the convention there would be no escape from that provision, even if it operated unfairly.  So the solution to the problem before the House must be found in the convention and the authorities on it.
[10] Article 6 is entitled ‘Right to a fair trial’, and provides (so far as material for present purposes):

‘1. In the determination of his civil rights and obligations or of any criminal charge against him, everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law …
3. Everyone charged with a criminal offence has the following minimum rights … (c) to defend himself in person or through legal assistance of his own choosing or, if he has not sufficient means to pay for legal assistance, to be given it free when the interests of justice so require; (d) to examine or have examined witnesses against him and to obtain the attendance and examination of witnesses on his behalf under the same conditions as witnesses against him; (e) to have the free assistance of an interpreter if he cannot understand or speak the language used in court.’

The article guarantees a fair trial to a defendant on the determination of a criminal charge against him or to a party whose civil rights and obligations are to be determined.  This is a right which member states undertake to secure to everyone within their jurisdiction.  The requirements particularised in art 6(3) are standard conditions of a fair trial, but they are not in themselves absolute: while the overall fairness of a trial cannot be compromised, the constituent rights within art 6 are susceptible to limited qualification in some circumstances: see Brown v Stott (Procurator Fiscal, Dunfermline) [2001] 2 All ER 97 at 104–105, 115, [2003] 1 AC 681 at 693, 704, and the authority cited [2001] 2 All ER 97 at 105–113, [2003] 1 AC 681 at 693–702.  The European Court of Human Rights for its part
assesses the fairness of proceedings in national jurisdictions retrospectively, since applicants are required to exhaust their national remedies before resorting to it, and the court repeatedly asserts and follows the practice of making its assessment on an overall consideration of the national proceedings, viewed as a whole (see, among many examples, Edwards v UK (1992) 15 EHRR 417 at 431 (paras 33–34); Miailhe v France (No 2) (1997) 23 EHRR 491 at 511 (para 43); Rowe v UK (2000) 8 BHRC 325 at 342 (para 59)).  Thus the court will assess the overall fairness of the national proceedings viewed as a whole, but will not undertake the task before the House in this appeal, of deciding whether a provision of national legislation is compatible with art 6.  This was made clear in Adolf v Austria (1982) 4 EHRR 313 at 324–325 (para 36), where the court, citing Guzzardi v Italy (1980) 3 EHRR 333 at 361 (para 88), and X v UK (1981) 4 EHRR 188 at 202 (para 41) said:

‘As to whether section 42 of the Penal Code is in itself compatible with the Convention, the Court would recall its established case-law:

“in proceedings originating in an individual application, [the Court] has to confine its attention, as far as possible, to the issues raised by the concrete case before it.”

Accordingly, the Court’s task is not to review in abstracto under the Convention the provision of domestic law challenged by Mr. Adolf but to review the manner in which that provision was applied to him.’

If, however, as in Twalib v Greece (2001) 33 EHRR 584 at 607–609 (paras 52–57) a specific feature is found to be a necessary condition of the fairness of a proceeding and national law precludes fulfilment of that condition, a finding of violation will follow and the inference must be drawn that the national law which precludes fulfilment of the condition is incompatible with art 6.
[11] In defining the autonomous meaning, for convention purposes, of ‘civil rights and obligations’ in art 6(1), the court has chosen to give the expression a broad meaning, so as to embrace some administrative and disciplinary decisions.  This has the consequence that decisions in fields such as this are routinely made in the first instance by bodies that do not have and are not intended to have the independence and impartiality to be expected of a judicial tribunal as required by art 6(1).  This was, it would seem, true of the Provincial Councils considered in Le Compte v Belgium (1981) 4 EHRR 1 and Albert v Belgium (1983) 5 EHRR 533, of the Social Insurance Office which featured in Döry v Sweden App No 28394/95 (12 February 2003, unreported), of the planning authorities whose decisions were challenged in R (on the application of Alconbury Developments Ltd) v Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions [2001] UKHL 23, [2001] 2 All ER 929, [2003] 2 AC 295 and of the rehousing manager who featured in Runa Begum v Tower Hamlets London BC [2003] UKHL 5, [2003] 1 All ER 731, [2003] 2 AC 430.  The court has not, however, held that the making of an initial decision by a body which does not meet convention standards of independence and impartiality necessarily taints or invalidates the further stages of decision making consequent on that initial decision (see Le Compte v Belgium (1981) 4 EHRR 1 at 19 (para 51(a))).  But, as it was put in Albert v Belgium (1983) 5 EHRR 533 at 542 (para 29):

‘in such circumstances the Convention calls at least for one of the two following systems: either the jurisdictional organs themselves comply with the requirements of Article 6(1), or they do not so comply but are subject to
subsequent control by a judicial body that has full jurisdiction and does provide the guarantees of Article 6(1).’

Thus, in cases such as Le Compte v Belgium and Albert v Belgium much of the argument turned on whether the Belgian Court of Cassation had the competence and provided the guarantees necessary to remedy deficiencies at lower levels.
[12] The court has distinguished between bodies making administrative and disciplinary decisions of the character just considered and what it has called ‘courts of the classic kind’, ‘integrated within the standard judicial machinery of the country’, and has described a criminal court as ‘a proper court in both the formal and the substantive meaning of the term’ (see De Cubber v Belgium (1985) 7 EHRR 236 at 248 (para 32)).  Such a court must be independent (see Findlay v UK (1997) 24 EHRR 221) and it must be, and appear to be, impartial, in the subjective and objective senses defined by the court (see De Cubber v Belgium (1985) 7 EHRR 236 at 243–246 (paras 24–30)).  The court has given guidance on some of the main constituent elements of a fair criminal trial.  Thus, in Colozza v Italy (1985) 7 EHRR 516 at 523 (para 27) it said that:

‘the object and purpose of [art 6] taken as a whole show that a person “charged with a criminal offence” is entitled to take part in the hearing.  Moreover, sub-paragraphs (c), (d) and (e) of paragraph (3) guarantee to “everyone charged with a criminal offence” the right “to defend himself in person”, “to examine or have examined witnesses” and “to have the free assistance of an interpreter if he cannot understand or speak the language used in court”, and it is difficult to see how he could exercise these rights without being present.’

An adversarial procedure, with equality of arms and proper disclosure between prosecution and defence, has similarly been seen as fundamental to the fairness of a criminal trial (see IJL v UK (2000) 9 BHRC 222 at 245 (para 112)).
[13] In non-criminal cases such as Le Compte v Belgium and Albert v Belgium, above, the court has attached very considerable importance to the art 6 requirement that the hearing be in public.  In criminal cases this requirement is no less important.  In Riepan v Austria [2000] ECHR 35115/97 (para 27) the court reiterated: ‘that the holding of court hearings in public constitutes a fundamental principle enshrined in para 1 of art 6.’  Just as criminal trials of the classic kind must be before independent and impartial tribunals (see De Cubber v Belgium (1985) 7 EHRR 236 at 248–249 (paras 32–33); Findlay v UK (1997) 24 EHRR 221 at 246 (para 79)), so do they require ‘the same kind of fundamental guarantee in the form of publicity’ (Riepan v Austria [2000] ECHR 35115/97 (para 40)).  The court has held that the entitlement to a public hearing ordinarily implies a right to an oral hearing (see Göç v Turkey [2002] ECHR 36590/97 (para 47); Döry v Sweden App No 28394/95 (12 February 2003, unreported) (para 37)), although this is a right which may be waived and there may be exceptional circumstances that justify dispensing with such a hearing (ibid).  According to the dissenting minority in Göç’s case, the court’s case law lays down three criteria for determining whether there are ‘exceptional circumstances’ which justify dispensing with a public hearing: ‘there must be no factual or legal issue which requires a hearing;  the questions which the court is required to answer must be limited in scope and no public interest must be at stake.’  Article 6(1) primarily concerns courts of first instance (De Cubber v Belgium (1985) 7 EHRR 236 at 248 (para 32)), and it is clearly applicable to the imposition of sentence (Findlay v UK (1997) 24 EHRR 221 at 243
(para 69)).  The convention jurisprudence would appear to support the respondent’s contention that an oral hearing should, where fairness requires it, be held before a minimum term is set for an existing prisoner such as the respondent, and thus to show that para 11(1) of Sch 22 is incompatible with the convention.
[14] As in the administrative and disciplinary cases considered above, however, the court, reviewing the overall fairness of the proceedings in question, has not held that a violation of an art 6 requirement at an early stage of criminal proceedings is necessarily irremediable.  In Adolf v Austria (1982) 4 EHRR 313 the presumption of the applicant’s innocence was infringed by a lower court, but this was held to be fully remedied by the decision of a higher court.  In Edwards v UK (1992) 15 EHRR 417 the prosecution failed to make proper disclosure at trial, but its failure was remedied by a full hearing in the Court of Appeal.  As it was put in Kyprianou v Cyprus [2004] ECHR 73797/01 (para 43): ‘it is possible for a higher tribunal, in certain circumstances, to make reparation for an initial violation of the Convention …’
[15] The circumstances in which a higher tribunal may make reparation for an initial violation of the convention at a lower level have been identified by the court in a number of cases.  Thus in De Cubber v Belgium (1985) 7 EHRR 236 the defect related to the impartiality of the first instance court and it was held (at 249 (para 33)) that: ‘the Court of Appeal did not cure that defect since it did not quash on that ground the judgment of 29 June 1979 in its entirety.’  In Colozza v Italy (1985) 7 EHRR 516 at 525 (paras 31–32) the convention was violated by a court’s trial of the applicant in his absence without notice to him, and this was never redressed by the higher courts since his case ‘was at the end of the day never heard, in his presence, by a “tribunal” which was competent to determine all the aspects of the matter’.  In Findlay v UK (1997) 24 EHRR 221 at 246 (para 79), the court-martial’s lack of independence could not be corrected by any subsequent review proceedings.  It was noted in Twalib v Greece (2001) 33 EHRR 584 at 604 (para 40) that there were ‘serious shortcomings in the fairness of the proceedings at first instance’, which were partly remedied on appeal, but not wholly, since the applicant was obliged to be legally represented in the Court of Cassation, he had no means to pay for legal representation and legal aid was unavailable.  In Rowe v UK (2000) 8 BHRC 325, unlike Edwards v UK (1992) 15 EHRR 417, a prosecution failure to make full disclosure at trial was not remedied by review in the Court of Appeal, which lacked the trial judge’s ability to assess and monitor the evidence.  It was held in Riepan v Austria that the lack of publicity at first instance could not be remedied by anything less than a complete re-hearing before the appellate court, which had not occurred.  In Condron v UK (2001) 8 BHRC 290, a trial judge’s failure to direct the jury adequately on the drawing of inferences from the applicants’ silence was not remedied by a subsequent hearing in the Court of Appeal: the Court of Appeal was concerned with the safety of the applicants’ convictions, not with whether they had in the circumstances received a fair trial, and—

‘[i]n the court’s opinion, the question whether or not the rights of the defence guaranteed to an accused under art 6 of the convention were secured in any given case cannot be assimilated to a finding that his conviction was safe in the absence of any enquiry into the issue of fairness.’  (See (2001) 8 BHRC 290 at 306 (para 65).)

In Kyprianou v Cyprus [2004] ECHR 73797/01, where the applicant’s complaint related to the independence and impartiality of the first instance court, the defect was not remedied by review of the decision by the Supreme Court.  It was held (para 44):

‘There was no retrial of the case by the Supreme Court.  As a court of appeal, the Supreme Court did not have full competence to deal de novo with the case, but could only review the first instance judgment for possible legal or manifest factual errors.  It did not carry out an ab initio, independent determination of the criminal charge against the applicant for contempt of the Assize Court.  Furthermore, the Supreme Court found that it could not interfere with the judgment of the Assize Court, accepting that that court had a margin of appreciation in imposing a sentence on the applicant.’

[16] It is plain beyond argument that the imposition of sentence at first instance is part of a criminal trial and ought in any ordinary case to take place in public at a hearing at which the defendant is present and represented and able to participate.  That is a basic condition of fairness.  I am prepared to accept, in agreement with counsel and the Divisional Court, that in the unique situation addressed by paras 3 and 6 of Sch 22, fairness will not, in many cases, require an oral hearing, to which many existing prisoners may in any event waive their right.  In those cases where fairness does require an oral hearing, however, and the respondent’s case may or may not be one such, it seems to me that para 11(1), in precluding the possibility of an oral hearing at first instance, is incompatible with the convention.  I would accept that there might be cases in which the court, reviewing the course of proceedings retrospectively to assess their overall fairness, might hold that a hearing in the Court of Appeal had remedied the lack of an oral hearing at first instance and that there had, in the event, been no violation.  But even if that were an inevitable result I doubt if it would entitle one to regard para 11(1) as compatible, and in my view there are a number of reasons why such a result is by no means inevitable.  Firstly, there would be no oral hearing at all unless leave to appeal were granted, and it might or might not be granted.  Secondly, the ordinary grounds for granting leave to appeal against sentence are that a sentence is manifestly excessive or wrong in principle.  It must be very doubtful, given the express terms of para 11(1), that leave could or would be given on the ground that denial of an oral hearing was unfair.  Thirdly, the Court of Appeal would be concerned to resolve whether the term imposed by the judge was manifestly excessive or wrong in principle.  It would not focus its attention on the fairness of the procedure, mandated by statute, by which the term had been determined.  It could not quash the determination on grounds of unfairness, nor remit the case to a High Court judge with jurisdiction to remedy the previous unfairness by holding an oral hearing.  Fourthly, the function of the Court of Appeal on hearing sentence appeals is not to conduct a hearing de novo.  It is a court of review.  It gives weight to the order made at first instance, and substitutes its own decision only if persuaded that the first instance decision is erroneous to a significant extent.  Fifthly, the prisoner loses what the convention, combined with domestic law, should afford him: an oral hearing before the term is determined and the opportunity, if arguable grounds of appeal are shown, to challenge that determination at an oral appellate hearing.  Where a prisoner faces the prospect of imprisonment for the whole of his life (Sch 21 to the 2003 Act, para 4(1)) or for a very lengthy period (para 5(1)) and fairness requires an oral hearing, this is not an entitlement of which he should be lightly deprived.
[17] I agree with the Divisional Court that para 11(1) is incompatible with the convention.  The Secretary of State expressly accepted that, if the House reached that conclusion, para 11(1) should be read subject to an implied condition that the High Court judge has the discretion to order an oral hearing, where such hearing is required to comply with a prisoner’s rights under art 6(1) of the convention.  Thus the discretion may be exercised when, and only when, an oral hearing is necessary to meet the requirement of fairness.  Thus no argument was addressed to the scope of the interpretative duty imposed by s 3 of the 1998 Act, and it is unnecessary to form an opinion whether the Divisional Court’s interpolation, if challenged, would be sustainable.
[18] For these reasons, and those given by my noble and learned friends Lord Hoffmann and Lord Brown of Eaton-under-Heywood, I would dismiss this appeal.
[19] My Lords, in R (on the application of Anderson) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2002] UKHL 46, [2002] 4 All ER 1089, [2003] 1 AC 837 this House decided that the law by which the Home Secretary had the power to determine the minimum period of a mandatory life sentence which had to be served before a prisoner was eligible for release on licence was incompatible with the principle of the separation of powers as expressed in art 6 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950 (as set out in Sch 1 to the Human Rights Act 1998).  In response to this decision, Parliament passed s 269 of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 which, in respect of offences committed on or after the date upon which it came into force (18 December 2003), transferred the power to the trial judge.
[20] Schedule 22 to the 2003 Act contains transitional provisions for prisoners who had committed offences before the commencement date for which, on conviction, they were liable to a mandatory life sentence.  They fall into three categories: (1) those whose minimum periods had already been fixed and notified to them by the Home Secretary, (2) those who had been sentenced but not yet notified of their minimum periods, (3) those who had not yet been sentenced.  This appeal is concerned with the second category.
[21] Paragraph 6 of the schedule requires that in the case of a prisoner in the second category, the Home Secretary must refer his case to the High Court to fix the minimum period.  Thus the new procedure satisfies the principle of the separation of powers which was infringed in Anderson’s case.  But para 11 of the schedule provides that the reference is to be determined ‘by a single judge of the High Court without an oral hearing’.  The question in this appeal is whether this procedure does not infringe another requirement of justice, namely that it should be done in public.
[22] Anderson’s case decided that the determination of the minimum period forms part of the process of sentencing.  That is why it is a matter for the judicial rather than the executive branch of government.  The same reasoning leads to the conclusion that it is part of the trial and that the accused is prima facie entitled to a public hearing not only on the question of his guilt or innocence but also, when convicted, on the determination of his sentence.  I say prima facie because it is accepted there may be exceptional cases in which no public hearing is required.  Cases of references under para 6 will often be exceptional in this way because there may already have been an opportunity for the prisoner’s counsel to address the judge in mitigation before he recommended a minimum term to
the Home Secretary and a further oral hearing would serve no purpose.  But Mr Crow, who appeared on behalf of the Home Secretary, accepted that there could be cases in which justice required an oral hearing but para 11(1) did not allow it.
[23] Mr Crow submits, however, that the absence of an oral hearing before the determination of sentence can be put right by an appeal.  If the prisoner appeals against the length of the minimum sentence, he will be given an oral hearing in the Court of Appeal.  The court will even be able to allow him to adduce fresh evidence if it considers it appropriate to do so.  In that way he will achieve an oral hearing and, taking the proceedings before the judge and the Court of Appeal together, he will have had a public hearing before his sentence is finally determined.  This, says Mr Crow, should satisfy the Strasbourg court that United Kingdom law complies with art 6.
[24] The Divisional Court did not think that this was right and nor do I.  The hearing before the judge and the hearing in the Court of Appeal have different functions.  The function of the judge is to determine the minimum period.  The function of the Court of Appeal is to decide whether the sentence was one which the judge could lawfully and properly impose.  In the case of a prisoner who says that justice demanded that his minimum period should not have been fixed without an oral hearing, his complaint is not primarily that the judge has imposed too long a sentence.  He is saying that the judge should not have imposed any sentence without giving him an oral hearing.  No doubt he hoped that if there had been an oral hearing, he would have been given a shorter sentence.  But his challenge is to the procedure and not to the substantive decision.  If this complaint is a good one, it is hard to see how matters can be mended by the fact that the prisoner had an oral hearing in the Court of Appeal.  The only way to give him the hearing to which he was entitled would be to remit the matter for an oral hearing before the judge.  But that would be precluded by para 11(1) and in any case the Court of Appeal has no power to remit the question of sentence to the judge.
[25] Such a conclusion seems to me in accordance with the Strasbourg jurisprudence.  In Riepan v Austria [2000] ECHR 35115/97 the applicant had been convicted of a criminal offence at a private hearing within the prison in which he was serving a sentence for earlier crimes.  He appealed to the Court of Appeal, where a public hearing took place but his appeal was dismissed.  The European Court of Human Rights said (para 40) that it had in earlier decisions rejected the submission that in ordinary criminal proceedings a defect at first instance in the ‘tribunal’s “independence and impartiality”’ could be remedied at a later stage (see De Cubber v Belgium (1985) 7 EHRR 236; Findlay v UK (1997) 24 EHRR 221).  The accused was entitled to ‘a first instance tribunal that fully met the requirements of art 6(1)’.  It went on to say:

‘The court considers that a normal criminal trial requires the same kind of fundamental guarantee in the form of publicity.  As stated above, by rendering the administration of justice transparent, the public character of a criminal trial serves to maintain confidence in the courts and contributes to the achievement of the aim of art 6(1), namely a fair trial.  To this end, all the evidence should, in principle, be produced in the presence of the accused at a public hearing with a view to adversarial argument … Given the possible detrimental effects that the lack of a public hearing before the trial court could have on the fairness of the proceedings, the absence of publicity could
not in any event be remedied by anything other than a complete re-hearing before the appeal court.’

[26] This case is in my opinion a rejection of Mr Crow’s submission.  It is necessary, however, to distinguish two lines of the authority in which the Strasbourg court has held that deficiencies in the trial process may be remedied by the proceedings on appeal.  The first concerns cases in which the irregularities at the trial have not related to fundamental questions such as the impartiality of the tribunal or the public character of the hearing but rather to matters affecting the accuracy of the decision.  Thus in Edwards v UK (1992) 15 EHRR 417 the prosecution had failed to disclose to the applicant, before his trial and conviction for robbery and burglary, that the fingerprints of a neighbour had been found at the premises and that one of the victims who had caught a fleeting glimpse of the burglar had then failed to identify him in an album of police photographs.  The Court of Appeal said that there had been some ‘slipshod police work’ but that it was satisfied that disclosure would have made no difference to the outcome and that the convictions were safe.  The Strasbourg court said that although there had been a defect in the trial proceedings, it was remedied by the subsequent procedure in the Court of Appeal.  The Court of Appeal made a fair examination of whether the non-disclosure had mattered and came to the conclusion that it did not.  Such a case is obviously very different from one in which the first instance procedure is fundamentally flawed.
[27] The other cases which must be distinguished are those in which art 6 has been held to apply to administrative and disciplinary decisions.  The doctrinal peculiarities of this jurisprudence have been discussed in R (on the application of Alconbury Developments Ltd) v Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions [2001] UKHL 23, [2001] 2 All ER 929, [2003] 2 AC 295 and Runa Begum v Tower Hamlets London BC [2003] UKHL 5, [2003] 1 All ER 731, [2003] 2 AC 430.  They arise from the fact that although one of the main purposes of art 6 is to maintain the principle of the separation of powers and the basic principles of justice which must be observed by the judicial branch of government, the Strasbourg court has held the article applicable to executive and domestic decisions as well.  The position which the court has now reached could be equally well expressed by saying that executive and domestic decisions are not subject to art 6 but that (1) there must be adequate judicial review of such decisions and (2) art 6 applies to the proceedings for judicial review.  This is not, however, the way the court has chosen to express itself.  It says that, in principle, administrative and disciplinary decisions are subject to art 6, but that the most fundamental requirements of art 6 may be omitted (such as the impartiality of the tribunal and the public nature of the hearing) provided that (1) there is adequate judicial review and (2) the proceedings for judicial review comply with art 6.  Mr Crow is therefore right to say that in these cases a right of appeal or review can make up for a fundamental failure of the first decision maker to comply with art 6.  But this doctrine is confined to administrative and disciplinary cases in which the principle of the separation of powers does not require the decision to be made by the judicial branch of government.  It has no application to what the European Court of Human Rights in Riepan v Austria [2000] ECHR 35115/97 (para 40) called ‘proceedings before courts of a classic kind’.
[28] There is one more curious feature of the Strasbourg jurisprudence to which I would draw attention.  The court has always held that the terms ‘determination of … civil rights and obligations’ or of a ‘criminal charge’ have an
‘autonomous’ meaning applicable to all member states, whether or not the domestic law would regard the proceedings as falling within one or other of those descriptions.  But in De Cubber v Belgium (1985) 7 EHRR 236 at 248 (para 32) the court appeared to be saying that the question of whether art 6 applied with full force or in the attenuated form in which it is applied to administrative decisions or domestic tribunals depends upon whether the domestic law would regard the case as ordinary civil or criminal proceedings appropriate for decision by the judicial branch of government.  This criterion has been repeated in subsequent cases (see, for example, Riepan v Austria [2000] ECHR 35115/97 (para 40)).  But I must respectfully say that I find it illogical to look to domestic law on this point.  The preservation of the principle of the separation of powers is a fundamental purpose of art 6 and it would be strange if a member state could avoid the full requirements applicable to ‘classic’ judicial proceedings by characterising the relevant decision in domestic law as ‘administrative’.  The questions of whether art 6 applies in full strength, in attenuated form, or not at all, should each receive answers founded on autonomous principles.
[29] It follows that para 11(1), in excluding the possibility of an oral hearing, is incompatible with Convention rights.  The Divisional Court decided that the incompatibility could be removed by construing the subparagraph, pursuant to s 3 of the 1998 Act, to be subject to an implied qualification which gives the High Court a discretion to order an oral hearing when this is necessary to satisfy the prisoner’s rights under art 6.  Neither side challenged this proposition and your Lordships are therefore not asked to decide whether such a bold exercise in ‘interpretation’ is permissible.  For these reasons, as well as those of my noble and learned friends, Lord Bingham of Cornhill and Lord Brown of Eaton-under-Heywood, I would dismiss the appeal.
[30] My Lords, I agree with my noble and learned friends that, for the reasons that they give, the appeal should be dismissed.  Since the point was not argued, however, I am not to be taken as holding that s 3 of the Human Rights Act 1998 was warrant for the interpretation of para 11(1) of Sch 22 to the Criminal Justice Act 2003 adopted by the Divisional Court.
[31] In terms of art 6(1) of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950 (as set out in Sch 1 to the 1998 Act) a state party guarantees that, in the determination of any criminal charge against him, everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal ‘as a matter of fairness’ (see Monnell v UK (1988) 10 EHRR 205 at 225 (para 67)).  It is the right to the public hearing that involves the right to an oral hearing.  The Secretary of State accepts that the guarantee applies to the determination and imposition of sentence.  This is hardly surprising since sentencing in secret is one of the most obvious and dangerous abuses that art 6 is designed to root out.  So ‘Article 6(1) concerns primarily courts of first instance’ (De Cubber v Belgium (1985) 7 EHRR 236 at 248 (para 32)) and in a normal criminal case the accused is entitled to a first instance tribunal that fully meets the requirements of art 6(1) in the form of publicity (Riepan v Austria [2000] ECHR 35115/97 (para 40)).  The Secretary of State’s argument that the lack of an oral hearing in a first instance criminal trial can be made good by an appeal hearing in public must therefore be rejected as inconsistent with both principle and authority.
[32] It appears that the respondent is actually now seeking to pursue an appeal against conviction.  But at the stage when the case was heard by the Divisional Court he had indicated that he would wish the High Court judge, when setting the minimum term, to consider evidence, including his own oral evidence, about his involvement in the killing of which he had been convicted, since at the trial he had denied any such involvement.  The predicament of an accused who has denied being involved in the offence before the jury return their verdict but then wishes to advance submissions about the circumstances in mitigation of sentence is unenviable but not unfamiliar.  Perhaps because the respondent said that he wished to lead evidence, in the hearing of the appeal frequent reference was made to an oral hearing as an opportunity for witnesses to give oral evidence and, indeed, to the possibility of the Court of Appeal hearing such evidence.  In the British system oral evidence is, of course, at the forefront, but in other systems to which art 6 applies it plays a less prominent role.  Nor is art 6 concerned with the form of the evidence, but rather with securing that the procedure is ‘adversarial’ in the sense that the evidence should be produced in the presence of the accused at a public hearing ‘with a view to adversarial argument’ (see Riepan v Austria (para 40)).  In other words, the defence should have the opportunity at a public hearing to put the accused’s position and to challenge the evidence advanced against him.
[33] Although the guarantee of a public hearing in art 6(1) is extremely important, the European Court of Human Rights has recognised that exceptional circumstances may justify dispensing with it.  In Göç v Turkey [2002] ECHR 36590/97, the dissenting judges noted three criteria: there must be no factual or legal issue which requires a hearing; the questions which the court is required to answer must be limited in scope and no public interest must be at stake.  None of the cases on which the judges based this useful summary involved criminal proceedings and Göç’s case itself involved civil proceedings within the meaning of art 6(1).  Lord Hope of Craighead referred to the summary in R (on the application of Dudson) v Secretary of State for the Home Dept [2005] UKHL 52 at [30], [2005] 3 WLR 422 at [30], when deciding that it was not necessary for there to be an oral hearing when the Lord Chief Justice was reviewing the minimum term previously ordered by the Secretary of State in a case where the claimant had been sentenced to be detained during Her Majesty’s pleasure.  Both my noble and learned friend, Lord Bingham of Cornhill (at [2]), and Lord Hope (at [34]), were at pains to stress that the operation on which the Lord Chief Justice had been engaged was very different from sentencing at first instance.  There is nothing in the cases to suggest that such exceptional circumstances have so far been found to exist in first instance criminal proceedings.  This is presumably because such proceedings will, more often than not, involve disputed factual or legal issues and the public interest will generally be at stake.  But the Divisional Court has explained all the reasons why the circumstances in which the High Court judge is called on to fix the minimum period in cases like the present make this too a very unusual exercise.  Moreover, counsel for the respondent accepted that in many cases of this kind an oral hearing would not be required.  It is, however, unnecessary to explore the matter further since the House is affirming the declaration of the Divisional Court that the High Court judge has the discretion to order an oral hearing where such a hearing is required to comply with art 6(1)—in other words, whenever fairness requires.
[34] I would comment on one other matter which surfaced during the hearing.  Read without the benefit of the Divisional Court’s gloss, para 11(1) of
Sch 22 would prevent the judge from holding an oral hearing.  It is this statutory bar which means that the guarantee in art 6(1) is violated, since in such a system the prisoner is not ‘entitled’ to an oral hearing.  Resort has therefore to be had to the 1998 Act.  Where, however, the legislation permits a judge to hold an oral hearing, the prisoner is ‘entitled’ to that hearing in an appropriate case and the guarantee is given effect.  If, in that situation, a judge wrongly declines to hold an oral hearing, the guarantee in art 6(1) operates by the Court of Appeal quashing the relevant proceedings on the ground of the judge’s erroneous decision and holding as full a hearing as is necessary to do justice in the circumstances.  I respectfully agree with what my noble and learned friend, Lord Brown of Eaton-under-Heywood, is going to say on this matter.
[35] My Lords, I have had the advantage of reading in draft the opinions prepared by my noble and learned friends Lord Bingham of Cornhill, Lord Hoffmann and Lord Brown of Eaton-under-Heywood.  I agree with their reasons and conclusions and for those reasons I too would dismiss the appeal.
[36] My Lords, I have had the advantage of reading in draft the speech of my noble and learned friend Lord Bingham of Cornhill.  I agree with him that this appeal should be dismissed and there is comparatively little that I wish to add.
[37] The central issue raised on the appeal is whether para 11(1) of Sch 22 to the Criminal Justice Act 2003, a provision which on its face denies the sentencing judge any possibility of an oral hearing even when he considers this essential for the fair determination of a mandatory life prisoner’s minimum term, is compatible with the prisoner’s right to a fair trial, more particularly to ‘a fair and public hearing’, under art 6 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950 (as set out in Sch 1 to the Human Rights Act 1998).  It is the Crown’s somewhat surprising contention that it is, a contention founded on the proposition that the prisoner in such a case will obtain his fair and public hearing when he appeals to the Criminal Division of the Court of Appeal.  Such an appeal, submits Mr Crow, whether it is analysed as curing an initial violation of art 6 or as averting such a violation in the first place, ensures that the proceedings as a whole are to be regarded as fair and public and thus compliant with the convention.  Certainly, he submits, following an appeal the prisoner would have no sustainable complaint before the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).
[38] In examining this argument it is necessary to put aside the thought that an oral hearing (particularly one at which evidence is adduced) before the sentencing judge would plainly be altogether more convenient and cost-effective than such a hearing before the Court of Appeal: expediency and compatibility, Mr Crow reminds us, are two different things.  I put aside too a number of possible difficulties in the prospective appellant’s path: the need for leave to appeal, the need to persuade the Court of Appeal that oral evidence is ‘necessary or expedient in the interests of justice’ within the meaning of s 23(1) of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968, and the burden of satisfying the Court of Appeal that the minimum term fixed by the sentencing judge was manifestly excessive.
[39] The root question arising is whether or not, assuming the prisoner can indeed be assured of a full, fair and public hearing leading to a just sentence (minimum term) on appeal, an inability to secure such a hearing at first instance
would be incompatible with the convention.  It is, of course, only if a legislative bar on the sentencing judge’s power to hold an oral hearing would be incompatible with the prisoner’s Convention rights that s 3 of the 1998 Act could be invoked, in the manner agreed by both parties to be possible if required, to avoid such incompatibility.
[40] In examining the Strasbourg jurisprudence it is necessary to bear in mind that the only concern of the ECtHR is to decide whether, having regard to whatever domestic proceedings there may have been, the complainant is the victim of an unremedied violation of a Convention right.  Before even one comes to consider the extensive case law on art 6, three other convention articles should be noted (Rome, 4 November 1950; TS 71 (1953); Cmnd 8969): art 13 which requires that ‘Everyone whose rights and freedoms as set forth in this Convention are violated shall have an effective remedy before a national authority’, art 34 which allows the court to receive applications from anyone ‘claiming to be the victim of a violation’, and art 35(1) which provides that ‘The Court may only deal with the matter after all domestic remedies have been exhausted’.  Provided that the national courts have remedied any violation (certainly where they have at the same time acknowledged that there has been a violation of the convention) the court is unlikely even to regard the complainant as a victim.  It is hardly surprising, therefore, that, when one comes to consider the art 6 case law, one finds a certain looseness of expression and perhaps even some apparent inconsistency of approach as to whether, in those applications to Strasbourg which have failed, that is because the domestic appeal process is found to have avoided a convention violation or merely to have remedied it.
[41] It is now clear that, so far as administrative or disciplinary tribunals are concerned, there is compliance with art 6 so long as the requisite guarantees (of an independent and impartial tribunal, a fair and public hearing and the like) are provided, if not at the initial decision-making stage, then on a subsequent review or appeal (by a tribunal with the jurisdiction to undertake a sufficient merits hearing)—see, for example, Albert v Belgium (1983) 5 EHRR 533 and, domestically, R (on the application of Alconbury Developments Ltd) v Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions [2001] UKHL 23, [2001] 2 All ER 929, [2003] 2 AC 295 and Runa Begum v Tower Hamlets London BC [2003] UKHL 5, [2003] 1 All ER 731, [2003] 2 AC 430.
[42] With regard, however, to ‘courts of the classic kind … within the standard judicial machinery of the country’ (see De Cubber v Belgium (1985) 7 EHRR 236 at 248 (para 32)) the circumstances in which the basic ingredients of a fair trial guaranteed by art 6, if lacking at first instance, will thereafter be found sufficiently provided instead in subsequent proceedings is less clear.  There are many considerations in play.  If the first instance court was lacking in independence or impartiality, Findlay v UK (1997) 24 EHRR 221 suggests that that defect may be quite simply irremediable.  In other cases much will depend on whether the appeal constitutes a complete rehearing or is otherwise capable of providing full redress for whatever deficiencies were found in the proceedings below.
[43] For the reason already given, moreover, even when a subsequent appeal is found to have made good any deficiencies in the initial court proceedings, it is often unclear whether, in finally concluding that art 6 has not been breached, the court is finding an initial violation to have been remedied or is holding rather that art 6 allows for deficiencies at first instance providing always that they are remedied on appeal.  Some of the Strasbourg judgments talk in terms of the subsequent procedure remedying ‘defects’ (for example, Edwards v UK (1992)
15 EHRR 417 at 432 (para 39)) or ‘serious shortcomings’ (Twalib v Greece (2001) 33 EHRR 584 at 604 (para 40)) in the original trial.  Others, however, notably cases where the court is rejecting the state’s contention that the defects have been remedied and is finding a breach of art 6 (as in De Cubber’s case itself, Colozza v Italy (1985) 7 EHRR 516 and Kyprianou v Cyprus [2004] ECHR 73797/01, the language is that of making reparation for an initial violation of the convention.  Take this, for example, from De Cubber v Belgium (1985) 7 EHRR 236 at 249 (para 33):

‘The possibility certainly exists that a higher or the highest court might, in some circumstances, make reparation for an initial violation of one of the Convention’s provisions: this is precisely the reason for the existence of the rule of exhaustion of domestic remedies, contained in Article 26 [now art 35(1)].  Thus, the [Adolf v Austria (1982) 4 EHRR 313] judgment of 26 March 1982  noted that the Austrian Supreme Court had “cleared … of any finding of guilt” an applicant in respect of whom a District Court had not respected the principle of presumption of innocence laid down by Article 6(2).’

[44] As I have explained, it matters not to the ECtHR whether a violation has been remedied by the domestic courts or there has never been a violation in the first place: in either event the art 6 complaint will fail.
[45] For my part, notwithstanding the doubts expressed by Lord Bingham in para [16], above, I am inclined to conclude (and am certainly prepared in Mr Crow’s favour to assume) that, if the sentencing judge had the power to hold a normal hearing but, wrongly as the Court of Appeal thereafter held, thought it unnecessary to exercise it to achieve a fair determination of the prisoner’s minimum term, a full appeal hearing at which any necessary oral evidence would be adduced would then operate to remedy the first instance failure and would avoid a successful application to Strasbourg whether or not the appeal was properly to be analysed as making reparation for an initial violation.
[46] It by no means follows, however, that the same view can be taken of a case where the sentencing judge himself recognises his inability to reach a fair determination without an oral hearing but is prevented from holding one by a legislative bar.  It seems to me one thing to hold that a judge’s misjudgement is remediable by an effective appeal; quite another to hold that the state can deliberately require a number of first instance determinations to be made unfairly on the basis that this unfairness will then be remedied on appeal.
[47] In my judgment para 11(1) is plainly incompatible with the prisoner’s art 6 rights, at any rate in those cases where the sentencing judge recognises that fairness requires an oral hearing.  I would accordingly construe it, in much the same way as did the Divisional Court, as being subject to an implied condition that the judge has the discretion to order an oral hearing whenever he believes such a hearing to be required in the interests of fairness.
Appeal dismissed.